How To Execute JavaScript In Selenium Python

Idowu (Paul) Omisola

Posted On: December 12, 2023

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Read time29 Min Read

Directly accessing the DOM through JavaScript gives you the upper hand in testing dynamic websites. As an automation testing engineer, you are automating the testing of a dynamic web application, and you encounter a scenario where Selenium’s standard methods fall short. This is where JavaScript execution with Selenium can become a powerful combination in your testing arsenal. While it is not always the first choice for automation, it becomes indispensable when you need fine-grained control and precision over the dynamic nature of the DOM.

Executing JavaScript with Selenium is sometimes unavoidable when automating complex web actions like CSS restyling, CSS animations, CSS scrolling, and state modifications, among many others.

In this Selenium Python tutorial, you will learn how to execute JavaScript in Selenium Python while performing automation testing. If you are preparing for an interview you can learn more through Selenium interview questions.

Why use the JavaScriptExecutor in Selenium?

Since JavaScript is a client-side scripting language, using it with Selenium allows you to manipulate web elements and add custom behavior during automation testing. Although the recommended way to automate a website is through the Selenium standard method, some scenarios highlighted below might require using the JavaScriptExecutor with Selenium.

Lazy loading

Although you can wait for lazy-loaded content with Selenium’s Explicit wait, you can add JavaScript to check if the lazy-loaded content has loaded before scrolling to its position and proceeding to the other test steps.

The screenshot below is a simple example that demonstrates this scenario. The test uses JavaScript to check if the image element has loaded to confirm its visibility. Then, I passed this into an explicit wait method to pause test execution until the lazy-loaded image becomes visible within the DOM. I demonstrated this using the LambdaTest eCommerce Playground.

Lazy loading image visibility

Scrolling on a web page

Apart from the ActionChains, JavaScriptExecutor offers flexible ways to scroll vertically or horizontally on a web page. For instance, executing JavaScript with Selenium is helpful when automating animated smooth scrolling or scrolling to a specific element in the DOM.

Below is an example using JavaScript’s scrollIntoView property on LambdaTest eCommerce playground. This test scrolls to the specified image and hovers over it to expose more elements.

Scrolling on a web page

Simulating a custom wait function

While Selenium’s Explicit wait remains the best way to pause for elements to load, JavaScript offers more flexibility, allowing you to customize DOM accessibility. Thus, you can interact better with the website from a user’s perspective.

The example below uses the setInterval property to simulate a wait scenario for an asynchronously loaded element. I used the execute_async_script method in this case.

Simulating a custom wait function

The setInterval property executes the DOM access repeatedly at the specified timeout interval to wait for the element to load. Once the web element returns a value and is not null anymore, it clears the time interval using the clearInterval property.

However, unless it becomes unavoidable, it is always best to choose Selenium’s explicit wait over writing a custom wait function with JavaScript. The wait function in JavaScript may pose complexity and inconsistency challenges across various browsers, leading to difficulties in debugging and maintaining the test code.

Element creation

Executing JavaScript in Selenium with Python can be necessary when you need to make temporary changes to element attributes or check changes in the UI by changing the styling. For example, the following code replaces the existing class name with a new one. Once changed, I could access the element via the new attribute during automation.

Element creation

Automating Shadow DOM

JavaScript execution in Selenium offers an easy way to interact with Shadow DOM. Shadow DOMs act as encapsulated HTML within a separate DOM tree, which can sometimes be nested, making it challenging to access their elements through standard Selenium WebDriver methods.

However, using JavaScript provides greater control over the DOM, allowing you to access and manipulate shadow DOM elements.

The execute_script and execute_async_script method

The execute_script and execute_async_script are Selenium’s built-in methods for running JavaScript in Python via Selenium. Both act as an interface between Python and JavaScript, allowing you to interact synchronously or asynchronously with the DOM during automation testing using pure JavaScript.

Since the option to use JavaScript is available in Selenium, you can introduce JavaScript into your test regardless of the programming language.

What is the execute_script method?

The execute_script is a JavaScript interfacing method in Selenium that executes synchronous JavaScript within the browser instance. You can use this method by calling it from the driver instance as shown:

What is the execute_async_script method?

The execute_async_script method provides an interface for executing asynchronous JavaScript in Selenium. It provides an avenue for synchronizing the test automation with asynchronous events. Below is a general syntax for the execute_async_script method:

Since these methods only serve as interfaces, you can write JavaScript as a string inside a Python variable and pass it into the execute_script method or execute_async_script method, as demonstrated above.

