Best Puppeteer-sharp code snippet using PuppeteerSharp.Input.Key
Source: PageServer.cs
...37 lock (_locker)38 {39 string MaxTab = _mainConfig.MaxTab;40 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MaxTab)) MaxTab = "4";41 if (!pagelist.ContainsKey(phone))42 {43 if (pagelist.Count < int.Parse(MaxTab))44 {45 pagelist.Add(phone, page);46 return page;47 }48 }49 else50 return pagelist[phone];51 }52 return null;53 }54 public void Delpage(string phone, Page page)55 {56 lock (_locker)57 {58 if (pagelist.ContainsKey(phone))59 {60 pagelist.Remove(phone);61 }62 }63 }64 public Page GetPage(string Phone)65 {66 lock (_locker)67 {68 if (!pagelist.ContainsKey(Phone))69 {70 return null;71 }72 else73 return pagelist[Phone];74 }75 }76 public Page GetPage()77 {78 lock (_locker)79 {80 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500);81 if (pagelist.Count > 0)82 return pagelist.First().Value;...
Source: Index.cshtml.cs
...38 var offeRateOrder = await ""39 .WithHeaders(new { Referer = "" })40 .WithCookies(cookies).PostAsync()41 .ReceiveString();42 var needCodeResponse = await ""43 .WithHeaders(new { Referer = "" })44 .WithCookies(cookies)45 .GetAsync();46 for (int i = 0; i < needCodeResponse.Cookies.Count; i++)47 {48 cookies.AddOrReplace(needCodeResponse.Cookies[i]);49 }50 var nedCode =await needCodeResponse.GetStringAsync();51 var aliToken = ""; 52 var aliSessionId = "";53 var aliSig = "";54 if (nedCode.Trim() == "yes")55 {56 var version = await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(615489);57 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions58 {59 Headless = false,60 Args = new string[]61 {62 "--no-sandbox",63 "--disable-setuid-sandbox"64 },65 ExecutablePath = version.ExecutablePath,66 Devtools = true67 });68 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();69 await page.GoToAsync("https://localhost:5001/VerificationCode/index");70 await page.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync("() =>{Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'webdriver', {get: () => false});}");71 await page.EvaluateFunctionOnNewDocumentAsync("() =>{ = { runtime: {}, }; }");72 await page.EvaluateFunctionOnNewDocumentAsync("() =>{ Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'languages', { get: () => ['en-US', 'en'] }); }");73 await page.EvaluateFunctionOnNewDocumentAsync("() =>{ Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'plugins', { get: () => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6], }); }");74 Console.WriteLine(await page.EvaluateExpressionAsync("navigator.webdriver"));75 var slideBtn = await page.WaitForSelectorAsync("#nc_1_n1t", new WaitForSelectorOptions { Timeout = 3 * 1000 });76 var rect = await slideBtn.BoundingBoxAsync();77 var left = rect.X + 10;78 var top = rect.Y + 10;79 var mouse = page.Mouse;80 await mouse.MoveAsync(left, top);81 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(left, top);82 await mouse.DownAsync();83 var startTime = DateTime.Now;84 await mouse.MoveAsync(left + 800, top, new PuppeteerSharp.Input.MoveOptions { Steps = 30 });85 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(left + 800, top);86 Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now - startTime);87 await mouse.UpAsync();88 var success = await page.WaitForSelectorAsync(".yes", new WaitForSelectorOptions { Timeout = 3000 });89 string content = await page.GetContentAsync();90 91 var parser = new HtmlParser();92 var document = await parser.ParseDocumentAsync(content);93 aliToken = (document.GetElementById("aliToken") as IHtmlInputElement).GetAttribute("sms");94 aliSessionId = (document.GetElementById("aliSessionId") as