How to use GenY class of B package

Best Nunit code snippet using B.GenY


Source: Program.cs Github


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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using System.Diagnostics;7namespace Genetic_ShortPath8{9 class Program10 {11 static int osobi, cities, geny, StartCity, EndCity;12 static void Main(string[] args)13 {14 var sw = new Stopwatch();15 cities = 300;16 Console.WriteLine("Кол-во городов: " + cities);17 Random rand = new Random();18 int[,] MatrDistance = new int[cities, cities]; /​/​матрица растояний19 for (int i = 0; i < cities; i++)20 for (int j = i + 1; j < cities; j++)21 MatrDistance[i, j] = rand.Next(5, 150);22 for (int i = 0; i < cities; i++)23 for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)24 MatrDistance[i, j] = MatrDistance[j, i];2526 /​* Console.WriteLine("Длина пути от одного города к другому: ");27 Console.Write(" | ");28 for (int i = 0; i < cities; i++)29 {30 if (i < 9)31 Console.Write("{0} ", i + 1);32 else33 Console.Write("{0} ", i + 1);34 }353637 Console.WriteLine();38 Console.Write("---");39 for (int i = 0; i < cities; i++)40 Console.Write("----");414243 Console.WriteLine();44 for (int i = 0; i < cities; i++)45 {46 if (i < 9)47 Console.Write("{0} | ", i + 1);48 else49 Console.Write("{0} | ", i + 1);50 for (int j = 0; j < cities; j++)51 {52 if (MatrDistance[i, j] > 9)53 Console.Write("{0} ", MatrDistance[i, j]);54 else55 Console.Write("{0} ", MatrDistance[i, j]);56 }57 Console.WriteLine();58 }*/​5960 StartCity = rand.Next(1, cities);61 EndCity = rand.Next(1, cities);62 if (StartCity == EndCity)63 StartCity = rand.Next(1, cities);64 Console.WriteLine("Город-отправитель: {0}, Город-получатель: {1}", StartCity, EndCity);65 osobi = 8; 66 Console.WriteLine("Кол-во особей в популяции: " + osobi);67 geny = 6; 68 Console.WriteLine("Кол-во генов у особи: " + geny);69 sw.Start();70 int[,] Individi = new int[osobi, geny]; /​/​особи71 for (int i = 0; i < osobi; i++)72 for (int j = 0; j < geny; j++)73 Individi[i, j] = rand.Next(0, cities);74 int[,] allFitnesses = new int[osobi, 2]; /​/​пригодность каждой особи и её номер75 Console.WriteLine();76 Console.WriteLine("Поколение 1:");77 for (int i = 0; i < osobi; i++)78 {79 int fitness = 0;80 fitness += MatrDistance[StartCity - 1, Individi[i, 0]];81 Console.Write("Особь {0}, её гены: ", i + 1);82 for (int j = 0; j < geny; j++)83 {84 if (Individi[i, j] < 9)85 Console.Write("{0}, ", Individi[i, j] + 1);86 else87 Console.Write("{0}, ", Individi[i, j] + 1);88 if (j > 0)89 fitness += MatrDistance[Individi[i, j - 1], Individi[i, j]];90 }91 fitness += MatrDistance[Individi[i, geny - 1], EndCity - 1];92 Console.WriteLine(" Пригодность: " + fitness);93 allFitnesses[i, 0] = i;94 allFitnesses[i, 1] = fitness;95 }96 Console.WriteLine();97 int iterations = 0;98 do99 {100 iterations++;101 List<int[]> newIndividi = new List<int[]>(); /​/​массив из потомства102 do103 {104 int[] parent_1 = new int[geny]; /​/​родители105 int[] parent_2 = new int[geny];106 /​/​выбор родителей 107 ViborParents(Individi, allFitnesses, ref parent_1, ref parent_2);108 int[] child_1 = new int[geny]; /​/​потомоки109 int[] child_2 = new int[geny];110 /​/​скрещивание 111 Crossing(parent_1, parent_2, ref child_1, ref child_2);112 newIndividi.Add(child_1);113 newIndividi.Add(child_2);114 } while (newIndividi.Count < osobi); /​/​формируем новую популяцию115 Mutation(ref newIndividi); /​/​мутация обменом соседних генов116 for (int i = 0; i < osobi; i++) /​/​объединение родителей и потомков117 {118 newIndividi.Add(new int[geny]);119 for (int j = 0; j < geny; j++)120 newIndividi.Last()[j] = Individi[i, j];121 }122 Selection(MatrDistance, ref newIndividi); /​/​отбор особей в новое поколение методом усечения123 Console.WriteLine("Поколение {0}:", iterations + 1);124 OutputPopulation(MatrDistance, ref allFitnesses, newIndividi);125 int counter = 0;126 for (int i = 1; i < osobi; i++) /​/​подсчёт кол-ва особей с одинаковой пригодностью для остановки алгоритма127 if (allFitnesses[i, 1] == allFitnesses[0, 1])128 counter++;129 if (counter >= osobi * 0.75)130 break;131 for (int i = 0; i < osobi; i++)132 for (int j = 0; j < geny; j++)133 Individi[i, j] = newIndividi[i][j];134 } while (iterations < 50);135 Console.WriteLine("Кол-во поколений: " + (iterations + 1));136 Console.Write("Найденный путь: " + StartCity);137 for (int i = 0; i < geny; i++)138 Console.Write(" -> " + (Individi[0, i] + 1));139 Console.WriteLine(" -> {0}, его длина: " + allFitnesses[0, 1], EndCity);140 Console.WriteLine("Длина прямого пути от {0} города к {1}: " + MatrDistance[StartCity - 1, EndCity - 1], StartCity, EndCity);141 142 sw.Stop();143 Console.WriteLine($"Времени потрачено - {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} млс");144 Console.ReadLine();145 }146 static void Selection(int[,] MatrDistance, ref List<int[]> Individi) /​/​отбор усечением147 {148 Random rand = new Random();149 double T = 0.4; /​/​порог для отбора150 int fitness = 0;151 int[,] allFitnesses = new int[Individi.Count, 2]; /​/​пригодность каждой особи и её номер152 for (int i = 0; i < Individi.Count; i++) /​/​вычисление пригодности каждой особи153 {154 fitness += MatrDistance[StartCity - 1, Individi[i][0]];155 for (int j = 1; j < geny; j++)156 fitness += MatrDistance[Individi[i][j - 1], Individi[i][j]];157 fitness += MatrDistance[Individi[i][geny - 1], EndCity - 1];158 allFitnesses[i, 0] = i;159 allFitnesses[i, 1] = fitness;160 fitness = 0;161 }162 int[] temp = new int[Individi.Count]; /​/​сортировка особей в порядке убывания их пригодности163 for (int i = 0; i < Individi.Count; i++)164 temp[i] = allFitnesses[i, 1];165 Array.Sort(temp);166 for (int i = 0; i < Individi.Count; i++)167 for (int j = 0; j < Individi.Count; j++)168 if (temp[i] == allFitnesses[j, 1])169 {170 Swap(ref allFitnesses[i, 1], ref allFitnesses[j, 1]);171 Swap(ref allFitnesses[i, 0], ref allFitnesses[j, 0]);172 break;173 }174 int countNewIndividi = (int)(Individi.Count * T); /​/​кол-во особей, прошедших через отбор175 List<int[]> newIndividi = new List<int[]>();176 int numberNewIndividi = 0;177 do /​/​отбор особей в новую популяцию178 {179 numberNewIndividi = rand.Next(0, countNewIndividi - 1);180 newIndividi.Add(new int[geny]);181 for (int i = 0; i < geny; i++)182 newIndividi.Last()[i] = Individi[allFitnesses[numberNewIndividi, 0]][i];183 } while (newIndividi.Count < osobi);184 Individi.Clear();185 Individi = newIndividi;186 }187 static void ViborParents(int[,] Individi, int[,] allFitnesses, ref int[] parent_1, ref int[] parent_2) /​/​выбор родителей 188 {189 Random rand = new Random();190 int numberParent_1 = rand.Next(0, osobi - 1); /​/​выбор первого родителя 191 for (int i = 0; i < geny; i++)192 parent_1[i] = Individi[allFitnesses[numberParent_1, 0], i];193 double[] euclidDistance = new double[osobi];194 double mineuclidDistance = double.MaxValue;195 int numberParent_2 = 0;196 for (int i = 0; i < osobi; i++) /​/​вычисление Евклидова расстояния для выбора второго родителя197 {198 for (int j = 0; j < geny; j++)199 euclidDistance[i] += Math.Pow(parent_1[j] - Individi[allFitnesses[i, 0], j], 2);200 euclidDistance[i] = Math.Sqrt(euclidDistance[i]);201 if (euclidDistance[i] < mineuclidDistance && euclidDistance[i] != 0)202 {203 mineuclidDistance = euclidDistance[i];204 numberParent_2 = i;205 }206 }207 for (int i = 0; i < geny; i++)208 parent_2[i] = Individi[allFitnesses[numberParent_2, 0], i];209 }210 static void Crossing(int[] parent_1, int[] parent_2, ref int[] child_1, ref int[] child_2) /​/​скрещивание методом дискретной рекомбинации211 {212 Random rand = new Random();213 int[,] mask_for_cross = new int[2, geny]; /​/​маска для замены генов214 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) /​/​выбираем номера особи для замены генов215 for (int j = 0; j < geny; j++)216 mask_for_cross[i, j] = rand.Next(0, 2);217 for (int i = 0; i < geny; i++)218 {219 if (mask_for_cross[0, i] == 1) /​/​замена генов для первого потомка220 child_1[i] = parent_2[i];221 else222 child_1[i] = parent_1[i];223 if (mask_for_cross[1, i] == 0) /​/​замена генов для второго потомка224 child_2[i] = parent_1[i];225 else226 child_2[i] = parent_2[i];227 }228 }229 static void Mutation(ref List<int[]> newIndividi) /​/​мутация методом обмена соседних генов230 {231 Random rand = new Random();232 double T = 0.3; /​/​вероятность мутации - порог233 double[] veroyatnost_mutation = new double[newIndividi.Count];234 for (int i = 0; i < newIndividi.Count; i++)235 {236 veroyatnost_mutation[i] = ((double)rand.Next(1, 100) /​ 100); /​/​случайно выбирается вероятность мутации для каждой особи237 if (veroyatnost_mutation[i] <= T) /​/​если вероятность мутации особи меньше порога238 {239 int numOFgen = rand.Next(1, geny - 1); /​/​номер гена для мутации 240 if (newIndividi[i][numOFgen - 1] == newIndividi[i][numOFgen + 1])241 numOFgen = rand.Next(0, geny - 1);242 if (numOFgen == 0)243 numOFgen++;244 Swap(ref newIndividi[i][numOFgen - 1], ref newIndividi[i][numOFgen + 1]);245 }246 }247 }248 static void OutputPopulation(int[,] MatrDistance, ref int[,] allFitnesses, List<int[]> newIndividi)249 {250 int fitness = 0;251 for (int i = 0; i < osobi; i++)252 {253 fitness += MatrDistance[StartCity - 1, newIndividi[i][0]];254 Console.Write("Особь {0}, её гены: ", i + 1);255 for (int j = 0; j < geny; j++)256 {257 if (newIndividi[i][j] < 9)258 Console.Write("{0}, ", newIndividi[i][j] + 1);259 else260 Console.Write("{0}, ", newIndividi[i][j] + 1);261 if (j > 0)262 fitness += MatrDistance[newIndividi[i][j - 1], newIndividi[i][j]];263 }264 fitness += MatrDistance[newIndividi[i][geny - 1], EndCity - 1];265 Console.WriteLine(" пригодность: " + fitness);266 allFitnesses[i, 0] = i;267 allFitnesses[i, 1] = fitness;268 fitness = 0;269 }270 Console.WriteLine();271 }272 static void Swap<T>(ref T a, ref T b)273 {274 T temp = a;275 a = b;276 b = temp;277 }278 }279}...

