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The purpose of developing test cases is to ensure the application functions as expected for the customer. Test cases provide basic application documentation for every function, feature, and integrated connection.
December 16, 2022
7 Min
Unit testing is typically software testing within the developer domain. As the QA role expands in DevOps, QAOps, DesignOps, or within an Agile team, QA testers often find themselves creating unit tests.
December 14, 2022
8 Min
In some sense, testing can be more difficult than coding, as validating the efficiency of the test cases (i.e., the ‘goodness’ of your tests) can be much harder than validating code correctness. In practice, the tests are just executed without any validation beyond the pass/fail verdict.
December 14, 2022
9 Min
So, now that the first installment of this two fold article has been published (hence you might have an idea of what Agile Testing is not in my opinion), I’ve started feeling the pressure to explain what Agile Testing actually means to me.
December 13, 2022
6 Min
2 Million+ Teams Rely On LambdaTest For Test Orchestration and Test Execution Needs.
Development practices are constantly changing and as testers, we need to embrace change. One of the changes that we can experience is the move from monthly or quarterly releases to continuous delivery or continuous deployment. This move to continuous delivery or deployment offers testers the chance to learn new skills.
December 13, 2022
8 Min
• LambdaTest Experiments • Tutorial
In 2007, Steve Jobs launched the first iPhone, which revolutionized the world. But because of that, many businesses dealt with the problem of changing the layout of websites from desktop to mobile by delivering completely different mobile-compatible websites under the subdomain of ‘m’ (e.g.,
December 9, 2022
23 Min
QA testers have a unique role and responsibility to serve the customer. Serving the customer in software testing means protecting customers from application defects, failures, and perceived failures from missing or misunderstood requirements.
December 9, 2022
7 Min
What is digital transformation? Digital transformation is using technology to create new or modify existing business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements.
December 9, 2022
4 Min
2 Million+ Teams Rely On LambdaTest For Test Orchestration and Test Execution Needs.