IHtmlInputElement).GetAttribute("sms");95 aliSig = (document.GetElementById("aliSig") as IHtmlInputElement).GetAttribute("sms");96 }97 var response = await ""98 .WithHeaders(new { Referer = "" })99 .WithCookies(cookies)100 .GetStringAsync();101 var dubbocheck = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<NeedDubboCheckInput>(response);102 var action = await ""103 .WithHeaders(new { Referer = "" })104 .WithCookies(cookies)105 .PostUrlEncodedAsync(new106 {107 phoneNo = phone,108 areaCode = "",109 provinceCode = "051",110 cityCode = "580",111 bussineTypeInput = "0",112 payAmount = "200",113 numberType = "",114 channelType = "307",115 channelKey = "wxgz",116 bussineType = "06",117 netAccount = "",118 browserVersion = "",119 ticketNew = "ticket",120 token = aliToken,121 sessionid = aliSessionId,122 sig = aliSig,123 joinSign = "",124 username = "",125 state = dubbocheck.Secstate126 }).ReceiveString();127 var chargeCheck = await ""128 .WithHeaders(new { Referer = "" })129 .WithCookies(cookies)130 .PostUrlEncodedAsync(new131 {132 phoneNo = phone,133 areaCode = "",134 provinceCode = "051",135 cityCode = "580",136 bussineTypeInput = "0",137 payAmount = 200,138 cardValue = "20000",139 cardValueCode = "10",140 userChooseMode = "0",141 reserved1 = false,142 numberType = "",143 channelType = 307,144 channelKey = "wxgz",145 bussineType = "06",146 netAccount = "",147 payMethod = "",148 internetThingsNumberFlag = "0",149 pointNumber = "",150 browserVersion = "",151 activityType = "",152 offerate = "1",153 offerateId = "",154 orgCode = "03",155 channelCode = "alipaywap",156 emergencyContact = "",157 ticketNo = "",158 reserved2 = "",159 ticketNew = "ticket",160 numberAttribution = "",161 urlSign = "",162 msgTimeStamp = "",163 serviceNo = "",164 natCode = "",165 saleChannel = "null",166 deviceId = "null",167 model = "null",168 vipCode = "",169 joinSign = "",170 presentActivityId = "",171 sinoUnionShortAddr = "",172 token = aliToken,173 sessionid = aliSessionId,174 sig = aliSig,175 state = dubbocheck.Secstate176 }).ReceiveJson<NeedDubboCheckInput>();177 var result = await ""178 .WithHeaders(new { Referer = "" })179 .WithCookies(cookies)180 .PostUrlEncodedAsync(new181 {182 state = chargeCheck.Secstate,183 phoneNo = phone,184 provinceCode = "051",185 browserVersion = "",186 channelKey = "wxgz",187 ticketNew = "ticket"188 }).ReceiveString();189 }190 catch (Exception ex)191 {192 }193 //await page.EmulateAsync(Puppeteer.Devices[DeviceDescriptorName.IPhone8Plus]);194 //await page.GoToAsync("");195 //await page.SetCookieAsync(new CookieParam { Name = "key", Value = "value", SameSite = SameSite.None, Secure = true });196 //string phone = "13113075869";197 //await page.ClickAsync("#number");198 //await page.TypeAsync("#number", phone);199 //Thread.Sleep(3000);200 //await page.ClickAsync("#cardlist > section > > a:nth-child(1)");...
Source: WebScraper.cs
...140 /// <summary>141 /// Simulates key presses on page.142 /// </summary>143 /// <param name="text">Text to send to page.</param>144 public void SendKeys(string text)145 {146 SendKeysAsync(text).Wait();147 }148 private async Task SendKeysAsync(string text)149 {150 await m_page.Keyboard.TypeAsync(text);151 }152 /// <summary>153 /// Simulates moving the mouse on the page.154 ///155 /// Note: this does not move the system mouse.156 /// </summary>157 /// <param name="x">X coordinates to move mouse to.</param>158 /// <param name="y">Y coordinates to move mouse to.</param>159 public void MoveMouse(decimal x, decimal y)160 {161 MoveMouseAsync(x, y).Wait();162 }163 private async Task MoveMouseAsync(decimal x, decimal y)164 {...