Pros of executing JavaScript with Selenium

Integrating JavaScript into Selenium automation brings added versatility and effectiveness to the testing process. Executing JavaScript with Selenium during automation provides the following advantages.

Better DOM control

Executing JavaScript with Selenium during test automation allows you to customize web actions and alter web page elements to simulate users’ stories better. Overall, it lets you gain more control of the DOM during automation testing.

Fine-grained control over asynchronous events

Test automation with JavaScript execution in Selenium gives you more control over asynchronous web actions. It allows you to run Ajax actions seamlessly using the execute_async_script method.

This method synchronizes asynchronous events and lets you interact with dynamic content. For instance, using asynchronous JavaScript execution, you can wait for elements to appear, disappear, or change state before taking further actions.

Leverage the power of JavaScript with other programming languages

Since the execute_script and execute_async_script methods in Selenium involve using JavaScript as an interface client script, they help you run JavaScript regardless of the Selenium-binding programming language.

Whether automating with Python, Java, C, PHP, or any other programming language, JavaScript has powerful capabilities to interact with and manipulate the DOM, execute custom scripts, handle asynchronous operations, and achieve many dynamic interactions and behaviors within your web automation tests.

Helps automate more complex operations

Leveraging JavaScript with Selenium proves beneficial for executing intricate operations and directly interacting with the Document Object Model (DOM) in testing. This, in turn, enhances the test’s flexibility. Actions like element re-styling, attribute manipulation, alert simulation, hitting APIs, or interaction with shadow DOM are only possible with JavaScript execution in Selenium.

Cons of executing JavaScript with Selenium

While executing JavaScript with Selenium provides numerous advantages, it also has drawbacks. Testers must carefully weigh the benefits against these potential drawbacks to make informed decisions about incorporating JavaScript in Selenium automation.

Difficult to debug

The challenge in debugging hybrid code can increase the overall testing time, especially if the interfacing JavaScript is the cause of test failure. You have to switch between two programming languages to debug the faulty code.

Reduced readability

The automation test code becomes less readable since it combines two programming languages: JavaScript and the baseline testing language. This is unlike the WebDriver standard method, which doesn’t require third-party scripting.

For instance, I embedded JavaScript into Python using a multi-line string inside the script variable. This can be challenging to understand for someone without a knowledge of JavaScript.

Reduced readability

Getting started with JavaScript execution with Selenium

Getting started with JavaScript execution in Selenium involves understanding how to harness the power of JavaScript within your Selenium test scripts. Here are the key steps to initiate this process:

Install dependencies

This blog uses Python 3.10.6 and Selenium 4.13.0. But you should be able to follow along with Python 3.6 and later. We will run the test cases using pytest, so you must also install pytest. You will also install the python-dotenv package to hide secret keys and passwords.

Open the CLI and create a new project folder. CD into your project root folder and create a new virtual environment by running the following command.

Run the following code to activate the new virtual environment.

Ensure that you replace env_name with your virtual environment’s name.

To install the dependencies, create a new requirements.txt file in your project root folder and paste the dependencies as shown.

Run the following code to install the requirements in the virtual environment:

The installation command runs as shown below.

 installation command runs as shown below


I have used VS Code on a Windows machine to structure the examples in this test suite. Each Python file in the teststeps folder represents an example use case of executing JavaScript with Selenium in Python. We will discuss these examples in the following sections.

The driver setups for the whole test suite are inside the setup folder. The file contains the setup for the entire test suite. It includes settings for the local browser instance and the cloud grid.

Below is the entire project structure inside VS Code.

entire project structure inside VS Code

Executing JavaScript in Selenium Python

In this Python tutorial, we will now consider some practical ways to execute JavaScript in Selenium Python during automation testing.

But before we begin, let’s set up a general setting for the test suite. We will maintain a hybrid testing format that allows us to switch between local and cloud environments like LambdaTest (details later).

LambdaTest is an AI-based test execution and orchestration platform that offers over 3000 real browsers and operating systems to help you automate executing JavaScript in Selenium Python.

Subscribe to the LambdaTest YouTube Channel and stay updated with the latest tutorials around automated testing, Selenium testing, and more.

So start by obtaining your LambdaTest username and access key before you make the changes. To do this:

  1. Go to your LambdaTest build directory.
  2. Click Access Key at the top-right.
  3. Copy your Username and Access Key from the popup modal.

    LambdaTest build directory

Ensure you secure your LambdaTest Username and Access Key inside the .env file. You will obtain them using the dotenv package in the Setup file.