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Source: TrueValuesGen.cs Github


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12namespace Zygotine.WebExpo3{4 using System;5 using System.Text;6 using Zygotine.Statistics.Distribution;7 using Zygotine.Util;8 internal class TrueValuesGen9 {10 internal double[] LogY = new double[0];11 internal double[] Y = new double[0];12 internal double[] LogGT { get; set; } = new double[0];13 internal double[] GT { get; set; } = new double[0];14 internal double[] LogLT { get; set; } = new double[0];15 internal double[] LT { get; set; } = new double[0];16 internal double[] LogI { get; set; } = new double[0];17 internal double[] I = new double[0];18 private TrueValuesGen()19 {20 }21 public string Show()22 {23 string fmt = "Y={0}, GT={1}, LT={2}, I={3}";24 string fmt2 = "{0}, **LOG: {1}";25 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();26 sb.AppendFormat(fmt2, string.Format(fmt, Y.ShowR(), GT.ShowR(), LT.ShowR(), I.ShowR()), string.Format(fmt, LogY.ShowR(), LogGT.ShowR(), LogLT.ShowR(), LogLT.ShowR()));27 return sb.ToString();28 }29 private TrueValuesGen(YGen genY, DataSummary data, double mu, double sigma, MeasurementError me, bool logNormalDistrn = true, GenObject o = null)30 {31 if (me.ThroughSD && !logNormalDistrn)32 {33 double meSD = me.Parm;34 double tauStar = 1 /​ Math.Pow(sigma, 2) + 1 /​ Math.Pow(meSD, 2);35 double sdStar = 1 /​ Math.Sqrt(tauStar);36 if (data.YLength > 0)37 {38 double[] tmpMean = (data.Y.Divide(Math.Pow(meSD, 2)).Add(mu /​ Math.Pow(sigma, 2))).Divide(tauStar);39 this.Y = NormalDistribution.RNorm(data.YLength, tmpMean, Tools.Rep(sdStar, tmpMean.Length));40 }41 if (data.GTLength > 0)42 {43 double[] tmpMean = (genY.GT.Divide(Math.Pow(meSD, 2)).Add(mu /​ Math.Pow(sigma, 2))).Divide(tauStar);44 this.Y = NormalDistribution.RNorm(data.GTLength, tmpMean, Tools.Rep(sdStar, tmpMean.Length));45 }46 if (data.LTLength > 0)47 {48 double[] tmpMean = (genY.LT.Divide(Math.Pow(meSD, 2)).Add(mu /​ Math.Pow(sigma, 2))).Divide(tauStar);49 this.Y = NormalDistribution.RNorm(data.GTLength, tmpMean, Tools.Rep(sdStar, tmpMean.Length));50 }51 if (data.IntervalLength > 0)52 {53 double[] tmpMean = (genY.I.Divide(Math.Pow(meSD, 2)).Add(mu /​ Math.Pow(sigma, 2))).Divide(tauStar);54 this.Y = NormalDistribution.RNorm(data.GTLength, tmpMean, Tools.Rep(sdStar, tmpMean.Length));55 }56 }57 else58 {59 o.A.Sigma2 = sigma * sigma;60 this.Y = new double[data.YLength];61 this.GT = new double[data.GTLength];62 this.LT = new double[data.LTLength];63 this.I = new double[data.IntervalLength];64 for (int j = 0; j < data.YLength; j++)65 {66 this.Y[j] = TrueValueGen(o, me, data.Y[j], mu, logY: logNormalDistrn ? data.LogY[j] : Tools.ND);67 }68 for (int j = 0; j < data.GTLength; j++)69 {70 this.GT[j] = TrueValueGen(o, me, genY.GT[j], mu, logY: logNormalDistrn ? genY.LogGT[j] : Tools.ND);71 }72 for (int j = 0; j < data.LTLength; j++)73 {74 this.LT[j] = TrueValueGen(o, me, genY.LT[j], mu, logY: logNormalDistrn ? genY.LogLT[j] : Tools.ND);75 }76 for (int j = 0; j < data.IntervalLength; j++)77 {78 this.I[j] = TrueValueGen(o, me, genY.I[j], mu, logY: logNormalDistrn ? genY.LogI[j] : Tools.ND);79 }80 if (logNormalDistrn)81 {82 this.LogY = this.Y.Log();83 this.LogGT = this.GT.Log();84 this.LogLT = this.LT.Log();85 this.LogI = this.I.Log();86 }87 }88 } /​/​# end of truevalues.gen 89 internal static TrueValuesGen GetInstance(YGen genY, DataSummary data, double mu, double sigma, MeasurementError me, bool logNormalDistrn = true, GenObject o = null)90 {91 return new TrueValuesGen(genY, data, mu, sigma, me, logNormalDistrn, o);92 }93 private double TrueValueGen(GenObject genO, MeasurementError me, double y, double mu, double logY)94 {95 SGNFnAParam localA = genO.A.Clone();96 localA.Mu = mu;97 if (genO.LogNormalDistrn)98 {99 localA.LogY = logY;100 }101 localA.Y = y;102 localA.Y2 = y * y;103 if (genO.ThroughSD)104 {105 localA.Ksi = me.Parm;106 localA.Ksi2 = me.Parm * me.Parm;107 }108 else109 {110 localA.CV2 = me.Parm * me.Parm;111 }112 double[] start = genO.Start(localA);113 /​/​start.Any(zz => !zz.IsFinite());114 Icdf icdf = new Icdf(genO, localA, range: genO.Range);115 double x = icdf.Bidon(start, inestLowerLim: !genO.LogNormalDistrn);116 if (genO.LogNormalDistrn)117 {118 x = Math.Exp(x);/​/​ # new_0.11119 }120 return x;121 } /​/​# end of truevalue.gen122 }123}...

