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XCUI Supported Capabilities

This document provide details about the features and capabilities supported for XCUI Framework on LambdaTest.

Capability NameData TypeDescription
appStringEnter the app id generated while uploading the app to the platform. Example:lt://APP123456789123456789
testSuiteStringEnter the test suite id generated while uploading the test suite to the platform. Example: lt://APP123456789123456789
deviceStringEnter the device name and os version in DeviceName-OSVersion format. Example: "device" : ["Galaxy S20-10","Pixel 3 XL-9"]
videoBooleanWhen you pass the video: true, it will generate the video for all the tests that are executed.
queueTimeoutIntegerEnter the time in seconds after which you want your build to timeout from queue. Example: queueTimeout: 300
idleTimeoutIntegerEnter the time in seconds for maximum running time of a test in a build. Example: idleTimeout: 120
deviceLogBooleanTo generate the device logs, pass the value as deviceLog: true
networkStringTo generate the network logs, pass the value as network: true.
buildStringTo set the Espresso build name. Example: build: My Espresso Build.
geoLocationStringSet the geolocation country code if you want to enable the same in your test. Example - geoLocation: FR
tunnel, tunnelNameBooleanTo activate the tunnel mode, pass the value as tunnel: true and provide the name of your tunnel as tunnelName: NewTunnel
resignAppBooleanSet this to false if you want to to prevent the apps from being re-signed. The app should be built for enterprise distribution.

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