How to use IJavaScriptExecutorLoggingExtensions class of Atata package

Best Atata code snippet using Atata.IJavaScriptExecutorLoggingExtensions


Source:IJavaScriptExecutorLoggingExtensions.cs Github


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...8 /​/​/​ <summary>9 /​/​/​ Provides a set of extension methods for <see cref="IJavaScriptExecutor"/​>10 /​/​/​ that wrap actual methods with log sections.11 /​/​/​ </​summary>12 public static class IJavaScriptExecutorLoggingExtensions13 {14 private const int ScriptMaxLength = 100;15 /​/​/​ <summary>16 /​/​/​ Executes the specified script within a log section.17 /​/​/​ </​summary>18 /​/​/​ <param name="scriptExecutor">The scrip executor.</​param>19 /​/​/​ <param name="script">The script.</​param>20 /​/​/​ <param name="args">The script arguments.</​param>21 /​/​/​ <returns>The value returned by the script.</​returns>22 public static object ExecuteScriptWithLogging(this IJavaScriptExecutor scriptExecutor, string script, params object[] args)23 {24 scriptExecutor.CheckNotNull(nameof(scriptExecutor));25 ILogManager log = AtataContext.Current?.Log;26 object Execute() =>...

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using NUnit.Framework;7using OpenQA.Selenium;8using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;9using OpenQA.Selenium.Remote;10using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;11using OpenQA.Selenium.IE;12using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;13using OpenQA.Selenium.Edge;14using OpenQA.Selenium.PhantomJS;15using OpenQA.Selenium.Safari;16using OpenQA.Selenium.Opera;17using Atata;18using Atata.WebDriverExtras;19using Atata.WebDriverExtras.Logging;20{21 {22 public void Test()23 {24 IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();25 driver.Log().Info("Navigated to Google");26 driver.FindElement(By.Name("q")).SendKeys("Selenium WebDriver");27 driver.Log().Info("Entered text in SearchBox");28 driver.FindElement(By.Name("btnK")).Click();29 driver.Log().Info("Clicked on Search button");30 Console.WriteLine("Page title is: " + driver.Title);31 driver.Log().Info("Page title is: " + driver.Title);32 driver.Quit();33 }34 }35}36using System;37using System.Collections.Generic;38using System.Linq;39using System.Text;40using System.Threading.Tasks;41using NUnit.Framework;42using OpenQA.Selenium;43using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;44using OpenQA.Selenium.Remote;45using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;46using OpenQA.Selenium.IE;47using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;48using OpenQA.Selenium.Edge;49using OpenQA.Selenium.PhantomJS;50using OpenQA.Selenium.Safari;51using OpenQA.Selenium.Opera;52using Atata;53using Atata.WebDriverExtras;54using Atata.WebDriverExtras.Logging;55{56 {57 public void Test()58 {59 IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();60 driver.Log().Info("Navigated to Google");61 driver.FindElement(By.Name("q")).SendKeys("Selenium WebDriver");62 driver.Log().Info("Entered text in SearchBox");63 driver.FindElement(By.Name("btnK")).Click();64 driver.Log().Info("Clicked on

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3using OpenQA.Selenium;4using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;5using System;6using System.Collections.Generic;7using System.Linq;8using System.Text;9using System.Threading.Tasks;10{11 {12 static void Main(string[] args)13 {14 using (var driver = new ChromeDriver())15 {

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3{4 {5 public void TestMethod1()6 {7 Build())8 {9 app.LogJavaScriptErrors();10 }11 }12 }13}14using Atata;15using NUnit.Framework;16{17 {18 public void TestMethod1()19 {20 Build())21 {22 app.LogJavaScriptErrors();23 }24 }25 }26}27using Atata;28using NUnit.Framework;29{30 {31 public void TestMethod1()32 {33 Build())34 {35 app.LogJavaScriptErrors();36 }37 }38 }39}40using Atata;41using NUnit.Framework;42{43 {44 public void TestMethod1()45 {46 Build())47 {48 app.LogJavaScriptErrors();49 }50 }51 }52}53using Atata;54using NUnit.Framework;55{56 {57 public void TestMethod1()

