How to use TerminatingNavigator class of Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot package

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot.TerminatingNavigator


Source:FailoverDriver.cs Github


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...46 /​/​ Wake up the Navigator.47 this.SendEvent(this.NavigatorId, new Navigator.WakeUpEvent(this.RobotId));48 this.RaiseGotoStateEvent<Active>();49 }50 [OnEventGotoState(typeof(TimerElapsedEvent), typeof(TerminatingNavigator))]51 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Robot.RobotReadyEvent), nameof(OnRobotReady))]52 [IgnoreEvents(typeof(Robot.NavigatorResetEvent))]53 internal class Active : State { }54 private void OnRobotReady()55 {56 /​/​ We have to wait for the robot to be ready before we test killing the Navigator otherwise57 /​/​ we end up killing the Navigator before the Robot has anything to do which is a waste of time.58 /​/​ Setup a timer to randomly kill the Navigator. When the timer fires we will restart the59 /​/​ Navigator and this is testing that the Navigator and Robot can recover gracefully when that happens.60 int duration = this.RandomInteger(NavigatorTimeToLive) + NavigatorTimeToLive;61 this.HaltTimer = this.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(duration));62 }63 private void StopTimer()64 {65 if (this.HaltTimer != null)66 {67 this.StopTimer(this.HaltTimer);68 this.HaltTimer = null;69 }70 }71 private ActorId CreateNavigator()72 {73 var cognitiveServiceId = this.CreateActor(typeof(MockCognitiveService));74 var routePlannerServiceId = this.CreateActor(typeof(MockRoutePlanner));75 return this.CreateActor(typeof(Navigator), new Navigator.NavigatorConfigEvent(this.Id, this.StorageId, cognitiveServiceId, routePlannerServiceId));76 }77 [OnEntry(nameof(OnTerminateNavigator))]78 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Navigator.HaltedEvent), nameof(OnHalted))]79 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Robot.NavigatorResetEvent), nameof(OnNavigatorReset))]80 [IgnoreEvents(typeof(TimerElapsedEvent))]81 internal class TerminatingNavigator : State { }82 private void OnTerminateNavigator()83 {84 this.StopTimer();85 this.Log.WriteLine("<FailoverDriver> #################################################################");86 this.Log.WriteLine("<FailoverDriver> # Starting the fail over of the Navigator #");87 this.Log.WriteLine("<FailoverDriver> #################################################################");88 this.SendEvent(this.NavigatorId, new Navigator.TerminateEvent());89 }90 private void OnHalted()91 {92 this.Log.WriteLine("<FailoverDriver> ***** The Navigator confirmed that it has terminated ***** ");93 /​/​ Create a new Navigator.94 this.Log.WriteLine("<FailoverDriver> ***** Created a new Navigator -- paused *****");95 this.NavigatorId = this.CreateNavigator();...

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;6{7 {8 private readonly string Name;9 private readonly int MaxCups;10 private int CupsAvailable;11 private readonly int MaxSoda;12 private int SodaAvailable;13 private readonly int MaxJuice;14 private int JuiceAvailable;15 private readonly int MaxMilk;16 private int MilkAvailable;17 private readonly int MaxWater;18 private int WaterAvailable;19 private readonly int MaxDrink;20 private int DrinkAvailable;21 private readonly int MaxIce;22 private int IceAvailable;23 private readonly int MaxCup;24 private int CupAvailable;25 private readonly int MaxLid;26 private int LidAvailable;27 private readonly int MaxCupSize;28 private readonly int MaxCupCapacity;29 private readonly int MaxLidSize;30 private readonly int MaxLidCapacity;31 private readonly int MaxSodaSize;32 private readonly int MaxSodaCapacity;33 private readonly int MaxJuiceSize;34 private readonly int MaxJuiceCapacity;35 private readonly int MaxMilkSize;36 private readonly int MaxMilkCapacity;37 private readonly int MaxWaterSize;38 private readonly int MaxWaterCapacity;39 private readonly int MaxDrinkSize;40 private readonly int MaxDrinkCapacity;41 private readonly int MaxIceSize;42 private readonly int MaxIceCapacity;43 public Robot(string name, int maxCups, int maxSoda, int maxJuice, int maxMilk, int maxWater, int maxDrink, int maxIce, int maxCup, int maxLid)44 {45 this.Name = name;46 this.MaxCups = maxCups;47 this.CupsAvailable = maxCups;48 this.MaxSoda = maxSoda;49 this.SodaAvailable = maxSoda;50 this.MaxJuice = maxJuice;51 this.JuiceAvailable = maxJuice;52 this.MaxMilk = maxMilk;53 this.MilkAvailable = maxMilk;54 this.MaxWater = maxWater;55 this.WaterAvailable = maxWater;56 this.MaxDrink = maxDrink;57 this.DrinkAvailable = maxDrink;

