C# with Playwright: Running Your First Test
Learn how to use Playwright with C# to automate web application testing across 50+ real browsers and operating systems on LambdaTest cloud platform.
- You can use your own project to configure and test it. For demo purposes, we are using the sample repository.
Sample repo
Download or clone the code sample for the Playwright C# from the LambdaTest GitHub repository to run the tests.
git clone https://github.com/LambdaTest/playwright-sample.git
cd playwright-sample
cd playwright-csharp
- Install the npm dependencies.
npm install
- A LambdaTest Username and Access key. You can get it from your LambdaTest Profile section. Don't have an account, sign up for free.
- To run Playwright tests, set your LambdaTest Username and Access key in the Environment Variables.
Run your Playwright tests with C#
Navigate to the PlaywrightTestSingle.cs
file in the playwright-csharp
using Microsoft.Playwright;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
class PlaywrightTestSingle
public static async Task main(string[] args)
using var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();
string user, accessKey;
user = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LT_USERNAME");
accessKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LT_ACCESS_KEY");
Dictionary<string, object> capabilities = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Dictionary<string, string> ltOptions = new Dictionary<string, string>();
ltOptions.Add("name", "Playwright Test");
ltOptions.Add("build", "Playwright C-Sharp tests");
ltOptions.Add("platform", "Windows 10");
ltOptions.Add("user", user);
ltOptions.Add("accessKey", accessKey);
capabilities.Add("browserName", "Chrome");
capabilities.Add("browserVersion", "latest");
capabilities.Add("LT:Options", ltOptions);
string capabilitiesJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(capabilities);
string cdpUrl = "wss://cdp.lambdatest.com/playwright?capabilities=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(capabilitiesJson);
await using var browser = await playwright.Chromium.ConnectAsync(cdpUrl);
var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();
try {
await page.GotoAsync("https://www.bing.com");
await page.Locator("[aria-label='Enter your search term']").ClickAsync();
await page.FillAsync("[aria-label='Enter your search term']", "LambdaTest");
await page.Keyboard.PressAsync("Enter");
var title = await page.TitleAsync();
if (title.Contains("LambdaTest"))
// Use the following code to mark the test status.
await SetTestStatus("passed", "Title matched", page);
else {
await SetTestStatus("failed", "Title not matched", page);
catch (Exception err) {
await SetTestStatus("failed", err.Message, page);
await browser.CloseAsync();
public static async Task SetTestStatus(string status, string remark, IPage page) {
await page.EvaluateAsync("_ => {}", "lambdatest_action: {\"action\": \"setTestStatus\", \"arguments\": {\"status\":\"" + status + "\", \"remark\": \"" + remark + "\"}}");
- Pass the below command in the terminal:
dotnet build
- To run the test, pass the below command:
dotnet run single
Note: To run sessions on custom devices with emulation, run dotnet run iphonetest
or dotnet run ipadtest
View your test results
Go to the LambdaTest Web Automation Dashboard to see your Playwright C# test results.