Best Practices For Improving Code Coverage!

Setting Realistic Targets

Start by defining coverage targets that align with your software project's needs and limitations.

Consider Different Code Sections

These coverage targets should consider the significance of various code sections, associated risks, and resources available for testing.

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Write Testable Code

This involves designing code to facilitate the creation of comprehensive and meaningful test cases.

Break Code into Modules

To make testing easier, break your code into modular components, allowing for easier individual testing of each component.

Prioritize Test Cases

Not all test cases offer the same coverage. Prioritize test cases based on their potential impacts on coverage and their ability to uncover bugs.

Use Mocks and Stubs

Mocks and stubs are critical tools for testing complex systems and dependencies, helping isolate components during tests and manage test scenarios.

Iterative Improvement and Maintenance

Regularly review and evaluate coverage reports, as it will help you identify areas that need improvement and add new test cases accordingly.

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