Best io.appium code snippet using io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.ProcessArguments
1/*2 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");3 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.4 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional5 * information regarding copyright ownership.6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at7 *8 * *10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14 * limitations under the License.15 */16package io.appium.java_client.remote;17import org.openqa.selenium.remote.CapabilityType;18/**19 * The list of iOS-specific capabilities. <br>20 * Read: <br>21 * <a href="">22 *</a>23 * <br>24 * and<br>25 * <a href="">26 *</a>27 */28public interface IOSMobileCapabilityType extends CapabilityType {29 /**30 * (Sim-only) Calendar format to set for the iOS Simulator.31 */32 String CALENDAR_FORMAT = "calendarFormat";33 /**34 * Bundle ID of the app under test. Useful for starting an app on a real device35 * or for using other caps which require the bundle ID during test startup.36 * To run a test on a real device using the bundle ID,37 * you may omit the 'app' capability, but you must provide 'udid'.38 */39 String BUNDLE_ID = "bundleId";40 /**41 * Amount of time in ms to wait for instruments before assuming it hung and42 * failing the session.43 */44 String LAUNCH_TIMEOUT = "launchTimeout";45 /**46 * (Sim-only) Force location services to be either on or off.47 * Default is to keep current sim setting.48 */49 String LOCATION_SERVICES_ENABLED = "locationServicesEnabled";50 /**51 * (Sim-only) Set location services to be authorized or not authorized for app via plist,52 * so that location services alert doesn't pop up. Default is to keep current sim53 * setting. Note that if you use this setting you MUST also use the bundleId54 * capability to send in your app's bundle ID.55 */56 String LOCATION_SERVICES_AUTHORIZED = "locationServicesAuthorized";57 /**58 * Accept all iOS alerts automatically if they pop up.59 * This includes privacy access permission alerts60 * (e.g., location, contacts, photos). Default is false.61 */62 String AUTO_ACCEPT_ALERTS = "autoAcceptAlerts";63 /**64 * Dismiss all iOS alerts automatically if they pop up.65 * This includes privacy access permission alerts (e.g.,66 * location, contacts, photos). Default is false.67 */68 String AUTO_DISMISS_ALERTS = "autoDismissAlerts";69 /**70 * Use native intruments lib (ie disable instruments-without-delay).71 */72 String NATIVE_INSTRUMENTS_LIB = "nativeInstrumentsLib";73 /**74 * Enable "real", non-javascript-based web taps in Safari.75 * Default: false.76 * Warning: depending on viewport size/ratio this might not accurately tap an element.77 */78 String NATIVE_WEB_TAP = "nativeWebTap";79 /**80 * (Sim-only) (>= 8.1) Initial safari url, default is a local welcome page.81 */82 String SAFARI_INITIAL_URL = "safariInitialUrl";83 /**84 * (Sim-only) Allow javascript to open new windows in Safari. Default keeps current sim85 * setting.86 */87 String SAFARI_ALLOW_POPUPS = "safariAllowPopups";88 /**89 * (Sim-only) Prevent Safari from showing a fraudulent website warning.90 * Default keeps current sim setting.91 */92 String SAFARI_IGNORE_FRAUD_WARNING = "safariIgnoreFraudWarning";93 /**94 * (Sim-only) Whether Safari should allow links to open in new windows.95 * Default keeps current sim setting.96 */97 String SAFARI_OPEN_LINKS_IN_BACKGROUND = "safariOpenLinksInBackground";98 /**99 * (Sim-only) Whether to keep keychains (Library/Keychains) when appium100 * session is started/finished.101 */102 String KEEP_KEY_CHAINS = "keepKeyChains";103 /**104 * Where to look for localizable strings. Default en.lproj.105 */106 String LOCALIZABLE_STRINGS_DIR = "localizableStringsDir";107 /**108 * Arguments to pass to the AUT using instruments.109 */110 String PROCESS_ARGUMENTS = "processArguments";111 /**112 * The delay, in ms, between keystrokes sent to an element when typing.113 */114 String INTER_KEY_DELAY = "interKeyDelay";115 /**116 * Whether to show any logs captured from a device in the appium logs. Default false.117 */118 String SHOW_IOS_LOG = "showIOSLog";119 /**120 * strategy to use to type test into a test field. Simulator default: oneByOne.121 * Real device default: grouped.122 */123 String SEND_KEY_STRATEGY = "sendKeyStrategy";124 /**125 * Max timeout in sec to wait for a screenshot to be generated. default: 10.126 */127 String SCREENSHOT_WAIT_TIMEOUT = "screenshotWaitTimeout";128 /**129 * The ios automation script used to determined if the app has been launched,130 * by default the system wait for the page source not to be empty.131 * The result must be a boolean.132 */133 String WAIT_FOR_APP_SCRIPT = "waitForAppScript";134 /**135 * Number of times to send connection message to remote debugger, to get webview.136 * Default: 8.137 */138 String WEBVIEW_CONNECT_RETRIES = "webviewConnectRetries";139 /**140 * The display name of the application under test. Used to automate backgrounding141 * the app in iOS 9+.142 */143 String APP_NAME = "appName";144 /**145 * (Sim only) Add an SSL certificate to IOS Simulator.146 */147 String CUSTOM_SSL_CERT = "customSSLCert";148 /**149 * The desired capability to specify a length for tapping, if the regular150 * tap is too long for the app under test. The XCUITest specific capability.151 */152 String TAP_WITH_SHORT_PRESS_DURATION = "tapWithShortPressDuration";153 /**154 * Simulator scale factor.155 * This is useful to have if the default resolution of simulated device is156 * greater than the actual display resolution. So you can scale the simulator157 * to see the whole device screen without scrolling.158 * This capability only works below Xcode9.159 */160 String SCALE_FACTOR = "scaleFactor";161 /**162 * This value if specified, will be used to forward traffic from Mac163 * host to real ios devices over USB. Default value is same as port164 * number used by WDA on device.165 * eg: 8100166 */167 String WDA_LOCAL_PORT = "wdaLocalPort";168 /**169 * Whether to display the output of the Xcode command170 * used to run the tests.If this is true,171 * there will be lots of extra logging at startup. Defaults to false172 */173 String SHOW_XCODE_LOG = "showXcodeLog";174 /**175 * Time in milliseconds to pause between installing the application176 * and starting WebDriverAgent on the device. Used particularly for larger applications.177 * Defaults to 0178 */179 String IOS_INSTALL_PAUSE = "iosInstallPause";180 /**181 * Full path to an optional Xcode configuration file that182 * specifies the code signing identity183 * and team for running the WebDriverAgent on the real device.184 * e.g., /path/to/myconfig.xcconfig185 */186 String XCODE_CONFIG_FILE = "xcodeConfigFile";187 /**188 * Password for unlocking keychain specified in keychainPath.189 */190 String KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD = "keychainPassword";191 /**192 * Skips the build phase of running the WDA app.193 * Building is then the responsibility of the user.194 * Only works for Xcode 8+. Defaults to false195 */196 String USE_PREBUILT_WDA = "usePrebuiltWDA";197 /**198 * Sets read only permissons to Attachments subfolder of WebDriverAgent199 * root inside Xcode's DerivedData.200 * This is necessary to prevent XCTest framework from201 * creating tons of unnecessary screenshots and logs,202 * which are impossible to shutdown using programming203 * interfaces provided by Apple204 *205 * @deprecated This capability was deleted at Appium 1.14.0206 */207 @Deprecated208 String PREVENT_WDAATTACHMENTS = "preventWDAAttachments";209 /**210 * Appium will connect to an existing WebDriverAgent,211 * instance at this URL instead of starting a new one.212 * eg : http://localhost:8100213 */214 String