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LambdaTest Advanced Capabilities

KeyValuesCapability DescriptionDefault ValueAliasValue TypeExamplePossible Errors
videotrue, falseBy default, the video is set as true. This capability helps in video recording of the complete screen while the test gets executed. You can record maximum up to 10 minutes. In case you need to turn off the video recording, you can do so by turning off the button on our Desired Capabilities Generator.
If you turn the video flag off, then for Java, it may provide the below piece of code in the capabilities class.
TRUEBooleancapabilities.setCapability(""video"",false);Case Sensitive
Unable to generate video
Video is not playing in video player
visualtrue, falseCommand by command screenshots will be recorded at each test step. By default the flag is set as off.
Note: test execution time will increase if it’s set as ‘true’.
FALSEdebugBooleancapabilities.setCapability(""visual"",true);Case sensitive
Unable to generate screenshot
Screenshot is broken
networktrue, falseCaptures a recording for network packets while the test gets executed. By default, the network flag is set as false.
Note: test execution time will increase if it’s set as ‘true’.
FALSEnetworkLogsBooleancapabilities.setCapability(""network"",true);Case sensitive
Network logs not supported
consoletrue, falseJavaScript logs will be recorded for the test. By default, it is set as false.
Note: test execution time will increase if it’s set as ‘true’.
FALSECapture browser console errorsStringJavascript logs will be recorded for the test. By default, it is set as false. capabilities.setCapability("console","disable");Case Sensitive
No error found
Not supported on this browser
tunneltrue, falseTo test your locally hosted web application with Lambda Tunnel, which establishes an SSH(Secure Shell) connection between your system and our cloud servers. By default, the tunnel flag, will be set as false.
Find more about Lambda Tunnel from our documentation to test on locally hosted web applications.
Find more about LambdaTest Tunnel from our documentation to test on locally hosted web applications.
Case Sensitive
Tunnel not running
tunnelNameYour desire tunnel nameTo provide the tunnel identifier in your test suite capability when user wants to execute the test through a particular tunnel
capabilities.setCapability("tunnelName","your desire tunnel name");
localNameStringcapabilities.setCapability("tunnelName","your desire tunnel name");Case Sensitive
Tunnel not running
Tunnel Name not exists
timezoneExample: UTC+07:00Represents the custom timezone you select for executing a test.
UTC+00:00Stringcapabilities.setCapability("timezone","UTC+07:00");Case sensitive
Timezone not supported by OS
Timezone is different

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