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Configure Accessibility Automation

This document details the configuration options available for your automated accessibility tests, ensuring comprehensive and efficient assessments.

To enable the accessibility testing within your automated test suite, set the accessibility: true in your configuration file. You can also define other settings capabilities as described below.

capabilities: [{
accessibility : true, // Enable accessibility testing
accessibility.wcagVersion: 'wcag21a', // Specify WCAG version (e.g., WCAG 2.1 Level A)
accessibility.bestPractice: false, // Exclude best practice issues from results
accessibility.needsReview: true // Include issues that need review

Key Configurations Options

By configuring these options effectively, you can tailor your accessibility tests to achieve a balance between thoroughness and efficiency, ensuring your web applications are inclusive for all users.

1. Enable Accessibility Checks

  • Purpose: Activate accessibility testing within your automated test suite. This allows you to identify and address accessibility violations that might hinder usability for users with disabilities.
  • Implementation: Set the accessibility property to true within your configuration file.
accessibility : true

2. WCAG Version

  • Purpose: Define the specific Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version your tests should evaluate against. WCAG defines internationally recognized standards for web accessibility.
  • Options: Common options include WCAG 2.0, WCAG 2.1 Level A, or WCAG 2.1 Level AAA. Each level represents increasing accessibility requirements.
  • Implementation: Specify the desired WCAG version using the wcagVersion property within your configuration file.
accessibility.wcagVersion: 'wcag21a'

3. Best Practices Checks

  • Purpose: Include or exclude checks that go beyond the defined WCAG standards but are considered good practices for optimal usability.
  • Default Value: The default setting is false, focusing strictly on WCAG violations.
  • Implementation: Enable best practice checks by setting bestPractice to true in your configuration file.
accessibility.bestPractice: false

4. Needs Review

  • Purpose: Flag potential accessibility issues that might require human evaluation for definitive assessment.
  • Implementation: Enable needs review checks by setting needsReview to true in your configuration file. This ensures potentially ambiguous issues get flagged for manual review.
accessibility.needsReview: true

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