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Audit Logs

Audit logs serve as a record of every User and Organization Level activities in a LambdaTest account.

Note: Only organization administrators are able to view and manage the audit logs.

Why are Audit Logs important?

Audit logs can be used to:

  • Monitor account activity and detect unauthorized access.
  • Investigate security incidents.
  • Track user-level and organization-level activity histories.
  • Audit compliance with security policies.

How to Access Audit Logs?

Step 1: Go to the LambdaTest Dashboard.

Step 2: Click on Settings -> Organization Settings and navigate to the Audit Logs tab.


Audit Logs details

Each log in the audit logs section has detailed information regarding who performed the action, when the action was performed, the scope of the action, the entities involved and affected by the action etc. The following sections provide a general overview of how to read and interpret the data.

The following table contains the list of activities and their definition:

Sl no.EventEvent NameEvent Description
1user.password.changedUser - Password ChangedUser changed their password
2user.access-key.regeneratedUser - Access Key RegeneratedUser regenerated their access key
3org.user.role.updatedOrganization - User Role UpdatedAdmin updated user's role
4org.user.password.changedOrganization - User Password ChangedAdmin changed user's password
5org.user.access-key.regeneratedOrganization - User Access Key GeneratedAdmin regenerated user's access key
6org.service-account.access-key.regeneratedOrganization - Service Account Access Key GeneratedAdmin regenerated service account's access key - Email Preference UpdatedUser updated their email preferenece
8user.profile.deletion-requestUser - Account Deletion Request RaisedUser requested their account deletion
9org.user.deletedOrganization - User Removed from OrganizationAdmin removed a user from their organization
10user.password.forgotUser - Password ResetUser password reset - Support Access GrantedAdmin granted LambdaTest Support Access - Support Access RevokedAdmin revoked LambdaTest Support Access
13org.service-account.createdOrganization - Service Account CreatedAdmin created a new Service Account
14org.service-account.deletedOrganization - Service Account Deletedservice-account deleted
15user.profile.updatedUser - Profile UpdatedUser updated their profile
16user.loginUser - Logged InUser - Logged In
17org.invitation.sentOrganization - Invitation SentAdmin invited users to their organization - Email Address VerifiedUser verified their email address
19org.invitation.acceptedOrganization - Invitation AcceptedInvitation was accepted
20org.invitation.declinedOrganization - Invitation DeclinedInvitation was declined
21user.logoutUser - Logged OutUser Logged Out
22org.details.updatedOrganization - Details UpdatedOrganization details was updated
23org.user.profile.updatedOrganization - User Profile UpdatedAdmin updated user's profile
24org.service-account.profile.updatedOrganization - Service Account Profile UpdatedAdmin updated service account's profile
25org.invitation.resentOrganization - Invitation ResentAdmin invited users to their organization
26org.invitation.withdrawnOrganization - Invitation WithdrawnInvitation was withdrawn
27org.auth.mfaOrganization - MFA EnforcedMFA enforced by admin
28user.auth.mfaUser - MFA Settings UpdatedMFA settings updated by user
29org.user.auth.mfaOrganization - MFA Settings UpdatedAdmin update user's MFA settings
30org.subscription.createdOrganization - Subscription CreatedOrganization subscription created
31org.subscription.updatedOrganization - Subscription UpdatedOrganization subscription updated
32org.subscription.cancelledOrganization - Subscription CancelledOrganization subscription cancelled
33org.subscription.revokedOrganization - Subscription RevokedOrganization subscription revoked
34org.payment-method.addedOrganization - Payment Method AddedPayment method added
35org.payment-method.deletedOrganization - Payment Method DeletedPayment method deleted
36org.payment-method.default-updatedOrganization - Default Payment Method UpdatedDefault payment method updated

As highlighted in the above screenshot, this section contains details that include the event ID, the email address of the user who performed the action, the time of the change/action, the IP address of the user and the user agent used.


As highlighted in the above screenshot, details of the user affected by the change/action are shown. This includes an identifier - email address, and additional details such as the original value and the changed value if present.

Filter your Audit Logs

You can filter the logs based on Action Performed either on User or Organization level Events, User Name and Date.

Filter By Events

You can select the type of event for which you want to check the logs. You can also filter it by what level you want to check the audit logs at, i.e., User level or Organization level.

  • User Level -> Logged In, Access Key Regenerated, Password Reset, Profile Update, Password Changed.

  • **Organization Level ->**Invitation Sent, Invitation Accepted, User Role Updated, User Profile Updated, User Removed from the Organization.


Filter By Date

You can view the logs of the users for a particular date range as well. Select the start date and end dates from the date filter.

You can view Audit Logs for a maximum of 60 days. Please contact support for higher retention period (Supported in Enterprise Plan).


Filter By User

Based on the given date range, you can review the logs for each individual user in your company as well as for all users at once.


Download your Audit Logs

Click on the Export Button displayed in the screenshot below, and your logs will be downloaded in .csv format.


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