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Source: Form1.cs Github


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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.ComponentModel;4using System.Data;5using System.Drawing;6using System.Linq;7using System.Text;8using System.Threading;9using System.Threading.Tasks;10using System.Windows.Forms;11using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;12namespace rbfNeuro13{14 public partial class Form1 : Form15 {16 public Form1()17 {18 InitializeComponent();19 generator = new Generator();20 }21 private const int Count = 20;22 private static Generator generator;23 private static double[] genY, genYNotSort,24 chartVal = new double[Count],25 chartX = new double[Count];26 double deltaX;27 private void GetXArray(double[] generated, out double[] masX, out double[] masY)28 {29 int i = 0;30 masX = new double[Count];31 masY = new double[Count];32 /​/​ generated = generated.Select(o => o /​ 10).ToArray();33 deltaX = (generated.Max() - generated.Min()) /​ Count;34 for (double val1 = generated[0], val2 = val1 + deltaX; i < Count; maasss[i] = val1, masX[i] = val1 + deltaX /​ 2, val1 = val2, val2 += deltaX, i++)35 for (int k = 0; k < generated.Length; k++)36 if (generated[k] >= val1 && generated[k] < val2)37 masY[i]++;38 double minY = masY.Min();39 double dif = masY.Max() - minY;40 for (int k = 0; k < masY.Length; k++)41 {42 /​/​masY[k] = masY[k] /​ masY.Length;43 masY[k] = (masY[k] - minY) /​ dif;44 }45 }46 double[] maasss = new double[Count];47 Layer layer;48 List<double> errors = new List<double>();49 private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)50 {51 52 double error = 0;53 layer.Neurons.ForEach(o => o.Impulse = 0);54 layer.Output = 0;55 double[] masX;56 double[] masY;57 GetXArray(generator.Generate(5000, Generator.rand.NextDouble() * 3).OrderBy(o => o).Select(o => o /​ 1.1).ToArray(), out masX, out masY);58 double[] neuroOutput = new double[Count];59 for (int i = 0; i < masX.Length; i++)60 {61 layer.LinearSum(masX[i]);62 neuroOutput[i] = layer.Output;63 error += (Math.Pow(masY[i] - layer.Output, 2));64 }65 errors.Add(Math.Sqrt(error /​ (Count - 1)));66 /​/​ ToChart(2, masX, masY);67 ToChart(3, masX, neuroOutput);68 }69 private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)70 {71 layer = new Layer(Count, chartX, deltaX /​ Math.Sqrt(45));72 double n = 0.0012;/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​73 for (int p = 0; p < 80; p++)74 {75 genYNotSort = generator.Generate(5000, 1 /​*Generator.rand.NextDouble() * 3*/​);76 genY = genYNotSort.OrderBy(o => o).ToArray();77 GetXArray(genY, out chartX, out chartVal);78 int Iter = 8000;79 double[] err = new double[Iter * Count];80 double[] indexes = new double[Iter * Count];81 for (int i = 0; i < Iter * Count; i++)82 indexes[i] = i;83 label1.Text = "....";84 /​/​/​/​Thread t = new Thread(() =>85 /​/​/​/​{86 for (int i = 0; i < Iter; i++)87 {88 double[] m = new double[Count];89 for (int k = 0; k < Count; k++)90 {91 layer.GoLearn(n, chartVal[k],/​* chartX*/​ maasss[k]);92 layer.CalcE(chartVal[k], 0.00001);93 /​/​/​ { label1.Text = "готово"; return; }94 err[k * i] = layer.E;95 m[k] = layer.Output;96 }97 /​/​ chart1.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate ()98 /​/​{99 ToChart(1, chartX, m);100 /​/​ });101 }102 /​/​label1.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate ()103 /​/​{104 label1.Text = "готово";105 /​/​});106 /​/​ });107 /​/​t.Start();108 }109 }110 private void ToChart(int ind, double[] x, double[] y)111 {112 chart1.Series[0].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;113 chart1.Series[0].Points.DataBindXY(x, y);114 }115 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)116 {117 genYNotSort = generator.Generate(5000, 1/​* Generator.rand.NextDouble() * 3*/​);118 genY = genYNotSort.OrderBy(o => o).ToArray();119 GetXArray(genY, out chartX, out chartVal);120 ToChart(0, chartX, chartVal);121 }122 }123}...