Set up a Selenium WebDriver class in a file, as shown in the following snippet. You will inject this into subsequent test files. Make a new folder called setup in your test suite directory, and create a new file in this folder.


I partitioned the setup code into conditions since I wanted to be able to switch between executing the test locally and on the cloud Selenium Grid. I obtained the execution platform string (EXEC_PLATFORM) from the environment variable. I only need to change it to cloud or local in the environment variable file to switch platforms.

If the EXEC_PLATFORM reads the cloud string, the test suite runs on the LambdaTest cloud grid using the cloud capabilities.


Otherwise, if it reads local, the test suite executes locally using the local Chrome driver.

test suite executes locally using the local Chrome driver

Let’s have a more thorough code walkthrough.

First, we import the WebDriver and dotenv packages. Then, we instantiate the load_dotenv class to read variables from the .env file. The os package allows you to call your Selenium Grid username and access key strings from the .env file using the os.getenv method.

selenium webdriver import

The Setting class takes up a test_name in its initialization function (__init__). Thus, since we will use the Setting class in each test case, we can instantiate it with a test name. This helps us name each test case separately during execution.

test_name in its initialization function (__init__)

Next, we specify the test suite capabilities. This lets you set up a predefined test environment, including browser choice (ChromeOptions in this case), platform type, build, and test name, among many others.

Then, we obtain the test capabilities from the LambdaTest Capabilities Generator. I have included this in the setup file, as shown. LT_USERNAME and LT_ACCESS_KEY are the grid username and the access key obtained from your dashboard earlier.

LT_USERNAME and LT_ACCESS_KEY are the grid username

See the highlighted line in the above code; lt_options[“name”] points to the instantiating attribute (self.test_name). This means the Setting instance accepts a string, which is the name of a particular test case.

The following code line configures the driver to use the specified browser option (ChromeOptions) in the cloud grid.


We declare the Selenium cloud grid URL. Adding your access key and username allows the grid to authorize your driver instance while accessing the grid.

Selenium cloud grid URL. Adding your access key and username

We then instantiate the remote WebDriver, which accepts the gridURL and the browser options.

 remote WebDriver, which accepts the gridURL

Next is the local browser instance setup, which gets triggered while executing the test locally. Unlike the cloud execution option, this doesn’t require special capabilities; it uses the local Chrome driver. We’ve used Chrome driver version 119.0.6029.0 in this blog.

First, we instantiate the ChromeOptions class. This isn’t essential in all cases. But we added it since we might want to add driver instance options like headless mode.

ChromeOptions class

Declaring the ChromeOptions as done above allows you to add more granularity with optional arguments. In this case, we’re running the browser instance in headless mode to prevent the actual browser from spinning up.

 browser instance in headless mode

Next, we set up the driver attribute by adding this option to the Chrome browser instance.

attribute by adding this option to the Chrome browse

Finally, the Setting class declares the setUp and tearDown methods for the entire test suite. The setUp method uses implicit wait to pause for the DOM elements to load before maximizing the browser window. The tearDown method cleans up the test environment and quits the browser once the driver completes the automation.

setUp and tearDown methods

Let us proceed with the use cases for JavaScript execution in Selenium with Python.

Info Note

Execute JavaScript in Selenium Python on the cloud. Try LambdaTest Today!

Responsive scrolling to an element using execute_script

JavaScript allows you to run custom scripts to define the position you want to scroll to on a web page. Responsive scrolling can also be helpful while dealing with lazy-loaded images. This is because scrolling down a web page triggers the appearance of lazy-loaded images.

While JavaScript’s scrollIntoView scrolls an element into the viewport, you can scroll to a specific position within the DOM using the scrollTo method. The scrollTo property is handy if you are unaware of the element you want to scroll to. The scrollIntoView method is better than continuously scrolling using the viewport height, as it is more specific and goes straight to the specified element.

Look at the example below using LambdaTest eCommerce Playground.

Here are the test cases:

Test Case 1

  1. We will use JavaScript to get the position of a product image element.
  2. Scroll to its position responsively.
  3. We then bring the web element into the viewport and hover over it.

Test Case 2

  1. Scroll the element into view using the scrollIntoView without specifying positions.
  2. Hover over the web element once it is in the viewport.

To begin, let’s inspect the web page element. In the Chrome browser, right-click on an image element and select Inspect:

inspect the web page element

The code below demonstrates how to scroll to the specified element using Selenium’s execute_script in Python.

