How to use UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache class of Atata package

Best Atata code snippet using Atata.UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache


Source:AtataContext.cs Github


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...354355 /// <summary>356 /// Gets the UI component access chain scope cache.357 /// </summary>358 public UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache { get; } = new UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache();359360 /// <summary>361 /// Gets the object creator.362 /// </summary>363 public IObjectCreator ObjectCreator { get; internal set; }364365 /// <summary>366 /// Gets the object converter.367 /// </summary>368 public IObjectConverter ObjectConverter { get; internal set; }369370 /// <summary>371 /// Gets the object mapper.372 /// </summary>373 public IObjectMapper ObjectMapper { get; internal set; }374375 /// <summary>376 /// Gets the event bus, which can used to subscribe to and publish events.377 /// </summary>378 public IEventBus EventBus { get; internal set; }379380 /// <summary>381 /// Gets the variables dictionary.382 /// <para>383 /// The list of predefined variables:384 /// <list type="bullet">385 /// <item><c>build-start</c></item>386 /// <item><c>build-start-utc</c></item>387 /// <item><c>basedir</c></item>388 /// <item><c>artifacts</c></item>389 /// <item><c>test-name-sanitized</c></item>390 /// <item><c>test-name</c></item>391 /// <item><c>test-suite-name-sanitized</c></item>392 /// <item><c>test-suite-name</c></item>393 /// <item><c>test-start</c></item>394 /// <item><c>test-start-utc</c></item>395 /// <item><c>driver-alias</c></item>396 /// </list>397 /// </para>398 /// <para>399 /// Custom variables can be added as well.400 /// </para>401 /// </summary>402 public IDictionary<string, object> Variables { get; } = new Dictionary<string, object>();403404 /// <summary>405 /// Creates <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance for <see cref="AtataContext"/> configuration.406 /// Sets the value to <see cref="AtataContextBuilder.BuildingContext"/> copied from <see cref="GlobalConfiguration"/>.407 /// </summary>408 /// <returns>The created <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>409 public static AtataContextBuilder Configure()410 {411 AtataBuildingContext buildingContext = GlobalConfiguration.BuildingContext.Clone();412 return new AtataContextBuilder(buildingContext);413 }414415 internal void InitDateTimeProperties()416 {417 StartedAtUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;418 StartedAt = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(StartedAtUtc, TimeZone);419420 if (BuildStartUtc is null)421 {422 lock (s_buildStartSyncLock)423 {424 if (BuildStartUtc is null)425 {426 BuildStartUtc = StartedAtUtc;427 BuildStart = BuildStartUtc.Value.ToLocalTime();428 }429 }430 }431432 BuildStartInTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(BuildStartUtc.Value, TimeZone);433 }434435 internal void InitMainVariables()436 {437 var variables = Variables;438439 variables["build-start"] = BuildStartInTimeZone;440 variables["build-start-utc"] = BuildStartUtc;441442 variables["basedir"] = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;443444 variables["test-name-sanitized"] = TestNameSanitized;445 variables["test-name"] = TestName;446 variables["test-suite-name-sanitized"] = TestSuiteNameSanitized;447 variables["test-suite-name"] = TestSuiteName;448 variables["test-start"] = StartedAt;449 variables["test-start-utc"] = StartedAtUtc;450451 variables["driver-alias"] = DriverAlias;452 }453454 internal void InitCustomVariables(IDictionary<string, object> customVariables)455 {456 var variables = Variables;457458 foreach (var variable in customVariables)459 variables[variable.Key] = variable.Value;460 }461462 internal void InitArtifactsVariable() =>463 Variables["artifacts"] = Artifacts.FullName.Value;464465 internal void LogTestStart()466 {467 StringBuilder logMessageBuilder = new StringBuilder(468 $"Starting {GetTestUnitKindName()}");469470 string[] testFullNameParts = GetTestFullNameParts().ToArray();471472 if (testFullNameParts.Length > 0)473 {474 logMessageBuilder.Append(": ")475 .Append(string.Join(".", testFullNameParts));476 }477478 Log.Info(logMessageBuilder.ToString());479 }480481 private IEnumerable<string> GetTestFullNameParts()482 {483 if (TestSuiteType != null)484 yield return TestSuiteType.Namespace;485486 if (TestSuiteName != null)487 yield return TestSuiteName;488489 if (TestName != null)490 yield return TestName;491 }492493 private string GetTestUnitKindName()494 {495 return TestName != null496 ? "test"497 : TestSuiteType != null498 ? "test suite"499 : "test unit";500 }501502 /// <summary>503 /// Executes aggregate assertion using <see cref="AggregateAssertionStrategy" />.504 /// </summary>505 /// <param name="action">The action to execute in scope of aggregate assertion.</param>506 /// <param name="assertionScopeName">507 /// Name of the scope being asserted (page object, control, etc.).508 /// Is used to identify the assertion section in log.509 /// Can be null.510 /// </param>511 public void AggregateAssert(Action action, string assertionScopeName = null)512 {513 action.CheckNotNull(nameof(action));514515 AggregateAssertionStrategy.Assert(() =>516 {517 AggregateAssertionLevel++;518519 try520 {521 Log.ExecuteSection(522 new AggregateAssertionLogSection(assertionScopeName),523 action);524 }525 finally526 {527 AggregateAssertionLevel--;528 }529 });530 }531532 /// <summary>533 /// Cleans up the test context.534 /// </summary>535 /// <param name="quitDriver">if set to <see langword="true"/> quits WebDriver.</param>536 public void CleanUp(bool quitDriver = true)537 {538 if (_disposed)539 return;540541 PureExecutionStopwatch.Stop();542543 Log.ExecuteSection(544 new LogSection("Clean up AtataContext", LogLevel.Trace),545 () =>546 {547 EventBus.Publish(new AtataContextCleanUpEvent(this));548549 CleanUpTemporarilyPreservedPageObjectList();550551 if (PageObject != null)552 UIComponentResolver.CleanUpPageObject(PageObject);553554 UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache.Release();555556 if (quitDriver)557 _driver?.Dispose();558 });559560 ExecutionStopwatch.Stop();561562 string testUnitKindName = GetTestUnitKindName();563 Log.InfoWithExecutionTimeInBrackets($"Finished {testUnitKindName}", ExecutionStopwatch.Elapsed);564 Log.InfoWithExecutionTime($"Pure {testUnitKindName} execution time:", PureExecutionStopwatch.Elapsed);565566 Log = null;567568 if (Current == this) ...

