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Issue Summary

The issue summary page describes the complete test summary. It divides the complete report in two major sections :


  • Total Issues : Total number of issues your website have.
  • Issue Types : Total number of segregated issues your website have.
  • Affected Element groups : Total number of element groups affected.
  • Best Practices : Recommended Best Practices to make your website more compliant.
  • Needs Review : Total number of issues that needs to be reviewed.
  • Affected WCAG Guidelines : Total number of WCAG Guidelineds affecting from these issues.

Issue Breakdown

This section breaksdown the above stated numbers in more detailed and visual representation.

  • The graph represents the type of issues and how many are they.
  • URLs of the affected page.
  • What are the WCAG Guidelines that are affected
  • The Elements that got affected.

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