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Private Desktop Insights

LambdaTest Private desktop Insights provide comprehensive insights into your private desktop testing efforts. These insights help you optimize your testing efforts by providing detailed insights into your desktop device usage insights, and more.


The Private desktop Insights is currently in BETA. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to us at

Device Usage Insights

The Device Usage Insights is a powerful widget that provides a comprehensive overview of your private desktop testing efforts. It displays the total number of devices used, the total number of tests run, and the total duration of devices in use.

How it works?

  • The Device Usage Insights widget provides a comprehensive overview of your private desktop testing efforts.
  • The widget helps you optimize your testing efforts by providing detailed insights into your desktop device usage insights.

Value Proposition

This widget helps you understand the overall device usage status of your private desktop. It provides a detailed breakdown of the devices used, the devices available, and the devices in use.

Usage by Users, Groups and Sub-Organizations

The Usage by Users, Groups, and Sub-Organizations widget provides a comprehensive overview of your private desktop testing efforts. It displays the total number of users, groups, and sub-organizations using the private desktop.

How it works?

  • This widget helps you understand the overall usage status of your private desktop.
  • It provides a detailed breakdown of the users, groups, and sub-organizations using the private desktop.

Value Proposition

This widget helps you optimize your testing efforts by providing detailed insights into your private desktop usage by users, groups, and sub-organizations.


We provide a range of filters to help you customize your insights dashboard. You can filter your insights based on the following parameters:

  • Date Range - Filter your insights based on a specific date range.
  • Users - Filter your insights based on specific users.
  • Host Name - Filter your insights based on specific host names.
  • Browsers - Filter your insights based on specific browser names.
  • OS - Filter your insights based on specific device platforms.
  • Project Name - Filter your insights based on specific project names.
  • Group Name - Filter your insights based on specific group names.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to our 24/7 customer support. Our team of experts is always here to help you with your testing efforts.

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