Best Atata code snippet using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel
...27 return data;28 }29 TestCaseData TestPredicate(Expression<Func<TestComponent, bool>> expression) =>30 Test(expression);31 TestCaseData TestModelWithIndexPredicate(Expression<Func<TestModel, int, bool>> expression) =>32 Test(expression);33 TestCaseData TestModelSelector(Expression<Func<TestModel, object>> expression) =>34 Test(expression);35 // Comparison:36 TestPredicate(x => x.Item == "item")37 .Returns("x => x.Item == \"item\"");38 TestPredicate(x => x.Item == "item 0" || x.Item == "item 1")39 .Returns("x => x.Item == \"item 0\" || x.Item == \"item 1\"");40 TestPredicate(x => x.Item == "item 1" && x.Item2 == "item 2")41 .Returns("x => x.Item == \"item 1\" && x.Item2 == \"item 2\"");42 TestPredicate(x => (x.Item == "item 0" || x.Item == "item 1") && x.Item2 == "item 2")43 .Returns("x => ((x.Item == \"item 0\") || (x.Item == \"item 1\")) && (x.Item2 == \"item 2\")");44 TestPredicate(x => x.Item.Attributes.Checked)45 .Returns("x => x.Item.Attributes.Checked");46 TestPredicate(x => !x.Item.Attributes.Checked)47 .Returns("x => !x.Item.Attributes.Checked");48 TestPredicate(x => x.Item.Attributes.Checked == true)49 .Returns("x => x.Item.Attributes.Checked == true");50 // Variable:51 string itemName = "VarStr";52 TestModel item = new TestModel { Name = "PropStr" };53 ValueProvider<string, object> valueItem = null;54 bool? nullableBool = null;55 bool? nullableBoolIsTrue = true;56 TestPredicate(x => x.Item == itemName)57 .Returns("x => x.Item == \"VarStr\"");58 TestPredicate(x => x.Item == s_testFieldValue)59 .Returns("x => x.Item == \"FldStr\"");60 TestPredicate(x => x.Item != item.Name)61 .Returns("x => x.Item != item.Name");62 TestPredicate(x => x.Item == valueItem)63 .Returns("x => x.Item == valueItem");64 TestPredicate(x => x.Item == valueItem.Value)65 .Returns("x => x.Item == valueItem.Value");66 TestPredicate(x => x.Item.Attributes.Checked == nullableBool)67 .Returns("x => x.Item.Attributes.Checked == null");68 TestPredicate(x => x.Item.Attributes.Checked == nullableBoolIsTrue)69 .Returns("x => x.Item.Attributes.Checked == true");70 // Indexer:71 string[] itemArray = { "item" };72 TestPredicate(x => x.Item.Attributes["data-id"] == "15")73 .Returns("x => x.Item.Attributes[\"data-id\"] == \"15\"");74 TestPredicate(x => x.Item.Attributes["data-id"] == itemArray[0])75 .Returns("x => x.Item.Attributes[\"data-id\"] == itemArray[0]");76 TestPredicate(x => x.Item.Value[1] == 'a')77 .Returns("x => x.Item.Value[1] == 'a'");78 // Instance method:79 TestPredicate(x => x.Item.Attributes.GetValue<DateTime>("data-date") <= DateTime.Today)80 .Returns("x => x.Item.Attributes.GetValue(\"data-date\") <= DateTime.Today");81 // Instance method with out parameter:82 int outResult;83 TestPredicate(x => x.TryGetValue("key", out outResult))84 .Returns("x => x.TryGetValue(\"key\", out outResult)");85 // Instance method with out parameter:86 int refValue = 1;87 TestPredicate(x => x.UseRefValue("key", ref refValue))88 .Returns("x => x.UseRefValue(\"key\", ref refValue)");89 // Static method:90 TestPredicate(x => x.Item.Value.Length == StaticClass.GetInt())91 .Returns($"x => x.Item.Value.Length == {nameof(ImprovedExpressionStringBuilderTests)}.{nameof(StaticClass)}.{nameof(StaticClass.GetInt)}()");92 TestPredicate(x => x.Item.Value.Contains(StaticClass.GetString(item.Name)))93 .Returns($"x => x.Item.Value.Contains({nameof(ImprovedExpressionStringBuilderTests)}.{nameof(StaticClass)}.{nameof(StaticClass.GetString)}(item.Name))");94 TestPredicate(x => StaticClass.GetBool())95 .Returns($"x => {nameof(ImprovedExpressionStringBuilderTests)}.{nameof(StaticClass)}.