Unifying Test Execution Across Diverse Technologies with HyperExecute

Aman Chopra

Posted On: September 2, 2024

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Read time5 Min Read

In the ever-evolving software testing landscape, organizations face the challenge of integrating multiple testing tools and technologies to ensure comprehensive quality assurance. This pressure is particularly acute for enterprises striving to deliver high-quality products and services at an accelerated pace. Recently, we had the opportunity to work with a Fortune 100 company in the apparel and home fashion industry, managing a complex ecosystem of web, mobile, and legacy platforms.

As their business grew, so did the complexity of their testing environment, creating a formidable barrier to meeting rapid market demands. Their QA team identified five critical challenges that were hindering their testing efficiency:

  1. Modernizing web application testing
  2. Integrating newer technologies with legacy systems
  3. Automating mainframe applications
  4. Streamlining secure remote testing
  5. Integrating test management with execution and reporting

These challenges were directly impacting the company’s ability to innovate and compete. Release cycles were extending, product quality was at risk, and operational costs were spiraling. Traditional testing solutions, while effective in isolation, failed to provide a cohesive answer to this multi-faceted problem.

In their search for a unified solution to streamline processes and reduce overhead, they turned to HyperExecute, an AI-powered Next-Gen unified test execution cloud. This case study explores how a single platform addressed their diverse testing needs, delivering significant ROI, transforming their testing processes, and accelerating their digital transformation journey.

The HyperExecute Solution: A Journey Through Integrated Testing

Our approach to solving their complex testing challenges was methodical and comprehensive. We leveraged HyperExecute’s versatility to address each aspect of their testing ecosystem, creating a seamless, integrated solution. Let’s walk through each phase of the implementation:

1. Selenium and Cucumber: Modernizing Web Testing

The first step was to modernize their web application testing. We implemented a Selenium and Cucumber framework on HyperExecute, which allowed for:

  • Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) approach
  • Easy-to-read test scenarios in Gherkin syntax
  • Parallel execution of tests, significantly reducing execution time

The team was able to write feature files in Cucumber, with step definitions implemented using Selenium WebDriver. HyperExecute’s parallel execution capabilities allowed them to run these tests across multiple browsers and versions simultaneously, providing comprehensive coverage in a fraction of the time.

Selenium and Cucumber

2. Selenium + Cucumber + Tosca Dex: Bridging Modern and Legacy

Next, we tackled the integration of newer technologies with their existing Tosca-based test events. By implementing Selenium + Cucumber + Tosca Dex on HyperExecute, we achieved:

  • Reuse of existing Tosca test events
  • Enhanced test coverage with Selenium’s capabilities
  • Improved readability and maintenance with Cucumber’s BDD approach

This hybrid approach allowed the team to leverage their investment in Tosca while gradually transitioning to more modern testing frameworks. HyperExecute served as the execution platform, seamlessly running both Tosca Dex and Selenium tests in parallel.

Selenium + Cucumber + Tosca Dex Bridging Modern and Legacy

3. Mainframe Application Testing: Tosca Dex with Microfocus Rhumba+

One of the more challenging tasks was to automate their mainframe application testing. We integrated Tosca Dex with the Microfocus Rhumba+ client on HyperExecute, which allowed us to seamlessly incorporate mainframe testing into their Jenkins CI/CD pipeline, significantly reducing their manual testing efforts for legacy systems. By leveraging HyperExecute’s cloud-based infrastructure, we also eliminated the need for extensive infrastructure maintenance, saving them valuable time and resources.

Mainframe Application Testing

4. Secure Remote Testing: Automating Putty SSH Client

To address the need for secure remote testing, we implemented automation of the Putty SSH client with Tosca Dex on HyperExecute. This solution provided:

  • Secure, automated access to remote systems
  • Consistent and repeatable test execution for command-line interfaces
  • Integration of remote system testing into the broader test suite

HyperExecute’s secure environment and ability to manage SSH connections made this possible, allowing for comprehensive testing of both GUI and CLI interfaces within a single platform.

Secure Remote Testing

5. End-to-End Integration: Zephyr Enterprise and HyperExecute

Finally, we tackled the challenge of integrating test management with execution and reporting. We implemented an end-to-end integration of Zephyr Enterprise with HyperExecute, which included:

  • Triggering Tosca test events on HyperExecute directly from Zephyr
  • Automated execution of test suites
  • Seamless transfer of test results back to Zephyr for reporting and analysis

This integration streamlined the entire testing process, from test case management to execution and reporting, all within a unified workflow.

End-to-End Integration

The Results: ROI and Beyond

By leveraging HyperExecute as a unified test execution cloud, our Fortune 100 client in the apparel and home fashions industry achieved remarkable results:

  1. ~43% Reduction in Execution Time: Parallel execution capabilities slashed overall test execution time, enabling faster feedback loops and more frequent testing.
  2. ~26% Cost Savings: Consolidating testing tools and infrastructure onto a single platform led to substantial reductions in licensing and maintenance costs, improving the ROI of testing efforts.
  3. ~22% Faster Time-to-Market: Streamlined testing processes and improved integration accelerated release cycles, giving the client a competitive edge in the fast-paced fashion industry.
  4. ~27% Reduction in Post-Release Defects: Comprehensive testing across web, mainframe, and remote systems resulted in higher quality releases, enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing the cost of post-release fixes.

Achieving Efficiency and Quality with HyperExecute

The journey of this Fortune 100 company with LambdaTest demonstrates HyperExecute’s transformative power in testing. By integrating modern and legacy technologies, HyperExecute streamlined its entire testing process, reduced costs, and accelerated time to market. The platform also improved product quality by significantly lowering post-release defects. For those facing testing challenges, HyperExecute offers a streamlined and impactful solution.

Ready to elevate your testing processes? Try HyperExecute today.

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Aman Chopra

Aman Chopra, working as a Technical Writer at LambdaTest, with a keen interest in transforming complex tech concepts into engaging and easy content. Loves to learn and share about Cloud and DevOps domain (via my Medium), with an immense interest in the Open Source World. Dive into my GitHub for more: Aman1905

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