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Source: ScanrangeCalc.cs Github


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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using UnityEngine;67public class ScanrangeCalc8{9 public ScanrangeCalc()10 {11 InitializeTables();12 }1314 private sbyte[,,] pTablesOffset = new sbyte[41, 41, 2];15 private int[,] pTablesCost = new int[41, 41];16 public int[,] pTablesVision = new int[41, 41];1718 public byte ScanShift = 7;1920 private bool SetCell(int x, int y, int height_origin, int height_cell)21 {22 int vision_previous = pTablesVision[x + pTablesOffset[x, y, 0], y + pTablesOffset[x, y, 1]];23 int cost = pTablesCost[x, y];24 pTablesVision[x, y] = vision_previous - (height_cell - height_origin + cost);25 return (pTablesVision[x, y] >= 0);26 }2728 public void InitializeTables()29 {30 uint ulScanShifted = 1u << ScanShift;3132 for (int i = 0; i <= 20; ++i)33 {34 for (int j = 0; j <= 20; ++j)35 {36 int v1 = i > 0 || j > 0 ? (int)(Math.Pow((j * j + i * i), 0.5) /​ Math.Max(i,j) * ulScanShifted) : 0;3738 pTablesCost[20 + i, 20 + j] = v1;39 pTablesCost[20 + i, 20 - j] = v1;40 pTablesCost[20 - i, 20 + j] = v1;41 pTablesCost[20 - i, 20 - j] = v1;4243 if (j < (i /​ 2))44 {45 pTablesOffset[20 + i, 20 + j, 0] = -1;46 pTablesOffset[20 + i, 20 + j, 1] = 0;47 pTablesOffset[20 - i, 20 - j, 0] = 1;48 pTablesOffset[20 - i, 20 - j, 1] = 0;49 pTablesOffset[20 + i, 20 - j, 0] = -1;50 pTablesOffset[20 + i, 20 - j, 1] = 0;51 pTablesOffset[20 - i, 20 + j, 0] = 1;52 pTablesOffset[20 - i, 20 + j, 1] = 0;5354 } 55 else if (j > (i * 2))56 {57 pTablesOffset[20 + i, 20 + j, 0] = 0;58 pTablesOffset[20 + i, 20 + j, 1] = -1;59 pTablesOffset[20 - i, 20 - j, 0] = 0;60 pTablesOffset[20 - i, 20 - j, 1] = 1;61 pTablesOffset[20 + i, 20 - j, 0] = 0;62 pTablesOffset[20 + i, 20 - j, 1] = 1;63 pTablesOffset[20 - i, 20 + j, 0] = 0;64 pTablesOffset[20 - i, 20 + j, 1] = -1;65 }66 else67 {68 pTablesOffset[20 + i, 20 + j, 0] = -1;69 pTablesOffset[20 + i, 20 + j, 1] = -1;70 pTablesOffset[20 - i, 20 - j, 0] = 1;71 pTablesOffset[20 - i, 20 - j, 1] = 1;72 pTablesOffset[20 + i, 20 - j, 0] = -1;73 pTablesOffset[20 + i, 20 - j, 1] = 1;74 pTablesOffset[20 - i, 20 + j, 0] = 1;75 pTablesOffset[20 - i, 20 + j, 1] = -1;76 }77 }78 }7980 pTablesCost[20, 20] = 0;81 }8283 private bool CheckValid(int x, int y)84 {85 return (x >= 8 && y >= 8 && x < MapLogic.Instance.Width - 8 && y < MapLogic.Instance.Height - 8);86 }8788 private int GetHeight(int x, int y)89 {90 if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= MapLogic.Instance.Width || y >= MapLogic.Instance.Height)91 return 0;92 return MapLogic.Instance.Nodes[x, y].Height;93 }9495 public void CalculateVision(int x, int y, float scanrangef)96 {97 /​/​ we need to make scanshifted scanrange from float.98 int scanrange = (int)scanrangef;99 scanrange = (scanrange << 8) | (int)((scanrangef - scanrange) * 255);100101 for (int ly = 0; ly < 41; ly++)102 for (int lx = 0; lx < 41; lx++)103 pTablesVision[lx, ly] = 0;104105 int vision = scanrange;106 int vision2 = (1 << (ScanShift - 1)) + (vision >> (8 - ScanShift));107108 int genX = x - 20;109 int genY = y - 20;110 int ht_origin = GetHeight(x, y);111112 pTablesVision[20, 20] = vision2;113 for(int i = 1; i < 20; i++)114 {115 bool fdisp = false;116 for(int j = -i; j < i+1; j++)117 {118 if(CheckValid(genX+(20+j), genY+(20-i)) &&119 SetCell(20+j, 20-i, ht_origin, GetHeight(genX+(20+j), genY+(20-i))))120 fdisp = true;121 if(CheckValid(genX+(20+j), genY+(20+i)) &&122 SetCell(20+j, 20+i, ht_origin, GetHeight(genX+(20+j), genY+(20+i))))123 fdisp = true;124 if(CheckValid(genX+(20-i), genY+(20+j)) &&125 SetCell(20-i, 20+j, ht_origin, GetHeight(genX+(20-i), genY+(20+j))))126 fdisp = true;127 if(CheckValid(genX+(20+i), genY+(20-j)) &&128 SetCell(20+i, 20-j, ht_origin, GetHeight(genX+(20+i), genY+(20-j))))129 fdisp = true;130 }131132 if(!fdisp) break;133 }134 } ...

