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HyperExecute Status

This page provides a comprehensive overview of the various statuses available in HyperExecute, encompassing job, task, scenario, and test levels. These statuses will enable you to properly read test execution results as well as identify problems that may occur in automated testing processes.

HyperExecute categorizes test execution outcomes into distinct levels, offering a granular view of the entire testing process. Here's a breakdown of these levels and their associated statuses:

1. Job Level Status

All the tests on HyperExecute get executed as a Job. Each Job has a Status, a unique Job Number, a set of Labels, info on number of Tasks executed as part of that Job, and a Summary section followed by the details of the Job Duration and who initiated the Job.

IconStatusStatus Description
ImageInitiatedThe payload is uploading and is waiting to be assigned to an available virtual machine as per the given OS request in the YAML file.
ImageRunningThe job is actively executing tests across different browser and OS combinations as defined in your configuration.
ImageCompletedThe job has finished executing all tests, irrespective of the overall outcome (passed/failed).
ImagePartially CompletedThis status indicates a non-standard scenario where all steps within the job's runner command execution finished, but no test session was created.

This can occur primarily in two cases:
1. API/Desktop Tests
2. Local Web Test Execution.
ImageFailedOne or more test cases within the job encountered errors or failed assertions indicating an issue within the tests.
ImageAbortedAn unexpected error or issue caused the job to terminate prematurely before all tests could run.
ImageLambda ErrorAn error originating from LambdaTest's side prevented the job from executing as planned. This could be a temporary glitch or require contacting LambdaTest support for further investigation.
ImageTime OutThe job exceeded the maximum allocated execution time limit. This might occur due to complex tests, slow environments, or resource limitations.
ImageIgnoredIt is a user-defined status, used when a test case is intentionally not executed, such as when it is marked for future development, or a feature is not yet implemented.
ImageBlockedThe job is currently stuck due to an external dependency or resource constraint. This could involve waiting for another job using the same resources to finish or limitations on available browsers/devices.

2. Task Level Status

A Task is a further subdivision within a job, often representing the execution of tests on a specific browser and operating system combination.

IconStatusStatus Description
ImageInitiatedThe payload has been uploaded and is waiting to be assigned to an available virtual machine as per the given OS request in the YAML file.
ImageRunningThe job is actively executing tests as defined in your YAML file configuration.
ImageCompletedThe task has finished executing all its assigned test steps and all the test running in that tasks are passed.
ImageSkippedIt is a user-defined status indicates that the task was intentionally bypassed, possibly due to configuration settings, conditional execution logic, or irrelevance to the current test scenario.
ImageFailedWhen one or more assertions within the task failed, indicating a problem with the tests themselves.
ImageIgnoredSimilar to the job level, the task was entirely disregarded, likely due to configuration issues or specific conditions set to trigger execution.
ImageAbortedAn unforeseen error or issue caused the task to terminate prematurely before all steps could run.
ImageTime OutThe task exceeded the maximum allocated execution time limit. This might occur due to complex test steps, slow environments, or resource limitations
ImageLambda ErrorAn error originating from LambdaTest's side prevented the task from executing as planned. This could be a temporary glitch or require contacting LambdaTest support for further investigation.
ImageBlockedThe task is currently stuck due to an external dependency or resource constraint. This could involve waiting for another task using the same resources to finish or limitations on available browsers/devices.

3. Stage Level Status

A Tasks can have multiple stages which are usually divided into 3 categories:

  1. Pre Steps - The stages/actions that are performed before Test execution begins, like installation of dependencies etc.
  2. Scenarios - Test execution stages.
  3. Post Steps - The stages/actions that are performed after Test execution is completed, like creation of reports, artifacts etc.

A Stage can attain different statuses based on the completion level.

IconStatusStatus Description
ImageRunningThe stage is currently executing the defined actions or test steps. This indicates active progress within a specific stage of your test
ImageCompletedThe stage has finished executing all its test steps successfully.
ImageIgnoredIt is a user-defined status which indicates that the stage was entirely bypassed during execution, likely due to configuration settings or conditional logic within your test script.
ImageSkippedIt is a user-defined status indicates that the stage was intentionally bypassed, possibly due to configuration settings, conditional execution logic, or irrelevance to the current test scenario.
ImageFailedOne or more assertions within the stage failed, signifying an issue within the tests.
ImageMutedThis stage's results are being suppressed due to the HyperExecute test muting functionality.
ImageAbortedAn unexpected error or issue caused the stage to terminate prematurely before all actions could be completed.
ImageCancelledIf you have aborted your job in the middle of test execution, then all the left over tests will be marked as Cancelled.
ImageLambda ErrorAn error originating from LambdaTest's side prevented the stage from executing as planned. This could be a temporary glitch or require contacting LambdaTest support for further investigation.

4. Tests Level Status

The most granular level, representing an individual test case verifying a specific functionality of your application. It's like a single action you perform to test something.

IconStatusStatus Description
ImageCreatedThe test has been defined in your test script but hasn't begun execution yet.
ImageRunningThe test is actively being executed as per the configurations.
ImageCompletedThe test has finished execution and is successfully passed.
ImageQueueThe test is waiting for the virtual machine to be allocated.
ImageQueue TimeoutThe wait time exceeded the maximum limit for the virtual machine to be allocated.
ImageStoppedWhen you abort the stage, your tests are marked as Stopped.
ImageIdle TimeoutIt indicates that your session was inactive for the defined time.
ImageLambda ErrorAn error originating from LambdaTest's side prevented the stage from executing as planned. This could be a temporary glitch or require contacting LambdaTest support for further investigation.

User Defined Status

HyperExecute allows users to define the status of tests using lambda hooks. This can be helpful for monitoring test status and results.

HyperExecute supports the following user-defined lambda hooks status:

IconStatusStatus Description
ImagePassedA test case has passed when it has executed successfully, and all the assertions have been verified without any errors.
ImageFailedA test case has failed when it has not executed as expected, and one or more assertions have not been verified or have failed.
ImageSkippedA test case may be skipped if it is not relevant or cannot be executed due to some issues like environment setup, data, or configuration. This status can also be used for test cases that are marked for review or maintenance.
ImageIgnoredThe ignored status is used when a test case is intentionally not executed, such as when it is marked for future development, or a feature is not yet implemented.
ImageUnknownWhen a user wants to mark status of their tests as undecided.
ImageErrorA test case can end in an error status when an unexpected exception is thrown during its execution. This error can be due to a coding error or a defect in the application under test.

Priority Scenario Mapping

In a Scenario, there can be numerous tests running, and each test has its own status, which means the final status of the scenario is derived from its test status depending on the status of the test with the highest priority.

For example, if a scenario contains two tests, one with status passed and one with status failed, the scenario status will be failed.

Consider the following Decreasing Order of Priority among Users with marked status:

PriorityUser Marked StatusScenario Status

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