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Getting started with LambdaTest's Smart UI Figma-Web CLI

Welcome to the LambdaTest SmartUI Figma Web CLI documentation!

With SmartUI Figma-Web CLI, you can seamlessly perform visual regression testing of your Figma designs on SmartUI using your command line, identifying discrepancies between your designs and live websites. This guide will walk you through the process of running successful Figma-Web Visual tests using SmartUI CLI.

Prerequisites for running SmartUI Figma CLI

  • Basic understanding of Command Line Interface is required.
  • Basic understanding of Figma file structuring is required.
  • Login to LambdaTest SmartUI with your credentials.
  • Ensure you are using @lambdatest/smartui-cli version 4.0.16 or higher.

The following steps will guide you in running your visual tests for Figma files on LambdaTest platform using SmartUI CLI.

Create a SmartUI CLI Project

The first step is to create a project with the application in which we will combine all your builds run on the project. To create a SmartUI Project, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Projects page
  2. Click on the new project button
  3. Select the platform as CLI for executing your CLI tests.
  4. Add name of the project, approvers for the changes found, tags for any filter or easy navigation.
  5. Click on the Submit.

Steps to run your first test

Step 1: Install the Dependencies

Install required NPM modules for LambdaTest Smart UI CLI in your repository/folder.

npm install @lambdatest/smartui-cli

Step 2: Create the design configuration file

smartui config:create-figma-web designs.json

Once, the designs file will be created, you will be seeing the sample pre-filled configuration in the designs.json file:

"web": {
"browsers": [
"figma": {
"depth": 2, //Figma Tree depth - (Optional), change the value according to the your file structure
"configs": [
"figma_file_token": "<token>",
"figma_ids": [
"screenshot_names": [
"figma_file_token": "<token>",
"figma_ids": [
"screenshot_names": [

Note: Unlike vanilla Figma CLI, designs.json includes browser parameters and auto-fetches viewports of Figma frames for efficient comparison.

Step 3: Configure your Project Token and Figma Token

  1. Setup your project token show in the SmartUI app after, creating your project.
export PROJECT_TOKEN="123456#1234abcd-****-****-****-************"
  1. Setup your personal access token for Figma to authenticate Figma with SmartUI.
export FIGMA_TOKEN="123456#1234abcd-****-****-****-************"

Step 4: Configure your LambdaTest Credentials


SmartUI CLI Design Config Options

Please read the following table for more information about the configuration file:

Config KeyDescriptionUsage
figma_file_tokenFile token for your required Figma file. You can use multiple figma files in the same configuration.Mandatory
figma_idsComma separated list of nodes that you care about in the document. If specified, only a subset of the document will be returned corresponding to the nodes listed, their children, and everything between the root node and the listed nodes.Optional
depth (int)Positive integer (>1) representing how deep into the document tree to traverse. For example, setting it to 2 returns Pages and all top level objects on each page. Not setting this parameter returns all nodesOptional

Step 5: Uploading the Figma files on SmartUI Cloud using CLI

You can now execute tests for Visual Testing for Figma objects using the following options:.

npx smartui upload-figma-web designs.json

Working example with actual web comparisons

  1. Please clone the following sample Github repo (
git clone
  1. Install the node modules using the command:
npm i
  1. Configure your project token and Figma token
  • Setup your project token show in the SmartUI app after, creating your project.
export PROJECT_TOKEN="123456#1234abcd-****-****-****-************"
export FIGMA_TOKEN="123456#1234abcd-****-****-****-************"
  1. Create your figma baseline
npx smartui upload-figma-web designs.json --buildName=FigmaBaseline2  
  1. Execute your functional test script (Selenium Nodejs in this sample)
npx smartui --config web-config.json exec --buildName=web-build -- node figma-web-local.js

Points to Consider

  • The browsers listed in the Figma configuration are used solely to enable comparisons between your designs and their corresponding live webpages.
  • Websites may exhibit browser-specific behaviors. To account for these variations, it is recommended to create distinct designs tailored for each browser, if necessary.

View SmartUI Results

You can see the Smart UI dashboard to view the results. This will help you identify the Mismatches from the existing Baseline build and do the required visual testing.


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