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• LambdaTest Updates • HyperExecute
At LambdaTest, our goal is to enable quicker developer feedback and help all enterprises achieve faster time to market. We’ve been striving hard at our innovation lab to push the boundaries when it comes to end-to-end test orchestration, which significantly impacts software release velocity.
September 30, 2022
4 Min
The Agile manifesto describes the core values and principles that, at least in theory, should guide the whole process of Agile development. One of the core aspects of this manifesto is the continuous value that organizations should provide to their customers.
September 29, 2022
7 Min
• DevOps
Automated testing strengthens the continuous testing cycle by reducing human intervention, thereby reducing error frequency. Test scripts, scalable & reliable test infrastructure, and efficient test data are the major building blocks of automated testing and have since become central to the continuous testing cycle.
September 29, 2022
15 Min
What is it? It is a software testing type performed to ensure that the application being tested is usable for users who may or may not have an impairment. This is a subset of usability testing.
September 29, 2022
5 Min
2 Million+ Teams Rely On LambdaTest For Test Orchestration and Test Execution Needs.
A test manager should perform in multiple dimensions on a daily basis, utilizing various professional and interpersonal skills.
September 29, 2022
5 Min
• Tutorial
Let’s assume you want to build or create a web page as a web developer. First, you will create an HTML file that comprises semantic and non-semantic elements (e.g. < header >, < section >, and < footer > are examples of semantic elements).
September 27, 2022
29 Min
The Red Beads Experiment was a part of Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s four-day seminars for senior management in which he asked members of the audience to play roles in a factory that made white beads.
September 27, 2022
10 Min
A productive workspace is crucial in crafting code rather than just finding the right IDE. After several generations of IDEs and code editors, Visual Studio Code is considered one of the best web development IDEs used by developers.
September 27, 2022
3 Min
2 Million+ Teams Rely On LambdaTest For Test Orchestration and Test Execution Needs.