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Microsoft.Coyote;7using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;8using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;9using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;10{11 {12 private List<NavigationRequest> requests;13 private List<NavigationResponse> responses;14 private int requestsCount;15 private int responsesCount;16 private int maxRequests;17 private int maxResponses;18 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(NavigationRequest), nameof(HandleNavigationRequest))]19 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(NavigationResponse), nameof(HandleNavigationResponse))]20 private class Init : State { }21 private void HandleNavigationRequest(Event e)22 {23 var request = (NavigationRequest)e;24 this.requests.Add(request);25 this.requestsCount++;26 if (this.requestsCount == this.maxRequests)27 {28 this.RaiseEvent(new Halt());29 }30 }31 private void HandleNavigationResponse(Event e)32 {33 var response = (NavigationResponse)e;34 this.responses.Add(response);35 this.responsesCount++;36 if (this.responsesCount == this.maxResponses)37 {38 this.RaiseEvent(new Halt());39 }40 }41 protected override void OnHalt(Event e)42 {43 this.Assert(this.requestsCount == this.maxRequests, "Received {0} requests instead of {1}.", this.requestsCount, this.maxRequests);44 this.Assert(this.responsesCount == this.maxResponses, "Received {0} responses instead of {1}.", this.responsesCount, this.maxResponses);45 this.Assert(this.requests.Count == this.requestsCount, "Request count mismatch.");46 this.Assert(this.responses.Count == this.responsesCount, "Response count mismatch.");47 this.Assert(this.requests.All(r => this.responses.Any(rr => r.Destination == rr.Destination)), "Request-Response mismatch.");48 this.Assert(this.responses.All(r => this.requests.Any(rr => r.Destination == rr.Destination)), "Response-Request mismatch.");49 base.OnHalt(e);50 }51 public TerminatingNavigator(int maxRequests, int maxResponses)52 {53 this.requests = new List<NavigationRequest>();54 this.responses = new List<NavigationResponse>();55 this.requestsCount = 0;

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4{5 {6 public override Task NavigateAsync()7 {8 return Task.CompletedTask;9 }10 }11}12using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;13using System;14using System.Threading.Tasks;15{16 {17 public TerminatingRobot(string name, string id, Dispatcher dispatcher) : base(name, id, dispatcher)18 {19 }20 public override Task RunAsync()21 {22 return Task.CompletedTask;23 }24 }25}26using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;27using System;28using System.Threading.Tasks;29{30 {31 public TerminatingDispatcher(string name) : base(name)32 {33 }34 public override Task DispatchAsync()35 {36 return Task.CompletedTask;37 }38 }39}40using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;41using System;42using System.Threading.Tasks;43{44 {45 public TerminatingRobotController(string name) : base(name)46 {47 }48 public override Task RunAsync()49 {50 return Task.CompletedTask;51 }52 }53}54using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;55using System;56using System.Threading.Tasks;57{

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;6{7 {8 static async Task Main(string[] args)9 {10 var robot = new TerminatingNavigator();11 await robot.StartAsync();12 await robot.FinishAsync();13 }14 }15}

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4{5 {6 static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 var robot = new TerminatingNavigator();9 robot.Start();10 robot.Terminate();11 }12 }13}14The above code uses the TerminatingNavigator class of the Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot package. The Start() method of the TerminatingNavigator class starts the robot’s navigation. The Terminate() method of the TerminatingNavigator class terminates the robot’s navigation. The robot’s navigation

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4{5 {6 static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 var robot = new TerminatingNavigator();9 robot.Navigate();10 }11 }12}13using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;14using System;15using System.Threading.Tasks;16{17 {18 static void Main(string[] args)19 {20 var robot = new TerminatingNavigator();21 robot.Navigate();22 }23 }24}25using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;26using System;27using System.Threading.Tasks;28{29 {30 static void Main(string[] args)31 {32 var robot = new TerminatingNavigator();33 robot.Navigate();34 }35 }36}37using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;38using System;39using System.Threading.Tasks;40{41 {42 static void Main(string[] args)43 {44 var robot = new TerminatingNavigator();45 robot.Navigate();46 }47 }48}49using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;50using System;51using System.Threading.Tasks;52{53 {54 static void Main(string[] args)55 {56 var robot = new TerminatingNavigator();57 robot.Navigate();58 }59 }60}61using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;62using System;63using System.Threading.Tasks;64{65 {66 static void Main(string[] args)67 {

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1using System;2using Microsoft.Coyote;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;5{6 {7 public static void Main(string[] args)8 {9 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();10 var test = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(TerminatingNavigator));11 runtime.Run(test);12 }13 }14}15using System;16using Microsoft.Coyote;17using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;18using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;19{20 {21 public static void Main(string[] args)22 {23 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();24 var test = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(TerminatingNavigator));25 runtime.Run(test);26 }27 }28}29using System;30using Microsoft.Coyote;31using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;32using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;33{34 {35 public static void Main(string[] args)36 {37 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();38 var test = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(TerminatingNavigator));39 runtime.Run(test);40 }41 }42}43using System;44using Microsoft.Coyote;45using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot;46using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;47{48 {49 public static void Main(string[] args)50 {51 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();

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