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LambdaTest Blog

Our blog on Selenium automation testing, browser compatibility testing, web development, and updates

Handling Timeouts With Selenium

AutomationSelenium ProtractorSelenium TutorialTutorial

Protractor Tutorial: Handling Timeouts With Selenium

This article is a part of our Protractor tutorials. Visit LambdaTest Learning Hub for in-depth tutorials around CI/CD, Selenium, automation testing and more. A lot of times while performing Selenium, you’ll come across certain scenarios when your test fails due to the fact that the webpage or the web element takes some time to load … Continue reading Protractor Tutorial: Handling Timeouts With Selenium

June 9, 2020

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Read time10 Min

AutomationSelenium TutorialSelenium WebDriverTutorial

How To Automate Calendar Using Selenium WebDriver For Testing?

Quite often while buying a movie ticket online or filling up a form, you’d come across calendars to pick dates and even time. These calendars make the whole process of picking dates much easier and interactive and play a crucial role in enhancing user experience.

June 5, 2020

view count134342 Views

Read time14 Min

MSTest Tutorial

AutomationSelenium C#Selenium TutorialTutorial

MSTest‌ ‌Tutorial:‌ ‌Running‌ ‌First‌ ‌Selenium‌ ‌Automation‌ ‌Script‌

MSTest is the default test automation framework which comes bundled with Visual Studio. It started out as a command-line tool for executing tests and was referred as Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework; however the name MSTest is more synonymous with the developers.

June 4, 2020

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Read time7 Min


LambdaTest Updates

Introducing LT Browser – A Dev-Friendly Browser For Mobile View Debugging

This article is a part of our Content Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on Mobile Testing Tutorial. We hope you & your loved ones are staying safe & strong as we fight the COVID-19 pandemic together. Today, we’re live with a developer-friendly browser that lets you develop & test responsive … Continue reading Introducing LT Browser – A Dev-Friendly Browser For Mobile View Debugging

June 3, 2020

view count33728 Views

Read time8 Min

2 Million+ Teams Rely On LambdaTest For Test Orchestration and Test Execution Needs.

Selenium IDE Test

AutomationSelenium TutorialTutorial

How To Run Selenium IDE Test Over Online Selenium Grid?

The Selenium IDE is a popular record and playback testing tool that is used for automated browser testing. It makes it easy to get started with automation testing as the IDE is a simple turn-key solution that is web-ready and works out of the box.

June 2, 2020

view count59292 Views

Read time8 Min

Handle Alerts And Popups

AutomationSelenium ProtractorSelenium TutorialTutorial

How To Handle Alerts And Popups In Protractor With Selenium?

This article is a part of our Protractor tutorials. Visit LambdaTest Learning Hub for in-depth tutorials around CI/CD, Selenium, automation testing and more. There are times in the life-cycle of various web applications where you need to interrupt a message to the user. These may be warnings, alerts or information. Browsers have native dialog boxes, … Continue reading How To Handle Alerts And Popups In Protractor With Selenium?

June 1, 2020

view count64832 Views

Read time13 Min

what is Selenium IDE

AutomationSelenium Tutorial

Most Comprehensive Selenium IDE Tutorial

Earlier testers would often refrain from using record and replay tools like Selenium IDE for automation testing and opt for using scripting frameworks like Selenium WebDriver, WebDriverIO, Cypress, etc. The major downside of record & playback (or replay) tools is the inability to leverage tools for writing scalable tests. Even though Selenium IDE offered ease … Continue reading Most Comprehensive Selenium IDE Tutorial

May 29, 2020

view count65924 Views

Read time23 Min

Guide To Automation Testing


The Definitive Guide To Automation Testing For IT Teams

This article is a part of our Content Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on Automation Testing Tutorial. According to The Newstack, software testing consumes, on average, 30-40% of an organization’s application budget. If you’re involved in the software development process, then you will understand the importance of testing.

May 28, 2020

view count40474 Views

Read time13 Min

2 Million+ Teams Rely On LambdaTest For Test Orchestration and Test Execution Needs.


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