{nameof(StaticClass.GetBool)}()");96 // Enum comparison:97 TestPredicate(x => x.Flags == TestFlagValues.B)98 .Returns("x => x.Flags == TestFlagValues.B");99 TestPredicate(x => x.Flags == (TestFlagValues.A | TestFlagValues.B))100 .Returns("x => x.Flags == (TestFlagValues.A | TestFlagValues.B)");101 TestPredicate(x => x.Flags == (TestFlagValues.B | TestFlagValues.C))102 .Returns("x => x.Flags == TestFlagValues.BC");103 // Enum as argument:104 TestPredicate(x => x.IsIt(TestFlagValues.B))105 .Returns("x => x.IsIt(TestFlagValues.B)");106 TestPredicate(x => x.IsIt(TestFlagValues.A | TestFlagValues.B))107 .Returns("x => x.IsIt(TestFlagValues.A | TestFlagValues.B)");108 TestPredicate(x => x.IsIt(TestFlagValues.B | TestFlagValues.C))109 .Returns("x => x.IsIt(TestFlagValues.BC)");110 TestPredicate(x => x.Item.Value.ToString(TermCase.Upper).Any())111 .Returns("x => x.Item.Value.ToString(TermCase.Upper).Any()");112 // Char:113 char charValue = '!';114 TestPredicate(x => x.Item.Value.Any(ch => ch == '!'))115 .Returns("x => x.Item.Value.Any(ch => ch == '!')");116 TestPredicate(x => x.Item.Value.Any(ch => charValue <= ch))117 .Returns("x => x.Item.Value.Any(ch => '!' <= ch)");118 TestPredicate(x => x.Item.Value.Contains('!'))119 .Returns("x => x.Item.Value.Contains('!')");120 // Two arguments:121 TestModelWithIndexPredicate((x, i) => i % 2 == 0)122 .Returns("(x, i) => (i % 2) == 0");123 TestModelWithIndexPredicate((x, i) => i >= 0 && Equals(x, null))124 .Returns("(x, i) => i >= 0 && Equals(x, null)");125 // Object construction:126 TestModelSelector(x => new TestModel())127 .Returns("x => new TestModel()");128 TestModelSelector(x => new TestModel(x.Name))129 .Returns("x => new TestModel(x.Name)");130 TestModelSelector(x => new TestModel(x.Name) { Name = "nm" })131 .Returns("x => new TestModel(x.Name) { Name = \"nm\" }");132 TestModelSelector(x => new TestModel { Name = x.Name })133 .Returns("x => new TestModel { Name = x.Name }");134 TestModelSelector(x => new { })135 .Returns("x => new { }");136 TestModelSelector(x => new { x.Name })137 .Returns("x => new { Name = x.Name }");138 TestModelSelector(x => new { x.Name, Id = 0 })139 .Returns("x => new { Name = x.Name, Id = 0 }");140 // Array construction:141 TestModelSelector(x => new[] { new { x.Name }, new { Name = "nm" } })142 .Returns("x => new[] {new { Name = x.Name }, new { Name = \"nm\" }}");143 TestModelSelector(x => new object[] { x.Name, 1 })144 .Returns("x => new[] {x.Name, 1}");145 return items;146 }147 [TestCaseSource(nameof(GetExpressionTestCases))]148 public static string ExpressionToString(Expression expression)149 {150 return ImprovedExpressionStringBuilder.ExpressionToString(expression);151 }152 public static class StaticClass153 {154 public static bool GetBool() => false;155 public static int GetInt() => 42;156 public static string GetString(string value) => value;157 }158 public abstract class TestComponent159 {160 public TestItem Item { get; private set; }161 public TestItem Item2 { get; private set; }162 public TestFlagValues Flags { get; private set; }163 public abstract bool IsIt(TestFlagValues flags);164 public abstract bool TryGetValue(string key, out int value);165 public abstract bool UseRefValue(string key, ref int value);166 }167 public class TestItem168 {169 public TestItemAttributes Attributes { get; private set; }170 public string Value { get; private set; }171 public static implicit operator string(TestItem item) =>172 item.ToString();173 }174 public abstract class TestItemAttributes175 {176 public bool Checked { get; private set; }177 public abstract string this[string index] { get; }178 public abstract TValue GetValue<TValue>(string attributeName);179 }180 public class TestModel181 {182 public TestModel()183 : this(null)184 {185 }186 public TestModel(string name)187 {188 Name = name;189 }190 public string Name { get; set; }191 }192 }193}...