WEB_DRIVER_AGENT_URL = "webDriverAgentUrl";215 /**216 * Full path to the private development key exported217 * from the system keychain. Used in conjunction218 * with keychainPassword when testing on real devices.219 * e.g., /path/to/MyPrivateKey.p12220 */221 String KEYCHAIN_PATH = "keychainPath";222 /**223 * If {@code true}, forces uninstall of any existing WebDriverAgent app on device.224 * Set it to {@code true} if you want to apply different startup options for WebDriverAgent for each session.225 * Although, it is only guaranteed to work stable on Simulator. Real devices require WebDriverAgent226 * client to run for as long as possible without reinstall/restart to avoid issues like227 * <a href="">228 *</a>.229 * The {@code false} value (the default behaviour since driver version 2.35.0) will try to detect currently230 * running WDA listener executed by previous testing session(s) and reuse it if possible, which is231 * highly recommended for real device testing and to speed up suites of multiple tests in general.232 * A new WDA session will be triggered at the default URL (http://localhost:8100) if WDA is not233 * listening and {@code webDriverAgentUrl} capability is not set. The negative/unset value of {@code useNewWDA}234 * capability has no effect prior to xcuitest driver version */236 String USE_NEW_WDA = "useNewWDA";237 /**238 * Time, in ms, to wait for WebDriverAgent to be pingable. Defaults to 60000ms.239 */240 String WDA_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT = "wdaLaunchTimeout";241 /**242 * Timeout, in ms, for waiting for a response from WebDriverAgent. Defaults to 240000ms.243 */244 String WDA_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = "wdaConnectionTimeout";245 /**246 * Apple developer team identifier string.247 * Must be used in conjunction with xcodeSigningId to take effect.248 * e.g., JWL241K123249 */250 String XCODE_ORG_ID = "xcodeOrgId";251 /**252 * String representing a signing certificate.253 * Must be used in conjunction with xcodeOrgId.254 * This is usually just iPhone Developer, so the default (if not included) is iPhone Developer255 */256 String XCODE_SIGNING_ID = "xcodeSigningId";257 /**258 * Bundle id to update WDA to before building and launching on real devices.259 * This bundle id must be associated with a valid provisioning profile.260 * e.g., io.appium.WebDriverAgentRunner.261 */262 String UPDATE_WDA_BUNDLEID = "updatedWDABundleId";263 /**264 * Whether to perform reset on test session finish (false) or not (true).265 * Keeping this variable set to true and Simulator running266 * (the default behaviour since version 1.6.4) may significantly shorten the267 * duration of test session initialization.268 * Defaults to true.269 */270 String RESET_ON_SESSION_START_ONLY = "resetOnSessionStartOnly";271 /**272 * Custom timeout(s) in milliseconds for WDA backend commands execution.273 * This might be useful if WDA backend freezes unexpectedly or requires274 * too much time to fail and blocks automated test execution.275 * The value is expected to be of type string and can either contain276 * max milliseconds to wait for each WDA command to be executed before277 * terminating the session forcefully or a valid JSON string,278 * where keys are internal Appium command names (you can find these in logs,279 * look for "Executing command 'command_name'" records) and values are280 * timeouts in milliseconds. You can also set the 'default' key to assign281 * the timeout for all other commands not explicitly enumerated as JSON keys.282 */283 String COMMAND_TIMEOUTS = "commandTimeouts";284 /**285 * Number of times to try to build and launch WebDriverAgent onto the device.286 * Defaults to 2.287 */288 String WDA_STARTUP_RETRIES = "wdaStartupRetries";289 /**290 * Time, in ms, to wait between tries to build and launch WebDriverAgent.291 * Defaults to 10000ms.292 */293 