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Source: TrelamiumTile.cs Github


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1using Terraria;2using Terraria.ID;3using Terraria.ModLoader;4using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;5using TrelamiumTwo.Content.Items.Materials;6using TrelamiumTwo.Helpers;7namespace TrelamiumTwo.Common.Tiles8{9 public class TrelamiumTile : GlobalTile10 {11 private const float nutSpawnChance = 0.05f;12 private const float leafSpawnChance = 0.025f;13 private Player player;14 public override void RandomUpdate(int i, int j, int type)15 {16 if (Main.tile[i, j].nactive())17 {18 if ((type == TileID.Grass || type == TileID.HallowedGrass) && Main.rand.Next(55) == 0)19 {20 TryBloomRose(i, j);21 }22 }23 }24 public override void FloorVisuals(int type, Player player)25 {26 player.GetModPlayer<Players.TrelamiumPlayer>().onSand =27 (TileID.Sets.Conversion.Sand[type] || TileID.Sets.Conversion.Sandstone[type] || TileID.Sets.Conversion.HardenedSand[type]);28 }29 private void TryBloomRose(int genX, int genY)30 {31 int scatteredFlowerRadiusCheck = 5;32 int scatteredFlowerType = ModContent.TileType<Content.Tiles.Ambience.BloomRose>();33 if (genX < 95 || genX > Main.maxTilesX - 95 || genY < 95 || genY > Main.worldSurface)34 {35 return;36 }37 Tile topTile = Framing.GetTileSafely(genX, genY - 1);38 if ( && topTile.type != scatteredFlowerType)39 {40 return;41 }42 int minX = Utils.Clamp(genX - scatteredFlowerRadiusCheck, 1, Main.maxTilesX - 2);43 int maxX = Utils.Clamp(genX + scatteredFlowerRadiusCheck, 1, Main.maxTilesX - 2);44 int minY = Utils.Clamp(genY - scatteredFlowerRadiusCheck, 1, Main.maxTilesY - 2);45 int maxY = Utils.Clamp(genY + scatteredFlowerRadiusCheck, 1, Main.maxTilesY - 2);46 for (int x = minX; x < maxX; ++x)47 {48 for (int y = minY; y < maxY; ++y)49 {50 Tile t = Framing.GetTileSafely(x, y);51 if ( && t.type == scatteredFlowerType)52 {53 return;54 }55 }56 }57 WorldGen.PlaceTile(genX, genY - 1, scatteredFlowerType, true);58 }59 public override void KillTile(int i, int j, int type, ref bool fail, ref bool effectOnly, ref bool noItem)60 {61 player = Main.LocalPlayer;62 if (!effectOnly)63 {64 if (player.ZoneForest())65 {66 if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient && type == TileID.Trees)67 {68 TrySpawnLeaf(i, j);69 TrySpawnNut(i, j, fail);70 }71 }72 }73 }74 private void TrySpawnNut(int x, int y, bool fail)75 {76 if (fail || Main.rand.NextFloat() > nutSpawnChance)77 {78 return;79 }80 while (y > 10 && Main.tile[x, y].active() && Main.tile[x, y].type == TileID.Trees)81 {82 y--;83 }84 y++;85 if (!IsTileALeafyTreeTop(x, y) || Collision.SolidTiles(x - 2, x + 2, y - 2, y + 2))86 {87 return;88 }89 Item.NewItem(new Vector2(x * 16, y * 16), ModContent.ItemType<Nut>(), Main.rand.Next(5));90 }91 private void TrySpawnLeaf(int x, int y)92 {93 if (Main.rand.NextFloat() > leafSpawnChance)94 {95 return;96 }97 while (y > 10 && Main.tile[x, y].active() && Main.tile[x, y].type == TileID.Trees)98 {99 y--;100 }101 y++;102 if (!IsTileALeafyTreeTop(x, y) || Collision.SolidTiles(x - 2, x + 2, y - 2, y + 2))103 {104 return;105 }106 int velocityXDir = Main.rand.Next(2) * 2 - 1;107 int projectileType = ModContent.ProjectileType<Content.Projectiles.Typeless.FallingLeaf>();108 Projectile.NewProjectile(x * 16, y * 16, Main.rand.NextFloat(2f) * velocityXDir, 0f, projectileType, 0, 0f, Player.FindClosest(new Vector2(x * 16, y * 16), 16, 16));109 }110 private bool IsTileALeafyTreeTop(int i, int j)111 {112 Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(i, j);113 if ( && tileSafely.type == TileID.Trees)114 {115 if (tileSafely.frameX == 22 && tileSafely.frameY >= 198 && tileSafely.frameY <= 242)116 {117 return true;118 }119 }120 return false;121 }122 }123}...