The test starts by constructing the path to the parent directory of the currently executed script and allows us to use custom test modules.

path to the parent directory

Next is the instantiation of the Setting class with the appropriate test name, followed by the setUp method from the Setting class; this maximizes the browser window. Since this class contains two test cases, we want them to share a similar setup. So, we call the setUp method before initiating any test cases.

Setting class; this maximizes the browser window.

After visiting the URL, insert the JavaScript into the script variable as a string (like a multi-line comment). JavaScript first retrieves the target image element using its alt text. The querySelector is the choice since the script retrieves the image element using an alt attribute.


The retrieval is demonstrated in the code block below.

retrieval is demonstrated in the code block

Once retrieved, use the getBoundingClientRect() to get the image size and position relative to the viewport. The script then uses the window.scrollTo() method to scroll to the image position; this accepts an X and Y argument to specify the horizontal and vertical cursor movement, respectively.


Since the aim is to scroll vertically across the web page to the image element, the X axis takes a zero value while the Y takes the actual image position relative to the page height. To avoid missing the element’s position—even if it changes, we programmatically retrieve the image element position ( As seen in the code, concatenating this with window.scrollY obtains the image position relative to the viewport.

See the extracted line below for clarity.


Next in the script is the line that hovers over the image element. The ‘bubbles’: ‘true’ parameter propagates the hover event from the child (img element) to the parent element; this is the image container (a div). Look at the element structure below to understand better.

 child (img element)

We did this because we wanted the hover event to start on the parent element regardless.

parent element regardless.

However, the above is a more complex way to scroll using JavaScript with execute_script. The following test case (test_should_scroll_to_image_easy) achieves a similar result with only a few lines of script. It involves using the scrollIntoView() property rather than setting custom positions. Here’s the script variable modification in the new method:


Executing the script is straightforward. It only involves calling it inside the execute_script function.

execute_script function.

The last step is to call the tearDown method from the Setting instance to clean the test environment and quit the driver.

Note: While the test features two setUp() methods, we needed only one tearDown() method. However, the tearDown() call must be inside the second test method (test_should_scroll_to_image_easy) to ensure the driver instance does not end before its execution.


To run the test, open the command line to your project root folder and run the pytest command as shown below.

The test execution runs successfully in the console, returning the element’s height to the page viewport.

page viewport.

Here’s a visual output of the test demo:

 visual output of the test demo:

Alert handling using execute_async_script

Alert simulation is another area where JavaScript can be valuable during Python automation testing with Selenium.

Test Scenario:

  1. The test will enter an address into the email field that checks email existence with an Ajax call.
  2. It will then use a custom alert to simulate test failure if the entered email address already exists in the database.

Let us demonstrate this simple scenario using the SendGrid signup page. Please note that the SendGrid signup page is an external site and is subject to future element modifications. Ensure you adjust your test accordingly.

Start with the inspection of the target web page.

inspection of the target web page.

The email confirmation, an Ajax call, asynchronously displays the error message element during email field entry if the email already exists in the database, but Ajax triggers this error element only when the cursor focuses on the password field.

The code below replicates this description and triggers different alerts when:

  • Ajax adds a new element if an email exists.
  • And when the DOM structure remains the same if an email is not in the database.

Code Walkthrough

The code starts with an import of the Setting class, followed by other Selenium modules. However, we constructed the file path using the sys.append method before importing the Setting class from the setup module. This helps track the codebase project structure.

Next, we instantiate the Setting class with the test name for this case. Then, we set up the test environment inside the test method in the SimulatAlert class. We achieve this by calling the setUp method from the Setting class.

 code starts with an import of the Setting class

We visit the URL and declare a ten-second explicit wait time. Next, we obtain the email input element as shown.

declare a ten-second explicit wait time

Next, obtain the email input element and enter an email address into this field. Let’s quickly see this via the inspection tool.

obtain the email input element

The code below obtains the email field by its document ID.

code below obtains the email field

As mentioned, Ajax is only triggered when the cursor blinks in the password field. The following code focuses the cursor on the password field. This is so that Ajax can trigger the asynchronous database check.

code focuses the cursor on the password field

The test waits for the error message to be available. We have used the try/except block to ensure a free pass if Selenium cannot locate the element. That prevents a timeout failure if the email address exists. I wanted to control what happens when the email address already exists during sign-up.

test waits for the error message

The following code block uses JavaScript to simulate an alert if the error info element is missing. First, we obtain the error message element (error_message_element) and declare a callback variable for the function arguments. The arguments.length property determines the number of arguments passed to the function. In this context, it accesses the last argument, the callback function.

