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Test Plan Creation

Test plans are collections of test cases which help in achieving certain test objectives by selecting and validating important test cases. By providing a structured approach to testing, test plans ensure that a particular goal or objective is tested and verified.

The process of creating a test plan is user-friendly and intuitive. Users can seamlessly begin this process by selecting the "Test Plans" option from the repository. It provides a workflow to follow necessary steps for defining and structuring the test plan.

Steps for Creating a Test Plan

  1. Under Test cases, select multiple test cases and choose the Create Test Plan option.
  1. Alternatively, click on the Test Plans dashboard and click on the toggle that says Create Test Plan.
  1. You will be redirected to the test plan creation workflow. Enter the Plan Name, Description, and Tag(s), then select Next to proceed.
  1. Select Browse Test Cases to add additional test cases.
  1. Choose the test case of your choice from the list that appears and click on Finish.
  1. It is recommended to add details such as Priority, Assignee and Configurations for the test cases to create a build. Multiple test cases can also be added using the Add Test Cases option available on the top right hand side.
  1. Select all the test cases together to add bulk assignees and configurations or click on Select Assignee and Select Configuration individually.
  1. Select configurations from the list of existing configurations. You can search or filter them as well.
  1. To create a new configuration, start typing the title of the configuration as shown in the image below.
  1. Click on Assign Variables to select your preferred Operating Systems and Browsers. Once selected, click on Assign & Continue to finalize your choices.
  1. Select the Priority, Assignee and Configuration for the test cases, click on Update Test Plan.

NOTE: If you choose multiple configurations for your test case, the number of entries for the test case increases by the number of configurations used.

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