String WDA_STARTUP_RETRY_INTERVAL = "wdaStartupRetryInterval";294 /**295 * Set this option to true in order to enable hardware keyboard in Simulator.296 * It is set to false by default, because this helps to workaround some XCTest bugs.297 */298 String CONNECT_HARDWARE_KEYBOARD = "connectHardwareKeyboard";299 /**300 * Maximum frequency of keystrokes for typing and clear.301 * If your tests are failing because of typing errors, you may want to adjust this.302 * Defaults to 60 keystrokes per minute.303 */304 String MAX_TYPING_FREQUENCY = "maxTypingFrequency";305 /**306 * Use native methods for determining visibility of elements.307 * In some cases this takes a long time.308 * Setting this capability to false will cause the system to use the position309 * and size of elements to make sure they are visible on the screen.310 * This can, however, lead to false results in some situations.311 * Defaults to false, except iOS 9.3, where it defaults to true.312 */313 String SIMPLE_ISVISIBLE_CHECK = "simpleIsVisibleCheck";314 /**315 * Use SSL to download dependencies for WebDriverAgent. Defaults to false.316 */317 String USE_CARTHAGE_SSL = "useCarthageSsl";318 /**319 * Use default proxy for test management within WebDriverAgent.320 * Setting this to false sometimes helps with socket hangup problems.321 * Defaults to true.322 */323 String SHOULD_USE_SINGLETON_TESTMANAGER = "shouldUseSingletonTestManager";324 /**325 * Set this to true if you want to start ios_webkit_debug proxy server326 * automatically for accessing webviews on iOS.327 * The capatibility only works for real device automation.328 * Defaults to false.329 */330 String START_IWDP = "startIWDP";331 /**332 * Enrolls simulator for touch id. Defaults to false.333 */334 String ALLOW_TOUCHID_ENROLL = "allowTouchIdEnroll";335}...
...19import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities;20import java.util.List;21import java.util.Map;22import java.util.Optional;23public interface SupportsProcessArgumentsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> extends24 Capabilities, CanSetCapability<T> {25 String PROCESS_ARGUMENTS_OPTION = "processArguments";26 /**27 * Provides process arguments and environment which will be sent28 * to the WebDriverAgent server.29 *30 * @param pa Process arguments.31 * @return self instance for chaining.32 */33 default T setProcessArguments(ProcessArguments pa) {34 return amend(PROCESS_ARGUMENTS_OPTION, pa.toMap());35 }36 /**37 * Get process arguments of the app under test.38 *39 * @return Process arguments.40 */41 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")42 default Optional<ProcessArguments> getProcessArguments() {43 Map<String, Object> pa = (Map<String, Object>) getCapability(PROCESS_ARGUMENTS_OPTION);44 return pa == null || !(pa.containsKey("args") || pa.containsKey("env"))45 ? Optional.empty()46 : Optional.of(new ProcessArguments(47 (List<String>) pa.getOrDefault("args", null),48 (Map<String, Object>) pa.getOrDefault("env", null)));49 }50}...
...20import java.util.List;21import java.util.Map;22import java.util.Optional;23@ToString()24public class ProcessArguments {25 private final List<String> args;26 private final Map<String, Object> env;27 public ProcessArguments(List<String> args, Map<String, Object> env) {28 this.args = args;29 this.env = env;30 }31 public ProcessArguments(List<String> args) {32 this(args, null);33 }34 public ProcessArguments(Map<String, Object> env) {35 this(null, env);36 }37 /**38 * Returns the data object content as a map.39 *40 * @return Properties as a map.41 */42 public Map<String, Object> toMap() {43 Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();44 Optional.ofNullable(args).ifPresent((v) -> result.put("args", v));45 Optional.ofNullable(env).ifPresent((v) -> result.put("env", v));46 return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result);47 }48}...