...16 items.Add(data);17 return data;18 }19 string itemName = "item";20 TestModel item = new TestModel { Name = "item" };21 string[] itemArray = { "item" };22 TestPredicate(x => x.Item1 == "item")23 .Returns("Item1 == \"item\"");24 TestPredicate(x => x.Item1 == "item 1" || x.Item1 == "item 2")25 .Returns("Item1 == \"item 1\" || Item1 == \"item 2\"");26 TestPredicate(x => x.Item1 == itemName)27 .Returns("Item1 == \"item\"");28 TestPredicate(x => x.Item1 == item.Name)29 .Returns("Item1 == item.Name");30 TestPredicate(x => x["data-id"])31 .Returns("[\"data-id\"]");32 TestPredicate(x => x["data-id"] == null)33 .Returns("[\"data-id\"] == null");34 TestPredicate(x => x.Item1.Attributes["data-id"] == "15")35 .Returns("Item1.Attributes[\"data-id\"] == \"15\"");36 TestPredicate(x => x.Item1.Attributes["data-id"] == itemArray[0])37 .Returns("Item1.Attributes[\"data-id\"] == itemArray[0]");38 TestPredicate(x => x.Item1.Attributes.Checked)39 .Returns("Item1.Attributes.Checked");40 TestPredicate(x => x.Item1.Attributes.Checked == true)41 .Returns("Item1.Attributes.Checked == true");42 TestPredicate(x => x.Item1.Attributes.GetValue<DateTime>("data-date") <= DateTime.Today)43 .Returns("Item1.Attributes.GetValue(\"data-date\") <= DateTime.Today");44 TestPredicate(x => x.Item1.Value.Length == StaticClass.GetSomething())45 .Returns($"Item1.Value.Length == {nameof(ObjectExpressionStringBuilderTests)}.{nameof(StaticClass)}.{nameof(StaticClass.GetSomething)}()");46 TestPredicate(x => x.Item1.Value.Contains(StaticClass.GetSomething(item.Name)))47 .Returns($"Item1.Value.Contains({nameof(ObjectExpressionStringBuilderTests)}.{nameof(StaticClass)}.{nameof(StaticClass.GetSomething)}(item.Name))");48 TestPredicate(x => x.Item1.Value.Any(ch => ch == '!'))49 .Returns("Item1.Value.Any(ch => ch == '!')");50 TestPredicate(x => x.IsIt())51 .Returns("IsIt()");52 TestPredicate(x => x.Item1.GetContent() == null)53 .Returns("Item1.GetContent() == null");54 TestPredicate(x => StaticClass.IsIt(x.Item1))55 .Returns($"{nameof(ObjectExpressionStringBuilderTests)}.{nameof(StaticClass)}.IsIt(Item1)");56 TestPredicate(x => StaticClass.IsIt(x))57 .Returns($"{nameof(ObjectExpressionStringBuilderTests)}.{nameof(StaticClass)}.IsIt(x)");58 TestPredicate(x => x.ToString(TermCase.Kebab) != null)59 .Returns("ToString(TermCase.Kebab) != null");60 TestPredicate(x => x.Item1.ToString(TermCase.Kebab) != null)61 .Returns("Item1.ToString(TermCase.Kebab) != null");62 return items;63 }64 [TestCaseSource(nameof(GetExpressionTestCases))]65 public string ExpressionToString(Expression<Func<TestComponent, object>> expression)66 {67 return ObjectExpressionStringBuilder.ExpressionToString(expression);68 }69 public static class StaticClass70 {71 public static int GetSomething()72 {73 return 4;74 }75 public static string GetSomething(string value)76 {77 return value;78 }79 public static bool IsIt(object value)80 {81 return value is string;82 }83 }84 public abstract class TestComponent85 {86 public TestItem Item1 { get; private set; }87 public abstract object this[string index] { get; }88 public abstract bool IsIt();89 }90 public class TestItem91 {92 public TestItemAttributes Attributes { get; private set; }93 public string Value { get; private set; }94 public static implicit operator string(TestItem item) =>95 item.ToString();96 public string GetContent() =>97 ToString();98 }99 public abstract class TestItemAttributes100 {101 public bool Checked { get; private set; }102 public abstract string this[string index] { get; }103 public abstract TValue GetValue<TValue>(string attributeName);104 }105 public class TestModel106 {107 public string Name { get; set; }108 }109 }110}...
