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How to Perform Group-Based Test Discovery in TestNG

TestNG provides group-based test discovery functionality. You can specify groups for your tests and execute or exclude specific groups during test runs.

To perform group-based test discovery, you can use the @BeforeGroups and @AfterGroups annotations in your TestNG tests. These annotations allow you to specify setup and cleanup methods that run before and after specific groups of tests.

For example:

public class GroupIntegrationTest {

public void setupDB() {

public void cleanDB() {

@Test(groups = "selenium-test")
public void runSelenium() {

@Test(groups = "selenium-test")
public void runSelenium1() {

@Test(groups = "database")
public void testConnectOracle() {

@Test(groups = "database")
public void testConnectMsSQL() {


In the Hyperexecute YAML Version 0.2 configuration, you can use the discoveryFlags parameter to specify the groups to discover during test discovery.

name: "maven/testng"
discoveryFlags: ["-Dgroups=database"]

Here it will only discover tests belonging to the group database. Use comma-separated values if you want to specify multiple groups.

Similarly, you can use the excludedGroups parameter that can be used to run all test groups except for the defined set of groups.

name: "maven/testng"
discoveryFlags: ["-DexcludedGroups=database"]

This discovers all test of groups except database.

Alternatively, you can also specify the groups or excluded groups directly in the pom.xml file using the Maven Surefire Plugin


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