Source: Program.cs
...60// also means to increment the row count by 1 to read next word61 for (var i = 1; i < 7; i++)62 {63 await page.TypeAsync("body > game-app", currentWord);64 await page.Keyboard.PressAsync(Key.Enter);65 await Task.Delay(1500); // delay to allow the word to be typed and get the colors of the word66 for (var j = 1; j < 6; j++)67 {68 var rgb = await Helper.GetColor(page, i, j);69 await Task.Delay(100);70 colors.Add(Helper.ParseRgb(rgb));71 }72 output.Addrow(currentWord, colors);73 // dark and non-dark mode 74 if (!colors.All(c => c is "ff538d4e" or "ff6aaa64"))75 GetNextWord();76 else77 {78 completed = true;79 attempt = i;80 break;81 }82 colors.Clear();83 }84//await Task.Delay(1000);85 if (completed)86 {87 output.OutputInAscii($"{Helper.GetAppreciation(attempt - 1)}!");88 }89 else90 {91 AnsiConsole.Write(new Markup($"[bold red]Could not find the word[/]"));92 WriteLine();93 var wordleOfTheDay = await Helper.GetWordleSln(page);94 AnsiConsole.Write(new Markup($"[bold yellow]Solution[/] [bold green]{wordleOfTheDay}[/]"));95 }96 await page.CloseAsync();97 void GetNextWord()98 {99 for (var i = 0; i < colors.Count; i++)100 {101 var c = Helper.EvalColorCode(colors[i]);102 var cl = currentWord[i];103 switch (c)104 {105 case 'c':106 wordle.Correct[i] = cl;107 break;108 case 'a' when !wordle.Correct.Contains(cl)109 && !wordle.Absent.Contains(cl):110 wordle.Absent.Add(cl);111 break;112 case 'p':113 {114 if (!wordle.Present.ContainsKey(cl))115 wordle.Present.Add(cl, new List<int> {i});116 else117 wordle.Present[cl].Add(i);118 break;119 }120 }121 }122 var wordIsGuessed = false;123 var count = 0;124 while (!wordIsGuessed && count++ < 12792)125 {126 wordIsGuessed = wordle.TryGetNextWord(out currentWord);127 // WriteLine($"{count++}:{currentWord}");128 }...
Source: BaseAuthUIFixture.cs
...48 if(OperatingSystem.IsWindows())49 await Page.ConfirmScreenshot(screensName).ConfigureAwait(false);50 response.Url.Should().Contain("");51 await Page.WaitForSelectorAsync("input[name='loginfmt']").ConfigureAwait(false);52 await Page.Keyboard.SendCharacterAsync(TestGoodUserName).ConfigureAwait(false);53 await Page.Keyboard.PressAsync(Key.Enter).ConfigureAwait(false);54 await Page.WaitForSelectorAsync("input[name='passwd']:not(.moveOffScreen)").ConfigureAwait(false);55 await Page.Keyboard.SendCharacterAsync(TestPassword).ConfigureAwait(false);56 await Page.Keyboard.PressAsync(Key.Enter).ConfigureAwait(false);57 await Page.WaitForSelectorAsync("input[id='idSIButton9']").ConfigureAwait(false); ;58 Thread.Sleep(delay);59 if (OperatingSystem.IsWindows())60 await Page.ConfirmScreenshot(screensName).ConfigureAwait(false);61 await Page.Keyboard.PressAsync(Key.Enter).ConfigureAwait(false);62 await Page.GoToAsync(AuthUrl, options: new NavigationOptions { WaitUntil = new[] { WaitUntilNavigation.Networkidle0 } }).ConfigureAwait(false);63 //response = await page.WaitForNavigationAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);64 Authorized = true;65 }66 else67 {68 response = await Page.GoToAsync(AuthUrl).ConfigureAwait(false); ;69 }70 return response;71 }72 }73}...