Using AI Code Generation
1using Atata;2{3 {4 static void Main(string[] args)5 {6 Build();7 AtataContext.Current.AutoSetUp();
Using AI Code Generation
1using Atata.Tests.Expressions;2public void Test()3{4 Go.To<TestModel>();5}6using Atata.Tests.Expressions;7public void Test()8{9 Go.To<TestModel>();10}11using Atata.Tests.Expressions;12public void Test()13{14 Go.To<TestModel>();15}16using Atata.Tests.Expressions;17public void Test()18{19 Go.To<TestModel>();20}21using Atata.Tests.Expressions;22public void Test()23{24 Go.To<TestModel>();25}26using Atata.Tests.Expressions;27public void Test()28{29 Go.To<TestModel>();30}31using Atata.Tests.Expressions;32public void Test()33{34 Go.To<TestModel>();35}36using Atata.Tests.Expressions;37public void Test()38{39 Go.To<TestModel>();40}41using Atata.Tests.Expressions;42public void Test()43{44 Go.To<TestModel>();45}46using Atata.Tests.Expressions;47public void Test()48{49 Go.To<TestModel>();50}51using Atata.Tests.Expressions;52public void Test()53{54 Go.To<TestModel>();55}56using Atata.Tests.Expressions;57public void Test()58{59 Go.To<TestModel>();60}
Using AI Code Generation
1using Atata.Tests.Expressions;2using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;3using Atata.Tests.Expressions;4using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;5using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;6using Atata.Tests.Expressions;7using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;8using Atata.Tests.Expressions;9using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;10using Atata.Tests.Expressions;11using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;12using Atata.Tests.Expressions;13using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;14using Atata.Tests.Expressions;15using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;16using Atata.Tests.Expressions;17using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;18using Atata.Tests.Expressions;19using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;20using Atata.Tests.Expressions;21using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;22using Atata.Tests.Expressions;23using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;24using Atata.Tests.Expressions;25using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;26using Atata.Tests.Expressions;27using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;28using Atata.Tests.Expressions;29using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;30using Atata.Tests.Expressions;31using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;32using Atata.Tests.Expressions;33using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;
Using AI Code Generation
1using Atata.Tests.Expressions;2using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;3using Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel.Pages;4using NUnit.Framework;5{6 {7 protected override void OnSetUp()8 {9 Go.To<HomePage>();10 }11 public void TestModel()12 {13 {
Using AI Code Generation
1using Atata.Tests.Expressions;2{3 {4 public void Test()5 {6 Go.To<PageWithModel>()7 .Model.Should.Equal(new TestModel8 {9 Property5 = new[] { 2, 2, 2 },10 Property6 = new[] { "2", "2", "2" },11 Property7 = new[] { 2.2, 2.2, 2.2 },12 Property8 = new[] { "2.2", "2.2", "2.2" },13 Property9 = new[] { 2, "2", 2.2, "2.2", new[] { 2, 2, 2 }, new[] { "2", "2", "2" }, new[] { 2.2, 2.2, 2.2 }, new[] { "2.2", "2.2", "2.2" } },14 {15 ["Property5"] = new[] { 2, 2, 2 },16 ["Property6"] = new[] { "2", "2", "2" },17 ["Property7"] = new[] { 2.2, 2.2, 2.2 },18 ["Property8"] = new[] { "2.2", "2.2", "2.2" },19 ["Property9"] = new[] { 2, "2", 2.2, "2.2", new[] { 2, 2, 2 }, new[] { "2", "2", "2" }, new[] { 2.2, 2.2, 2.2 }, new[] { "2.2", "2.2", "2.2" } }20 }21 });22 }23 }24}