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Source:CheckBox`1.cs Github


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...33 return Scope.Selected;34 }35 protected override void SetValue(bool value)36 {37 Context.UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache.ExecuteWithin(() =>38 {39 if (GetValue() != value)40 OnClick();41 });42 }43 /// <summary>44 /// Checks the control.45 /// Also executes <see cref="TriggerEvents.BeforeSet" /> and <see cref="TriggerEvents.AfterSet" /> triggers.46 /// </summary>47 /// <returns>The owner page object.</returns>48 public TOwner Check()49 {50 return Set(true);51 }...

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Source:TypesTextUsingFocusBehaviorAndSendKeysAttribute.cs Github


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...11 public override void Execute<TOwner>(IUIComponent<TOwner> component, string value)12 {13 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))14 {15 component.Context.UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache.ExecuteWithin(() =>16 {17 component.ExecuteBehavior<FocusBehaviorAttribute>(x => x.Execute(component));18 base.Execute(component, value);19 });20 }21 }22 }23}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3{4 {5 protected AtataContext _atataContext;6 public void SetUp()7 {8 _atataContext = AtataContext.Configure()9 .UseChrome()10 .UseCulture("en-US")11 .UseAllNUnitTestContextLogging()12 .UseNUnitTestName()13 .AddNUnitTestContextLogging()14 .Build();15 _atataContext.AutoSetUp();16 Go.To<HomePage>();17 }18 public void TearDown()19 {20 _atataContext.AutoTearDown();21 }22 }23}24using Atata;25using NUnit.Framework;26{27 {28 protected AtataContext _atataContext;29 public void SetUp()30 {31 _atataContext = AtataContext.Configure()32 .UseChrome()33 .UseCulture("en-US")34 .UseAllNUnitTestContextLogging()35 .UseNUnitTestName()36 .AddNUnitTestContextLogging()37 .Build();38 _atataContext.AutoSetUp();39 Go.To<HomePage>();40 }41 public void TearDown()42 {43 _atataContext.AutoTearDown();44 }45 }46}47using Atata;48using NUnit.Framework;49{50 {51 protected AtataContext _atataContext;52 public void SetUp()53 {54 _atataContext = AtataContext.Configure()55 .UseChrome()56 .UseCulture("en-US")57 .UseAllNUnitTestContextLogging()58 .UseNUnitTestName()59 .AddNUnitTestContextLogging()60 .Build();61 _atataContext.AutoSetUp();62 Go.To<HomePage>();63 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3using OpenQA.Selenium;4using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;5{6 {7 public void Test()8 {9 using (var driver = new ChromeDriver())10 {11 var googleSearch = new GoogleSearchPage(driver);12 googleSearch.Search.Value = "Atata";13 googleSearch.SearchButton.Click();14 var googleResults = new GoogleResultsPage(driver);15 googleResults.Results[0].Click();16 }17 }18 }19 {20 [FindById("lst-ib")]21 public TextInput<GoogleSearchPage> Search { get; private set; }22 [FindByValue("Google Search")]23 public Button<GoogleSearchPage> SearchButton { get; private set; }24 }25 {26 public ControlList<Heading<GoogleResultsPage>, GoogleResultsPage> Results { get; private set; }27 }28}29using Atata;30using NUnit.Framework;31using OpenQA.Selenium;32using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;33{34 {35 public void Test()36 {37 using (var driver = new ChromeDriver())38 {39 var googleSearch = new GoogleSearchPage(driver);40 googleSearch.Search.Value = "Atata";41 googleSearch.SearchButton.Click();42 var googleResults = new GoogleResultsPage(driver);43 googleResults.Results[0].Click();44 }45 }46 }47 {48 [FindById("lst-ib")]49 public TextInput<GoogleSearchPage> Search { get; private set; }50 [FindByValue("Google Search")]51 public Button<GoogleSearchPage> SearchButton { get; private set; }52 }53 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Atata;2using System;3using System.Collections.Generic;4using System.Linq;5using System.Text;6using System.Threading.Tasks;7using Atata.UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache;8{9 {10 private UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache _cache;11 public TestClass()12 {13 _cache = new UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache();14 }15 public void TestMethod()16 {17 var scope = _cache.GetScope("SomeKey");18 var scope2 = _cache.GetScope("SomeKey");19 var scope3 = _cache.GetScope("SomeKey2");20 }21 }22}23using