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3{4 {5 public void _5()6 {7 Go.To<HomePage>()8 .JsLog.Should.ContainEntries(9 "error: Hello from error.");10 }11 }12}13using Atata;14using NUnit.Framework;15{16 {17 public void _6()18 {19 Go.To<HomePage>()20 .JsLog.Should.ContainEntries(21 "error: Hello from error.");22 }23 }24}25using Atata;26using NUnit.Framework;27{28 {29 public void _7()30 {31 Go.To<HomePage>()32 .JsLog.Should.ContainEntries(33 "error: Hello from error.");34 }35 }36}37using Atata;38using NUnit.Framework;39{40 {41 public void _8()42 {43 Go.To<HomePage>()44 .JsLog.Should.ContainEntries(45 "error: Hello from error.");46 }47 }48}49using Atata;50using NUnit.Framework;51{52 {53 public void _9()54 {55 Go.To<HomePage>()56 .JsLog.Should.ContainEntries(57 "error: Hello from error.");58 }59 }60}

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1using Atata;2{3 using _ = Page5;4 [Url("page5")]5 {6 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerError { get; private set; }7 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerWarning { get; private set; }8 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerInfo { get; private set; }9 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerDebug { get; private set; }10 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerLog { get; private set; }11 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerAssert { get; private set; }12 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerClear { get; private set; }13 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerGetLogs { get; private set; }14 public IJavaScriptExecutorLoggingExtensions<_> Console { get; private set; }15 public IJavaScriptExecutorLoggingExtensions<_> Assert { get; private set; }16 public IJavaScriptExecutorLoggingExtensions<_> Debug { get; private set; }17 public IJavaScriptExecutorLoggingExtensions<_> Error { get; private set; }18 public IJavaScriptExecutorLoggingExtensions<_> Info { get; private set; }19 public IJavaScriptExecutorLoggingExtensions<_> Log { get; private set; }20 public IJavaScriptExecutorLoggingExtensions<_> Warn { get; private set; }21 }22}23using Atata;24{25 using _ = Page6;26 [Url("page6")]27 {28 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerError { get; private set; }29 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerWarning { get; private set; }30 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerInfo { get; private set; }31 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerDebug { get; private set; }32 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerLog { get; private set; }33 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerAssert { get; private set; }34 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerClear { get; private set; }35 public ButtonDelegate<_> TriggerGetLogs { get; private set; }36 public IJavaScriptExecutorLoggingExtensions<_> Console { get; private set; }37 public IJavaScriptExecutorLoggingExtensions<_> Assert { get; private set; }

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1using Atata;2{3 {4 [FindByClass("ui-widget-content")]5 public JQueryControl JQuery { get; private set; }6 public JQueryPage AssertJQueryLog(string text)7 {8 Log.Info("Asserting JQuery log");9 JQuery.Log.Should.Contain(text);10 return this;11 }12 }13}14using Atata;15{16 {17 [FindByClass("ui-draggable")]18 public JQueryDraggableControl Draggable { get; private set; }19 [FindByClass("ui-droppable")]20 public JQueryDroppableControl Droppable { get; private set; }21 public JQueryControl AssertLog(string text)22 {23 Log.Info("Asserting JQuery control log");24 Log.Should.Contain(text);25 return this;26 }27 }28}29using Atata;30{31 {32 [FindByClass("ui-draggable-handle")]33 public Control Handle { get; private set; }34 public JQueryDraggableControl AssertLog(string text)35 {36 Log.Info("Asserting JQuery draggable control log");37 Log.Should.Contain(text);38 return this;39 }40 }41}42using Atata;43{44 {45 public JQueryDroppableControl AssertLog(string text)46 {47 Log.Info("Asserting JQuery droppable control log");48 Log.Should.Contain(text);49 return this;50 }51 }52}53using NUnit.Framework;54{55 {

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