Software Testing in the Age of Digital Transformation: Brijesh Deb’s Guide
Posted On: July 27, 2023
2 Min Read
Digital transformation has brought about a paradigm shift in the way organizations operate and deliver value to customers. As businesses embrace digital technologies and innovative practices, the role of testing has become more critical than ever. In this era of rapid technological advancements, testing plays a vital role in ensuring the quality, reliability, and security of digital solutions.
To explore more about digital transformation and testing space, the LambdaTest team interacted with Brijesh Deb, a renowned expert in the testing industry with 24+ years experience at EuroSTAR 2023. Brijesh shared his valuable insights on the importance of digital transformation and shed light on often overlooked aspects of testing.
He emphasized that organizations should understand the importance of testing and not leave it until the late stages. By embracing the concept of “shift left” in their minds first, organizations can ensure a successful digital transformation.
“Digital transformation is incomplete without thinking about testing early in the stage.”
Further when asked about the important testing KPIs from the perspective of CxOs and upper management, Brijesh said,
“The KPI would be to actually get to that standard definition of quality and then track if you are heading in that direction.”
Brijesh suggested that the upper management or the CxOs should establish a shared vision of what quality means to them. This shared understanding is crucial for tracking progress and ensuring alignment throughout the digital transformation process.
Moving forward, the focus of the discussion was shifted towards the role of AI in testing space where Brijesh cautioned against over-reliance on AI-generated code or solutions. He stressed on the importance of understanding the context, underlying architecture, and specific objectives of the testing process.
He said, “ They may give you some help, they may set a direction, but they will never give you the kind of output that you are looking for.”
To gain a deeper understanding of these topics, watch the full interview.
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