Android Emulator Online

Accelerate your development with Android Emulators on cloud. Trusted by 2 Million+ developers & quality analysts across the globe for testing!

Native App Testing on Android Devices

Perform native app testing on of your android phones and tablets . Test out the functionality, UI and other accessibility features of your application on different versions of the android platform.
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Parallel Automation Testing

Android Browser Compatibility Test On Cloud

Speed up your testing by executing browser compatibility tests on "Android 4.4 to Android 12". Assure website compatibility on google chrome, firefox, opera and many more mobile browsers.
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What is an Emulator Browser?
An emulator browsers is a virtual device that allows you to test your website over a browser that isn't available in your operating system by imitating it virtually. For example, you can leverage mobile emultor browser to help you test responsiveness of your website across a variety of mobile devices from your desktop through a virtual environment. Meaning, you won't have to buy a real mobile device as you can work with a mobile browser emulator which would resemble the look and feel of your website over a particular mobile view.
What are the advantages of using an Emulator Browser?
An Emulator Browser helps you save both time & money involved in a test cycle. You end up saving money as you don't have to buy real devices for mobile web testing. Plus, mobile browser emulators save you a lot of time as you can instantly access dozens or hundreds of different browsers without having to download & install them one after the other.
Our online web browser emulator reliable for testing?
Yes, the online web browser emulator is a reliable option to consider for mobile web testing. Although, they’re not 100% accurate, as they might not be able to replicate the differences in API, gesture, and few specific behaviors observed on mobile devices.
How does LambdaTest help with mobile browser testing?
LambdaTest offers a cloud-based cross browser testing platform that allows you to test your website on 3000+ real desktop and mobile browsers over a variety of operating systems in Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. By signing up on LambdaTest, you also get complimentary access to LT Browser which is a dev-friendly browser designed specifically for developers to perform responsive testing on the go with out-of-the-box functionality such as mirrored interactions, hot reloading etc.