Unique features of Playwright, you must know!


It supports cross-browser development on Chromium, WebKit, and Firefox – including Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, and Safari.


It is supported on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Testing cross-language

It includes JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Java, and .NET – choose the environment that suits you while still covering all areas and formats.

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Auto-wait, smart assertions that retry until an element is found, and test data tracing – keep track of logs and videos easily.


Built with modern architecture and no restrictions, the application allows you to interact with multi-page, multi-tab websites like a real user and easily handles frames and browser events.

Runner limitation

As the Playwright framework is aligned with the modern browser's architecture, it doesn't have the in-process test runner limitations.


It delivers full test isolation with no overhead. It creates a browser context for each test which only takes a handful of milliseconds.

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