Source: PageObjects.cs
...19 {20 var input = await SearchInput;21 if (await input.IsHiddenAsync()) await Page.ClickAsync(".octicon-three-bars");22 await input.TypeAsync(text);23 await input.PressAsync(Key.Enter);24 return await Page.WaitForNavigationAsync<GitHubSearchPage>();25 }26 }27 public class GitHubSearchPage : PageObject28 {29 [Selector(".repo-list-item")]30 public virtual Task<GitHubRepoListItem[]> RepoListItems { get; }31 }32 public class GitHubRepoListItem : ElementObject33 {34 [Selector("a")]35 public virtual Task<ElementHandle> Link { get; }36 [Selector("p")]37 public virtual Task<ElementHandle> Text { get; }...
Source: ConcurrentBrowserActivities.cs
...18 TraceWriter log19 )20 {21 var url = ctx.GetInput<string>();22 var asm = Assembly.Load("Microsoft.Extensions.Options, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60");23 PuppeteerSharp.Browser browser = null;24 try25 {26 browser = await Puppeteer.ConnectAsync(new ConnectOptions { BrowserWSEndpoint = Constants.BrowserWSEndpoint });27 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();28 await page.GoToAsync(url, new NavigationOptions { Timeout = 4000 });29 }30 catch (Exception ex)31 {32 return ex.Message;33 }34 finally35 {36 if (browser != null)...
Source: KeyboardPressFunction.cs
2using PuppeteerSharp;3using PuppeteerSharp.Input;4namespace Ertis.Scraper.Interactions5{6 public class KeyboardPressFunction : FunctionBase, IInteractionFunction7 {8 #region Properties9 public override string Name => "keypress";10 protected override FunctionParameter[] DefaultParameters11 {12 get13 {14 return new FunctionParameter[]15 {16 new FunctionParameter<string>17 {18 Name = "key"19 },20 new FunctionParameter<int?>21 {22 Name = "delay"23 }24 };25 }26 }27 #endregion28 #region Methods29 public async Task ExecuteAsync(Page page)30 {31 var key = this.GetParameterValue<string>("key");32 var delay = this.GetParameterValue<int?>("delay");33 var pressOptions = delay != null ? new PressOptions { Delay = delay.Value } : null;34 await page.Keyboard.PressAsync(key, pressOptions);35 }36 #endregion37 }38}...
Using AI Code Generation
1using PuppeteerSharp.Input;2using PuppeteerSharp.Input;3using PuppeteerSharp.Input;4using PuppeteerSharp.Input;5using PuppeteerSharp.Input;6using PuppeteerSharp.Input;7using PuppeteerSharp.Input;8using PuppeteerSharp.Input;9using PuppeteerSharp.Input;10using PuppeteerSharp.Input;11using PuppeteerSharp.Input;12using PuppeteerSharp.Input;13using PuppeteerSharp.Input;14using PuppeteerSharp.Input;15using PuppeteerSharp.Input;16using PuppeteerSharp.Input;17using PuppeteerSharp.Input;18using PuppeteerSharp.Input;19using PuppeteerSharp.Input;20using PuppeteerSharp.Input;21using PuppeteerSharp.Input;22using PuppeteerSharp.Input;
Using AI Code Generation
1var key = new PuppeteerSharp.Input.Key();2await page.Keyboard.DownAsync(key.Escape);3await page.Keyboard.UpAsync(key.Escape);4var key = new PuppeteerSharp.Input.Key();5await page.Keyboard.DownAsync(key.Escape);6await page.Keyboard.UpAsync(key.Escape);7var key = new PuppeteerSharp.Input.Key();8await page.Keyboard.DownAsync(key.Escape);9await page.Keyboard.UpAsync(key.Escape);10var key = new PuppeteerSharp.Input.Key();11await page.Keyboard.DownAsync(key.Escape);12await page.Keyboard.UpAsync(key.Escape);13var key = new PuppeteerSharp.Input.Key();14await page.Keyboard.DownAsync(key.Escape);15await page.Keyboard.UpAsync(key.Escape);16var key = new PuppeteerSharp.Input.Key();17await page.Keyboard.DownAsync(key.Escape);18await page.Keyboard.UpAsync(key.Escape);19var key = new PuppeteerSharp.Input.Key();20await page.Keyboard.DownAsync(key.Escape);21await page.Keyboard.UpAsync(key.Escape);22var key = new PuppeteerSharp.Input.Key();23await