Atata;24using System;25using System.Collections.Generic;26using System.Linq;27using System.Text;28using System.Threading.Tasks;29{30 {31 private UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache _cache;32 public TestClass()33 {34 _cache = new UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache();35 }36 public void TestMethod()37 {38 var scope = _cache.GetScope("SomeKey");39 var scope2 = _cache.GetScope("SomeKey");40 var scope3 = _cache.GetScope("SomeKey2");41 }42 }43}44using Atata;45using System;46using System.Collections.Generic;47using System.Linq;48using System.Text;49using System.Threading.Tasks;50{51 {52 private UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache _cache;53 public TestClass()54 {55 _cache = new UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache();56 }57 public void TestMethod()58 {59 var scope = _cache.GetScope("SomeKey");60 var scope2 = _cache.GetScope("SomeKey");61 var scope3 = _cache.GetScope("SomeKey2");62 }63 }64}65using Atata;66using System;67using System.Collections.Generic;68using System.Linq;69using System.Text;70using System.Threading.Tasks;71{72 {73 private UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache _cache;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3using OpenQA.Selenium;4using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;5{6 {7 public void Test1()8 {9 var scopeCache = new UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache();10 using (var driver = new ChromeDriver())11 {12 var scope = new UIComponentScope(driver, driver, null, null, scopeCache);13 var logo = new Control<Header>(scope, "Logo");14 var logoText = logo.Get(x => x.Text);15 Assert.That(logoText, Is.EqualTo("Atata"));16 }17 }18 }19}20using Atata;21using NUnit.Framework;22using OpenQA.Selenium;23using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;24{25 {26 public void Test1()27 {28 using (var driver = new ChromeDriver())29 {30 var scope = new UIComponentScope(driver, driver, null, null, new UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache());31 var logo = new Control<Header>(scope, "Logo");32 var logoText = logo.Get(x => x.Text);33 Assert.That(logoText, Is.EqualTo("Atata"));34 }35 }36 }37}38using Atata;39using NUnit.Framework;40using OpenQA.Selenium;41using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;42{43 {44 public void Test1()45 {46 using (var driver = new ChromeDriver())47 {48 var scope = new UIComponentScope(driver, driver, null, null);49 var logo = new Control<Header>(scope, "Logo");50 var logoText = logo.Get(x => x.Text);51 Assert.That(logoText, Is.EqualTo("Atata"));52 }53 }54 }55}56using Atata;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Atata;7{8 using _ = UIComponentAccessChainScopeCachePage;9 [Url("UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache")]10 {11 public UIComponentAccessChainScopeCachePage()12 {13 UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache = new UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache<UIComponentAccessChainScopeCachePage, _>(this);14 }15 public UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache<UIComponentAccessChainScopeCachePage, _> UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache { get; private set; }16 public UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache<UIComponentAccessChainScopeCachePage, _> UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache2 { get; private set; }17 [FindById("name")]18 public TextInput<_> Name { get; private set; }19 [FindById("email")]20 public TextInput<_> Email { get; private set; }21 [FindById("phone")]22 public TextInput<_> Phone { get; private set; }23 [FindById("address")]24 public TextInput<_> Address { get; private set; }25 [FindById("city")]26 public TextInput<_> City { get; private set; }27 [FindById("state")]28 public TextInput<_> State { get; private set; }29 [FindById("zip")]30 public TextInput<_> Zip { get; private set; }31 [FindById("submit")]32 public Button<_> Submit { get; private set; }33 }34}35using System;36using System.Collections.Generic;37using System.Linq;38using System.Text;39using System.Threading.Tasks;40using Atata;41{42 using _ = UIComponentAccessChainScopeCachePage;43 [Url("UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache")]44 {45 public UIComponentAccessChainScopeCachePage()46 {

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