Using AI Code Generation
1ProcessArguments processArguments = new ProcessArguments();2processArguments.setArgument("--arg1", "value1");3processArguments.setArgument("--arg2", "value2");4processArguments.setArgument("--arg3", "value3");5ProcessArguments processArguments = new ProcessArguments();6processArguments.setArgument("--arg1", "value1");7processArguments.setArgument("--arg2", "value2");8processArguments.setArgument("--arg3", "value3");9ProcessArguments processArguments = new ProcessArguments();10processArguments.setArgument("--arg1", "value1");11processArguments.setArgument("--arg2", "value2");12processArguments.setArgument("--arg3", "value3");13ProcessArguments processArguments = new ProcessArguments();14processArguments.setArgument("--arg1", "value1");15processArguments.setArgument("--arg2", "value2");16processArguments.setArgument("--arg3", "value3");17ProcessArguments processArguments = new ProcessArguments();18processArguments.setArgument("--arg1", "value1");19processArguments.setArgument("--arg2", "value2");20processArguments.setArgument("--arg3", "value3");21ProcessArguments processArguments = new ProcessArguments();22processArguments.setArgument("--arg1", "value1");23processArguments.setArgument("--arg2", "value2");24processArguments.setArgument("--arg3", "value3");25ProcessArguments processArguments = new ProcessArguments();26processArguments.setArgument("--arg1", "value1");27processArguments.setArgument("--arg2", "value2");28processArguments.setArgument("--arg3", "value3");29ProcessArguments processArguments = new ProcessArguments();30processArguments.setArgument("--arg1", "value1");31processArguments.setArgument("--arg2", "value2");32processArguments.setArgument("--arg3", "value
Using AI Code Generation
1ProcessArguments processArguments = new ProcessArguments();2processArguments.setArgument("--args", "--arg1", "--arg2");3IOSMobileOptions mobileOptions = new IOSMobileOptions();4mobileOptions.setProcessArguments(processArguments);5driver.setProcessArguments(processArguments);6driver.setProcessArguments("--args", "--arg1", "--arg2");7driver.setProcessArguments("--args", "--arg1", "--arg2", "--arg3");8driver.setProcessArguments("--args", "--arg1", "--arg2", "--arg3", "--arg4");9driver.setProcessArguments("--args", "--arg1", "--arg2", "--arg3", "--arg4", "--arg5");10driver.setProcessArguments("--args", "--arg1", "--arg2", "--arg3", "--arg4", "--arg5", "--arg6");11driver.setProcessArguments("--args", "--arg1", "--arg2", "--arg3", "--arg4", "--arg5", "--arg6", "--arg7");12driver.setProcessArguments("--args", "--arg1", "--arg2", "--arg3", "--arg4", "--arg5", "--arg6", "--
Using AI Code Generation
1ProcessArguments processArguments = new ProcessArguments();2processArguments.setArgument("--args", "arg1", "arg2");3processArguments.setArgument("--other-arg", "arg1", "arg2");4processArguments.setEnvironmentVariable("env1", "value1", "value2");5processArguments.setEnvironmentVariable("env2", "value1", "value2");6DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();7capabilities.setCapability("processArguments", processArguments);
Using AI Code Generation
1import io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.ProcessArguments;2ProcessArguments processArguments = new ProcessArguments();3processArguments.setEnvironmentVariable("ENV_VAR", "value");4processArguments.setArguments(Arrays.asList("--arg1", "--arg2"));5processArguments.setEnvironmentVariable("ENV_VAR2", "value2");6processArguments.setArguments(Arrays.asList("--arg1", "--arg2"));7capabilities.setCapability(WDAPerformanceLoggingOption.WDA_PERFORMANCE_LOGGING_OPTION, processArguments);8import io.appium.java_client.ios.options.ProcessArguments;9ProcessArguments processArguments = new ProcessArguments();10processArguments.setEnvironmentVariable("ENV_VAR", "value");11processArguments.setArguments(Arrays.asList("--arg1", "--arg2"));12processArguments.setEnvironmentVariable("ENV_VAR2", "value2");13processArguments.setArguments(Arrays.asList("--arg1", "--arg2"));14capabilities.setCapability(WDAPerformanceLoggingOption.WDA_PERFORMANCE_LOGGING_OPTION, processArguments);15from appium.webdriver.common.mobileby import MobileBy16from appium.webdriver.webdriver import WebDriver17class WDA(WebDriver):
