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System and Custom Fields

Explore the structured organization of your test projects through the use of Fields and Values, accessible via the Project's dashboard. Dive into System Fields for essential categorizations or enhance your project's flexibility with Custom Fields to improve your testing workflows.

  1. In the Project's dashboard, click on Settings in the top right hand side.
  1. You will be able to view the System Fields and Custom Fields.
  • System Fields is a default feature provided by LambdaTest that includes standard fields like Priority, Status, and Type. These fields help organize and track your test cases. They can be seamlessly integrated into your test management process and customized by adding values. To do so, simply click on any field and select Add Value.
  • Custom Fields allow you to store additional information beyond what System Fields offer. To create a new field, enter the required details and choose the appropriate data type from the Type function. Available types include String, Textarea, Number, Dropdown (Single Select), Dropdown (Multi Select), Boolean (Checkbox), Date, User, and URL.
  • For Dropdown types (Single Select and Multi Select), you also have the option to add values.
  • Enter the name, placeholder, mark the field, apply it to all future projects if required and click create.
  1. You can also link a single or multiple projects of your choice to the custom fields and click on Save changes.

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