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Source: MEParmGen.cs Github


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12namespace Zygotine.WebExpo3{4 using System.Linq;5 using Zygotine.Util;6 internal class MEParmGen7 {8 public double Parm { get; private set; }9 private MEParmGen()10 {11 }12 internal static MEParmGen GetInstance(GenObject o, MeasurementError me, DataSummary data, YGen genY, TrueValuesGen genTV)13 {14 MEParmGen instance = new MEParmGen();15 double b;16 double[] tmpY, tmpT;17 if (me.ThroughCV)18 {19 if (o.LogNormalDistrn)20 {21 tmpY = Tools.Combine(data.LogY, genY.LogGT, genY.LogLT, genY.LogI);22 tmpT = Tools.Combine(genTV.LogY, genTV.LogGT, genTV.LogLT, genTV.LogI);23 b = tmpY.Substract(tmpT).Exp().Substract(1.0).Sqr().Sum();24 b /​= 2.0;25 }26 else27 {28 tmpY = Tools.Combine(data.Y, genY.GT, genY.LT, genY.I);29 tmpT = Tools.Combine(genTV.Y, genTV.GT, genTV.LT, genTV.I);30 b = tmpY.Divide(tmpT).Substract(1.0).Sqr().Reverse().Sum();31 b /​= 2.0;32 }33 SGNFnAParam localA = o.A.Clone();34 localA.B = b;35 localA.Range = me.GetRange();36 double[] range = me.GetRange();37 Icdf icdf = new Icdf(o, localA, range);38 instance.Parm = icdf.Bidon(o.Start(localA), inestLowerLim: range[0] == 0);39 }40 else41 {42 tmpY = Tools.Combine(data.Y, genY.GT, genY.LT, genY.I);43 tmpT = Tools.Combine(genTV.Y, genTV.GT, genTV.LT, genTV.I);44 b = tmpY.Substract(tmpT).Sqr().Sum();45 b /​= 2.0;46 if (o.LogNormalDistrn)47 {48 SGNFnAParam localA = o.A.Clone();49 localA.B = b;50 localA.Range = me.GetRange();51 localA.Truevalues = Tools.Copy(tmpT);52 /​/​me.parm <- dens.gen.icdf(o, A, range=me$range, inestimable.lower.limit=me$range[1]==0)53 double[] range = me.GetRange();54 Icdf icdf = new Icdf(o, localA, range);55 instance.Parm = icdf.Bidon(inestLowerLim: range[0] == 0.0);56 }57 else58 {59 instance.Parm = WebExpoFunctions3.SqrtInvertedGammaGen(data.N, b, me.GetRange(), o);60 }61 }62 return instance;63 }64 }65}...

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Source: OutLogoutMoments.cs Github


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1namespace Zygotine.WebExpo2{3 using System.Linq;4 using Zygotine.Util;5 internal class OutLogoutMoments6 {7 public double Sum { get; private set; }8 public double Sum2 { get; private set; }9 private OutLogoutMoments()10 {11 }12 public static OutLogoutMoments Get(bool anyME, bool logNormalDistrn, DataSummary data, YGen genY, TrueValuesGen genTV)13 {14 OutLogoutMoments olm = new OutLogoutMoments();15 if (anyME)16 {17 double[] y;18 if (logNormalDistrn)19 {20 y = Tools.Combine(genTV.LogY, genTV.LogGT, genTV.LogLT, genTV.LogI);21 }22 else23 {24 y = Tools.Combine(genTV.Y, genTV.GT, genTV.LT, genTV.I);25 }26 olm.Sum = y.Sum();27 olm.Sum2 = y.Sqr().Sum();28 return olm;29 }30 else if (logNormalDistrn)31 {32 olm.Sum = data.LogUncensoredSum;33 olm.Sum2 = data.LogUncensoredSum2;34 olm.Sum += genY.LogGT.Sum() + genY.LogLT.Sum() + genY.LogI.Sum();35 olm.Sum2 += genY.LogGT.Sqr().Sum() + genY.LogLT.Sqr().Sum() + genY.LogI.Sqr().Sum();36 }37 else38 {39 olm.Sum = data.UncensoredSum;40 olm.Sum2 = data.UncensoredSum2;41 olm.Sum += genY.GT.Sum() + genY.LT.Sum() + genY.I.Sum();42 olm.Sum2 += genY.GT.Sqr().Sum() + genY.LT.Sqr().Sum() + genY.I.Sqr().Sum();43 }44 return olm;45 }46 }47}...