Using AI Code Generation
1List<String> args = new ArrayList<>();2args.add("--args");3args.add("--enable-features=NetworkService");4args.add("--ignore-certificate-errors");5args.add("--no-first-run");6args.add("--no-default-browser-check");7args.add("--disable-default-apps");8args.add("--disable-popup-blocking");9args.add("--disable-translate");10args.add("--disable-notifications");11args.add("--disable-sync");12args.add("--disable-prompt-on-repost");13args.add("--disable-popup-blocking");14args.add("--disable-infobars");15args.add("--disable-extensions");16args.add("--disable-component-update");17args.add("--disable-background-networking");18args.add("--disable-background-timer-throttling");19args.add("--disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows");20args.add("--disable-breakpad");21args.add("--disable-client-side-phishing-detection");22args.add("--disable-default-apps");23args.add("--disable-dev-shm-usage");24args.add("--disable-domain-reliability");25args.add("--disable-extensions");26args.add("--disable-features=TranslateUI");27args.add("--disable-hang-monitor");28args.add("--disable-ipc-flooding-protection");29args.add("--disable-popup-blocking");30args.add("--disable-prompt-on-repost");31args.add("--disable-renderer-backgrounding");32args.add("--disable-sync");33args.add("--disable-translate");34args.add("--disable-web-resources");35args.add("--metrics-recording-only");36args.add("--no-first-run");37args.add("--safebrowsing-disable-auto-update");38args.add("--enable-automation");39args.add("--password-store=basic");40args.add("--use-mock-keychain");41args.add("--disable-features=site-per-process");42ProcessArguments processArguments = new ProcessArguments();43processArguments.setWdaLocalPort(8100);44processArguments.setProcessArguments(args);45List<String> args = new ArrayList<>();46args.add("--args");47args.add("--enable-features=NetworkService");48args.add("--ignore-certificate-errors");49args.add("--no-first-run");50args.add("--no-default-browser-check");51args.add("--disable-default-apps");52args.add("--disable-popup-blocking");53args.add("--disable-translate");54args.add("--disable-notifications");55args.add("--disable
Using AI Code Generation
1ProcessArguments args = new ProcessArguments();2args.setArgument("--arg1", "value1");3args.setArgument("--arg2", "value2");4args.setEnvironmentVariable("env1", "value1");5args.setEnvironmentVariable("env2", "value2");6args.setWDAStartupPort(8100);7args.setWDAStartupRetries(3);8args.setWDAStartupRetryInterval(5000);9args.setWDAStartupTimeout(10000);10args.setBundleId("");11args.setProcessArguments("arg1", "arg2");12args.setProcessEnvironmentVariables("env1", "env2");13args.setProcessArguments("arg1", "arg2");14args.setProcessEnvironmentVariables("env1", "env2");15args.setProcessArguments("arg1", "arg2");16args.setProcessEnvironmentVariables("env1", "env2");17args.setProcessArguments("arg1", "arg2");18args.setProcessEnvironmentVariables("env1", "env2");19args.setProcessArguments("arg1", "arg2");20args.setProcessEnvironmentVariables("env1", "env2");21args.setProcessArguments("arg1", "arg2");22args.setProcessEnvironmentVariables("env1", "env2");23args.setProcessArguments("arg1",
How to select dropdown value in Scrollview using Appium?
Appium cannot install ipa file in simulator
Locator Strategy 'css selector' is not supported for this session issue with appium
Swipe is not working in Appium Android Webview
Unexpected error while obtaining UI hierarchy java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException for android 8.1.0
Appium test returns exit code 2 error in app center
How to scroll using coordinates with appium
Appium in Web app: Unable to tap Allow permission button in notification pop up window
Appium's implicitlyWait does not work
Appium - find element by Xpath
So I have never used Selenium on android but the problem may be that you have to wait until the element is generated. Take a look at WebDriverWait
Example code(python) (you have to modify it for your purposes)
wait = WebDriverWait(browser, 2) # 2 seconds timeout
wait.until(expected_conditions.visibility_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, 'classname')))
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