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LambdaTest Blog

Our blog on Selenium automation testing, browser compatibility testing, web development, and updates

automated functional testing

AutomationManual Testing

Automated Functional Testing: Definition, Types & Tools

Development teams are always under the pressure to deliver products at a faster speed. But, that doesn’t mean the quality of the product should be compromised as no one likes a buggy web application.

June 26, 2020

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Read time16 Min

Protractor Tutorial

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Protractor Tutorial: End To End Testing For AngularJS

According to StackOverflow’s developer survey, around 30.7% of respondents preferred AngularJS to develop their web applications. These web apps use fewer resources and are faster in comparison to the older static pages.

June 25, 2020

view count63974 Views

Read time5 Min

Complete Java Testing with Selenium Tutorial: Guide to Java Automation

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Complete Java Selenium Testing Tutorial: Guide To The Java Automation

Most companies measure the success of their digital marketing efforts using traditional approaches such as increased sales, ROI, and leads.

June 24, 2020

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Read time20 Min

Compatibility testing On New Browsers

LambdaTest Updates

Now Live With Latest Chrome, Firefox, Edge & Opera Browsers

Howdy Testers! At LambdaTest, our users are a big part of our journey, as we constantly work towards giving the best experience to our users. While performing cross browser testing, it is essential to keep up with new browsers launched in the market, so that our users don’t lag in their testing efforts.

June 22, 2020

view count39097 Views

Read time6 Min

2 Million+ Teams Rely On LambdaTest For Test Orchestration and Test Execution Needs.

Protractor Tutorial: Handle Frames & iFrames in Selenium

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Protractor Tutorial: Handle Frames & iFrames in Selenium

This article is a part of our Protractor tutorials. Visit LambdaTest Learning Hub for in-depth tutorials around CI/CD, Selenium, automation testing and more. While performing Selenium test automation, you’d often come across scenarios where you’d need to handle frames or iframes. Frames are used to split the content into horizontal and vertical splits, while iframes … Continue reading Protractor Tutorial: Handle Frames & iFrames in Selenium

June 18, 2020

view count71439 Views

Read time12 Min

LambdaTest ExperimentsTutorialWeb Development

CSS Scroll Snap Property: Complete Guide with Practical Examples

Have you ever noticed that, while scrolling on some website on your mobile devices, scrolling ends up abruptly on some, and on other websites it’s perfect? Isn’t it annoying when you scroll down on a page, and it finishes in the middle of a paragraph or image?

June 17, 2020

view count202303 Views

Read time19 Min

LambdaTest Integrates With Airtable

LambdaTest Updates

LambdaTest Now Integrates With Airtable

Spreadsheets have become an integral part of our work life. They are a powerful tool and honestly, they make our work easier a lot of times. But, all is not that rosy, despite many benefits, a few recurring problems with the spreadsheet persist.

June 16, 2020

view count26648 Views

Read time4 Min

Running Python Selenium Tests in Parallel

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PyTest Tutorial – Python Selenium Test in Parallel

This article is a part of our Content Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on Selenium Python Tutorial and Selenium pytest Tutorial. Selenium is one of the widely used test automation frameworks for automated browser testing. test automation is really helpful in testing websites or web apps on different combinations of … Continue reading PyTest Tutorial – Python Selenium Test in Parallel

June 15, 2020

view count111134 Views

Read time17 Min

2 Million+ Teams Rely On LambdaTest For Test Orchestration and Test Execution Needs.


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