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Source: GenyDriverMethodCaller.cs Github


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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.ComponentModel;4using System.Data;5using System.Drawing;6using System.Text;7using System.Windows.Forms;8namespace MethodCaller9{10 public partial class GenyDriverMethodCaller : MethodCaller.MethodCallerMain11 {12 public GenyDriverMethodCaller()13 {14 InitializeComponent();15 this.Load += new EventHandler(GenyDriverMethodCaller_Load);16 }17 void GenyDriverMethodCaller_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)18 {19 this.label2.Visible = false;20 this.label3.Visible = false;21 this.cbbSerialPorts.Visible = false;22 this.tbSerialPortConfig.Visible = false;23 }24 protected override object GetDriver()25 {26 return new DeviceDriver.Driver(24);27 }28 protected override System.Reflection.MethodInfo[] GetMethods()29 {30 return ReflectUtil.GetMethod(typeof(DeviceDriver.Driver));31 }32 }33}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using B;2{3 {4 public static void Main()5 {6 GenY gy = new GenY();7 gy.Show();8 }9 }10}11using C;12{13 {14 public void Show()15 {16 GenZ gz = new GenZ();17 gz.Show();18 }19 }20}21using C;22{23 {24 public void Show()25 {26 GenZ gz = new GenZ();27 gz.Show();28 }29 }30}31using C;32{33 {34 public void Show()35 {36 GenZ gz = new GenZ();37 gz.Show();38 }39 }40}41using C;42{43 {44 public void Show()45 {46 GenZ gz = new GenZ();47 gz.Show();48 }49 }50}51using C;52{53 {54 public void Show()55 {56 GenZ gz = new GenZ();57 gz.Show();58 }59 }60}61using C;62{63 {64 public void Show()65 {66 GenZ gz = new GenZ();67 gz.Show();68 }69 }70}71using C;72{73 {74 public void Show()75 {76 GenZ gz = new GenZ();77 gz.Show();78 }79 }80}81using C;82{83 {84 public void Show()85 {86 GenZ gz = new GenZ();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using B;2{3public void show()4{5Console.WriteLine("GenY");6}7}8using C;9{10public void show()11{12Console.WriteLine("GenZ");13}14}15using A;16{17public void show()18{19Console.WriteLine("GenA");20}21}22using B;23{24public void show()25{26Console.WriteLine("GenB");27}28}29using C;30{31public void show()32{33Console.WriteLine("GenC");34}35}36using D;37{38public void show()39{40Console.WriteLine("GenD");41}42}43using E;44{45public void show()46{47Console.WriteLine("GenE");48}49}50using F;51{52public void show()53{54Console.WriteLine("GenF");55}56}57using G;58{59public void show()60{61Console.WriteLine("GenG");62}63}64using H;65{66public void show()67{68Console.WriteLine("GenH");69}70}71using I;72{73public void show()74{75Console.WriteLine("GenI");76}77}78using J;79{80public void show()81{82Console.WriteLine("GenJ");83}84}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using B;2{3public static void Main()4{5GenY obj = new GenY();6obj.print();7}8}9Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 1.1.4322.240810Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 1.1.4322.2408

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using B;2{3 public static void Main()4 {5 GenY g = new GenY();6 }7}8GenX.Show()9GenY.Show()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using B;2{3 public GenY()4 {5 Console.WriteLine("GenY");6 }7}8using C;9{10 public GenZ()11 {12 Console.WriteLine("GenZ");13 }14}15using C;16{17 public static void Main()18 {19 GenZ obj = new GenZ();20 Console.ReadLine();21 }22}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using B;2{3 static void Main()4 {5 GenY g = new GenY();6 g.ShowXY();7 }8}9{10 public unsafe void ShowXY()11 {12 Console.WriteLine("XY");13 }14}

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Nunit tutorial

Nunit is a well-known open-source unit testing framework for C#. This framework is easy to work with and user-friendly. LambdaTest’s NUnit Testing Tutorial provides a structured and detailed learning environment to help you leverage knowledge about the NUnit framework. The NUnit tutorial covers chapters from basics such as environment setup to annotations, assertions, Selenium WebDriver commands, and parallel execution using the NUnit framework.


  1. NUnit Environment Setup - All the prerequisites and setup environments are provided to help you begin with NUnit testing.
  2. NUnit With Selenium - Learn how to use the NUnit framework with Selenium for automation testing and its installation.
  3. Selenium WebDriver Commands in NUnit - Leverage your knowledge about the top 28 Selenium WebDriver Commands in NUnit For Test Automation. It covers web browser commands, web element commands, and drop-down commands.
  4. NUnit Parameterized Unit Tests - Tests on varied combinations may lead to code duplication or redundancy. This chapter discusses how NUnit Parameterized Unit Tests and their methods can help avoid code duplication.
  5. NUnit Asserts - Learn about the usage of assertions in NUnit using Selenium
  6. NUnit Annotations - Learn how to use and execute NUnit annotations for Selenium Automation Testing
  7. Generating Test Reports In NUnit - Understand how to use extent reports and generate reports with NUnit and Selenium WebDriver. Also, look into how to capture screenshots in NUnit extent reports.
  8. Parallel Execution In NUnit - Parallel testing helps to reduce time consumption while executing a test. Deep dive into the concept of Specflow Parallel Execution in NUnit.

NUnit certification -

You can also check out the LambdaTest Certification to enhance your learning in Selenium Automation Testing using the NUnit framework.


Watch this tutorial on the LambdaTest Channel to learn how to set up the NUnit framework, run tests and also execute parallel testing.

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