Pop-Ups on Chrome: How to Allow or Disable Them

Bhavya Hada

Posted On: November 20, 2024

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Read time5 Min Read

Pop-ups on Chrome can be both helpful and annoying. They are typically used for ads, notifications, or sign-in requests. Knowing how to control pop-ups on Chrome gives you a better browsing experience. Here’s a detailed guide on how to manage pop-ups on Google Chrome, including enabling and disabling them as per your needs.

Steps to Allow Pop-Ups on Chrome

Follow these steps to allow pop-ups on your desktop:

  1. Open Chrome, click on the three dots at the top-right corner and Navigate to Settings.
  2. Open Chrome,

  3. Go to Privacy and security and Select Site settings.
  4. Site settings

  5. Click Pop-ups and redirects.
  6. redirects

  7. Change the global setting to “Sites can send pop-ups and use redirects”.
  8. Specific Sites

Steps to Allow Pop-Ups for Specific Sites

Enabling pop-ups can be necessary for particular sites that rely on them for essential features like forms, login windows, or tutorials. If you find that a specific website’s pop-ups are getting blocked and you want to enable them, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the website where you want to allow pop-ups (in this example, taking LambdaTest), and open the Site settings.
  2. Navigate to the website

  3. When a pop-up is blocked for that particular website, you’ll see Pop-ups and redirects selected as “Block”.
  4. Allow (default)

  5. Click on the icon and choose Allow (default).
  6. Click on the icon

Enabling pop-ups for specific sites ensures you get the functionality you need without compromising overall browsing safety.

Info Note

Test your web page on the latest to legacy Chrome Browser versions.Try LambdaTest Today!

Steps to Disable Pop-Ups on Chrome

Blocking Pop-Ups Globally:

  1. Open Chrome, and click on the three dots in the top-right corner.
  2. Go to Settings, then Privacy and security.
  3. Select Site settings and choose Pop-ups and redirects.
  4. Set the global option to “Don’t allow sites to send pop-ups or use redirects”.
  5. Pop-ups and redirects.

Steps to Block Pop-Ups from Specific Sites

  1. Go to Settings, select Privacy and security, then choose Site settings, and go to Pop-ups and redirects (the same first four steps as for allowing pop-ups).
  2. Scroll down to the Customized behaviors option.
  3. wish to block

  4. Click on Add to enter the URL of the site you wish to block.
  5. don’t trust

  6. Click the Add button.

This ensures that pop-ups are blocked from sites you don’t trust or find unnecessary.

Steps to Troubleshoot Pop-Up Issues

If you are still experiencing unwanted pop-ups after adjusting your settings, consider these steps:

  • Clear Your Browser Cache: Cached files may conflict with your settings.
  • Check for Malware: Run a malware scan to ensure your system is not infected.
  • Update Chrome: Ensure you have the latest version of Chrome to prevent security risks.

Final Words

Managing pop-ups on Chrome is essential for maintaining a smooth and secure browsing experience. By understanding how to allow or disable pop-ups effectively, you can reduce distractions, protect your privacy, and ensure that important site features work properly. Always exercise caution and only allow pop-ups from trusted sites to keep your online experience safe and enjoyable. Implement these steps, and you’ll have complete control over your browser’s behavior, creating a more tailored and productive web experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I permanently stop pop-up ads?

Enable a pop-up blocker, use an ad-blocker extension, and keep your browser and antivirus software updated to stop pop-up ads permanently.

How to allow pop-ups on Chrome?

Enable pop-ups in Chrome by heading to “Settings” > “Privacy and Security” > “Site Settings” > “Pop-ups and redirects” and toggle to allow.

How to disable the pop-up blocker on Chrome?

Turn off Chrome’s pop-up blocker by going to “Settings” > “Privacy and Security” > “Site Settings” > “Pop-ups and redirects” and switching the blocker off.

How to stop pop-up ads on Android?

Open Chrome on Android, tap on the three dots, go to “Settings” > “Site settings” > “Pop-ups and redirects,” and disable it to stop those ads.

How to enable pop-ups on Chrome?

For Chrome to show pop-ups, visit “Settings” > “Privacy and Security” > “Site Settings” > “Pop-ups and redirects” and toggle to allow.

How to stop pop-up ads on Chrome?

To block pop-up ads, go to Chrome settings, find “Site Settings” under “Privacy and Security,” select “Pop-ups and redirects,” and make sure blocking is enabled.

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Author’s Profile

Bhavya Hada

Bhavya Hada is serving as a Product Specialist at LambdaTest. With over a year of specialized experience, she plays a pivotal role in shaping the company's product marketing strategies. Her dedication to innovation in testing is not just about ensuring browser compatibility. Bhavya excels in bridging the gap between advanced testing technologies and practical development needs. In her tenure with LambdaTest, she has deepened her expertise in quality assurance and product development, becoming a cornerstone of the team.

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