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 public void Test()3 {4 Go.To<TestPage>()5 .Model.Should.Equal(new TestModel6 {7 });8 }9}10Expected: TestModel { First = "First", Second = "Second" }11But was: TestModel { First = "First", Second = "Second" }12{13 public void Test()14 {15 Go.To<TestPage>()16 .Model.Should.Equal(new Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel17 {18 });19 }20}21Should Be Equal To (Using Expression)
Using AI Code Generation
1using Atata.Tests.Expressions;2using static Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;3{4};5var stringProperty = model.Get(x => x.StringProperty);6var intProperty = model.Get(x => x.IntProperty);7var boolProperty = model.Get(x => x.BoolProperty);8using Atata.Tests.Expressions;9using static Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;10{11};12var stringProperty = model.Get(x => x.StringProperty);13var intProperty = model.Get(x => x.IntProperty);14var boolProperty = model.Get(x => x.BoolProperty);15using Atata.Tests.Expressions;16using static Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;17{18};19var stringProperty = model.Get(x => x.StringProperty);20var intProperty = model.Get(x => x.IntProperty);21var boolProperty = model.Get(x => x.BoolProperty);22using Atata.Tests.Expressions;23using static Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;24{25};26var stringProperty = model.Get(x => x.StringProperty);27var intProperty = model.Get(x => x.IntProperty);28var boolProperty = model.Get(x => x.BoolProperty);29using Atata.Tests.Expressions;30using static Atata.Tests.Expressions.TestModel;31{32};33var stringProperty = model.Get(x => x.StringProperty);34var intProperty = model.Get(x => x.IntProperty);35var boolProperty = model.Get(x => x.BoolProperty);
Using AI Code Generation
1var testModel = new TestModel();2testModel.Name.Should.Equal("John");3testModel.Age.Should.Equal(30);4testModel.IsMale.Should.BeTrue();5testModel.IsFemale.Should.BeFalse();6testModel.IsMarried.Should.BeTrue();7testModel.IsNotMarried.Should.BeFalse();8testModel.IsMarriedOrNotMale.Should.BeTrue();9testModel.IsMarriedAndNotMale.Should.BeFalse();10testModel.IsMarriedOrNotMaleAndNotFemale.Should.BeTrue();11testModel.IsMarriedAndNotMaleAndNotFemale.Should.BeFalse();12testModel.IsMarriedAndNotMaleAndNotFemaleOrAgeIsLessThan40.Should.BeTrue();13testModel.IsMarriedAndNotMaleAndNotFemaleOrAgeIsLessThan30.Should.BeFalse();14var testModel = new TestModel();15testModel.Name.Should.Equal("John");16testModel.Age.Should.Equal(30);17testModel.IsMale.Should.BeTrue();18testModel.IsFemale.Should.BeFalse();19testModel.IsMarried.Should.BeTrue();20testModel.IsNotMarried.Should.BeFalse();21testModel.IsMarriedOrNotMale.Should.BeTrue();22testModel.IsMarriedAndNotMale.Should.BeFalse();23testModel.IsMarriedOrNotMaleAndNotFemale.Should.BeTrue();24testModel.IsMarriedAndNotMaleAndNotFemale.Should.BeFalse();25testModel.IsMarriedAndNotMaleAndNotFemaleOrAgeIsLessThan40.Should.BeTrue();26testModel.IsMarriedAndNotMaleAndNotFemaleOrAgeIsLessThan30.Should.BeFalse();27var testModel = new TestModel();28testModel.Name.Should.Equal("John");29testModel.Age.Should.Equal(30);30testModel.IsMale.Should.BeTrue();31testModel.IsFemale.Should.BeFalse();32testModel.IsMarried.Should.BeTrue();33testModel.IsNotMarried.Should.BeFalse();34testModel.IsMarriedOrNotMale.Should.BeTrue();35testModel.IsMarriedAndNotMale.Should.BeFalse();36testModel.IsMarriedOrNotMaleAndNotFemale.Should.BeTrue();37testModel.IsMarriedAndNotMaleAndNotFemale.Should.BeFalse();38testModel.IsMarriedAndNotMaleAndNotFemaleOrAgeIsLessThan40.Should.BeTrue();
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