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Configure Accessibility DevTools

LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools offers a set of settings to configure your Accessibility Tests to ensure comprehensive and effective assessments. Key configuration options include enabling accessibility checks, selecting the appropriate WCAG version, and specifying to include Best Practice and Needs Review.

Click on your profile icon >> Settings button.


Scan Settings

To enable the accessibility testing within your automated test suite, set the accessibility: true in your configuration file. You can also define other settings capabilities as described below.

capabilities: [{
accessibility : true, // Enable accessibility testing
accessibility.wcagVersion: 'wcag21a', // Specify WCAG version (e.g., WCAG 2.1 Level A)
accessibility.bestPractice: false, // Exclude best practice issues from results
accessibility.needsReview: true // Include issues that need review

WCAG Version

  • It defines which Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version your tests should adhere to. You can select any WCAG Version to run compliance tests with a specific version. Typically, WCAG 2.0, WCAG 2.1 AA, or WCAG 2.1 AAA are used in general practice, but the recommended version is WCAG 2.1 AA.

  • To set the wcag version in your automated tests, set the capability wcagVersion: <YOUR_WCAG_VERSION> in your configuration file.

accessibility.wcagVersion: 'wcag21a'

Review Issues

There are certain issues that are required reviews by QA or Developers to mark them as issues and clarifies that it needs to be resolved. Click on the Review button in your dashbaord to initiate the process.

To enable the needs review checks in your automated tests, set the capability needsReview: true in your configuration file.

needsReview: true
  • This will open the list of issues that needs to be reviewed.
  • Click on the particular issue >> select that particular element that you want to confirm it as an issue.
  • Click on Yes option to confirm it as an issue.
  • You can also Undo that particular issue. This means if you will visit that issue again, you can see an undo option which will unlist it again from the list of confirmed issues.

Best Practices

Best practices are those issues that may not violate Accessibility guidelines but fixing them will enhance your user experience.

  • To enable the best practices checks in your automated tests, set the capability bestPractice: true in your configuration file.
bestPractice: true

Other Settings

Autosave Reports

Note : By default, this option is activated.

  • Toggle to activate / deactivate the option.
  • This option ensures that your tests are consistently saved on the dashboard.

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