page.Keyboard.DownAsync(key.Escape);24await page.Keyboard.UpAsync(key.Escape);25var key = new PuppeteerSharp.Input.Key();26await page.Keyboard.DownAsync(key.Escape);27await page.Keyboard.UpAsync(key.Escape);28var key = new PuppeteerSharp.Input.Key();29await page.Keyboard.DownAsync(key.Escape);30await page.Keyboard.UpAsync(key.Escape);31var key = new PuppeteerSharp.Input.Key();32await page.Keyboard.DownAsync(key.Escape);33await page.Keyboard.UpAsync(key.Escape);34var key = new PuppeteerSharp.Input.Key();35await page.Keyboard.DownAsync(key.Escape);36await page.Keyboard.UpAsync(key.Escape);
Using AI Code Generation
1using PuppeteerSharp.Input;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3{4 {5 static async Task Main(string[] args)6 {7 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);8 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions9 {10 });11 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();12 await page.WaitForSelectorAsync("input[name='q']");13 await page.TypeAsync("input[name='q']", "puppeteer-sharp");14 await page.Keyboard.DownAsync(Key.Enter);15 await page.WaitForNavigationAsync();16 await page.ScreenshotAsync("google.png");17 await browser.CloseAsync();18 }19 }20}21await page.Keyboard.PressAsync(“Enter”);22await page.Keyboard.PressAsync(“\r”);23System.InvalidOperationException: ‘Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. (Parameter ‘key’)’24await page.Keyboard.PressAsync(“\r25”);26System.InvalidOperationException: ‘Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. (Parameter ‘key’)’27await page.Keyboard.PressAsync(“\u000d”);28System.InvalidOperationException: ‘Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. (Parameter ‘key’)’29await page.Keyboard.PressAsync(“\u000d\u000a”);30System.InvalidOperationException: ‘Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. (Parameter ‘key’)’31await page.Keyboard.PressAsync(“\u000a”);
Using AI Code Generation
1var key = new Key();2var keyboard = new Keyboard();3var mouse = new Mouse();4var page = new Page();5var puppeteer = new Puppeteer();6var request = new Request();7var response = new Response();8var target = new Target();9var targetChangedArgs = new TargetChangedArgs();10var targetCreatedArgs = new TargetCreatedArgs();11var targetDestroyedArgs = new TargetDestroyedArgs();12var timeoutSettings = new TimeoutSettings();13var viewPortOptions = new ViewPortOptions();14var waitTask = new WaitTask();15var waitForSelectorOptions = new WaitForSelectorOptions();16var waitForSelectorOptions1 = new WaitForSelectorOptions();17var waitForSelectorOptions2 = new WaitForSelectorOptions();18var waitForSelectorOptions3 = new WaitForSelectorOptions();19var waitForSelectorOptions4 = new WaitForSelectorOptions();20var waitForSelectorOptions5 = new WaitForSelectorOptions();21var waitForSelectorOptions6 = new WaitForSelectorOptions();22var waitForSelectorOptions7 = new WaitForSelectorOptions();
Is there a remove page method corresponding to NewPageAsync() in PuppeteerSharp?
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PuppeteerSharp throws ChromiumProcessException "Failed to create connection" when launching a browser
How to get text out of ElementHandle?
PuppeteerSharp - querySelectorAll + click
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PuppeteerSharp best practices
PuppeteerSharp evaluate expression to complex type?
Puppeteer Sharp strange behaviour
You can close the page using CloseAsync:
var page = browser.NewPageAsync();
await page.CloseAsync();
An using
block will also close the page:
using (var page = await new browser.PageAsync())
Puppeteer-Sharp v2.0.3+ also supports await using
await using (var page = await new browser.PageAsync())
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