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The modern workplace heavily relies on communication tools, which have become indispensable for businesses, enterprises, and corporate bodies across the globe. These tools serve various purposes, facilitating seamless operations and enabling efficient communication and collaboration among teams and stakeholders.
May 16, 2023
3 Min
Local website testing allows developers to test their websites locally, either manually or automatically. Once the developer and QA team ensure the website functions correctly locally, it is pushed to a production environment.
May 16, 2023
4 Min
• Selenium JavaScript • Automation • Tutorial
If you don’t know, HTML is the most widely used markup language for creating web pages supported by all major browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari.
May 15, 2023
35 Min
Project management is critical to your business’s success. According to a recent McKinsey survey of senior executives, more than 60% of respondents said that developing a solid project management discipline is a top-three priority for their organizations as they look to the future.
May 15, 2023
3 Min
2 Million+ Teams Rely On LambdaTest For Test Orchestration and Test Execution Needs.
• Automation • Selenium Java • Tutorial
This article is a part of our Learning Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our hub on JUnit Tutorial. JUnit 5 is a widely adopted open-source unit testing framework for Java-based projects undergoing constant evolution to meet developers’ changing needs.
May 12, 2023
30 Min
Introduction In this blog we will be travelling on a journey to learn what a QA strategy is, why it should matter to you, what should be included in your QA strategy and how you can go about implementing it within your organisation.
May 11, 2023
10 Min
I’m constantly impressed at how fast my five-year-old adapts to new smart gadgets, applications, and smart toys. He enjoys working on iOS and Android at the same time. Nonetheless, I find it difficult to return to Android OS.
May 10, 2023
14 Min
Last time I wrote about the advantages of observability for DevSecOps. Let’s say you are convinced and want to implement it. Now what?
May 9, 2023
7 Min
2 Million+ Teams Rely On LambdaTest For Test Orchestration and Test Execution Needs.