Next, we pass the alert logic into an interval function. This function checks if the error element is present and throws an alert containing the error text (retrieved with the error_message_element.innerText property). The clearInterval property stops the interval once each condition is met.

alert logic into an interval function

Since this is an asynchronous action and involves setting intervals, we execute JavaScript in Selenium Python using the execute_async_script method. Using execute_script still works, though. However, it blocks other events in the function—so the automation may not achieve the desired result.

 this is an asynchronous action

Waiting for the alert box after executing the asynchronous script ensures that the alert is visible before trying to resolve it. So, we pass the alert message into an explicit wait. You could still use the driver.switch_to.alert attribute to track the alert box without waiting. It is preferable to use an explicit wait as it can track and wait for the alert element simultaneously.

Here is the overall test logic: if an email address already exists, the browser displays an alert containing the Ajax error message. Otherwise, it throws a custom alert as written in the else statement in the script.

Since we have simulated an alert in the script, we need to use the accept method in Selenium to resolve it. See the demonstration below.

 simulated an alert in the script

The last step is to end the test and quit the driver instance.

end the test and quit the driver

To execute the test, CD into your project root folder via the CLI and run:

The test runs in the console, as seen.

test runs in the console

Below is the automated Chrome browser execution, showing the alert message for an already registered email address.

 automated Chrome browser execution

Automating an asynchronous login action using execute_async_script

JavaScript execution with Selenium in Python also lets you simulate asynchronous tasks. Executing asynchronous tasks involves the use of execute_async_script instead of the execute_script method.

For instance, this can be an asynchronous credential validation during a login action. Consider the following login example using the GitHub login page.

But before we begin, here is an element inspection overview of the target web page.

element inspection overview of the target

Test Case:

  1. Test enters the specified login credentials into the username and password fields.
  2. Using an asynchronous script, it verifies the user’s email address and password by validating them against the original ones in the environment variable file.

However, note that the demonstrated code might need changes if there is a change in the UI of GitHub. This is because the element attributes might change during UI updates, resulting in test failure due to missing web elements.

Look at the code demo below.

The above code demonstrates an exclusive use of asynchronous JavaScript during test automation.

Code Walkthrough

The test starts with importing the necessary modules, notably the Setting class and the dotenv module for masking secret credentials.

notably the Setting class

Next, we instantiate the Setting class with the test name (Login simulation async test). The driver variable is the driver attribute from the Setting class.

Setting class with the test name

I created the Selectors class to follow the Python Page Object Model design. This separates the page objects from the test class. Since this is a GitHub login automation, I’ve hidden my GitHub credentials in the .env file, as shown.

Python Page Object Model design

The test class (TestCredentials) inherits this class. So it can use its attributes in the test_credentials method. The test method starts with the setup and the target web page opening.

attributes in the test_credentials method

The following step confirms if the driver has opened the web page.

driver has opened the web page

Next, we fill the username and password fields with the correct credentials loaded from the .env file.

 correct credentials loaded

Then, we write a custom asynchronous credential validation code using the execute_async_script method in a multiline Python string. We could also execute JavaScript in Selenium Python using execute_script. The former is best for handling asynchronous timeouts to avoid blocking the UI during test execution.

The code starts with a callback that gets executed once the asynchronous task is completed. Much of the task is inside the timeout function. It checks if the credentials retrieved from the HTML input fields match the predefined values (self.github_username and self.github_password). Whether or not the credentials match, the script creates an alert to confirm login success or failure.

callback that gets executed

We pass this script variable into the execute_async_script method to trigger an asynchronous execution.

pass this script variable

The code block below retrieves the alert and asserts if the alert text contains the specified message (Login successful). Thus, the test fails if the success message is missing from the alert text. If the assert statement is valid, the test resolves the alert using the accept method.

assert statement is valid

Provided the credentials are valid, the following code block obtains the login button element and performs the login action using JavaScript.

Provided the credentials are valid

The tearDown method ends the test session and closes the driver instance.

closes the driver instance

To run the code, open the command line to your project root folder and run the following command:

The code runs as shown:

The code runs as shown

Changing the style of an element using execute_script

You can also use JavaScript with Selenium in Python to tweak the style of an element. For instance, you can enable a disabled web element to perform specific actions. While this is not typical user behavior, it helps validate whether the disabled web element will work as expected when active.

Let us take the described example further with the following code. We will also use the SendGrid sign up page for this demo. Please note that the SendGrid attribute may change eventually, and I have no control over it. So, adjust the test accordingly to your specific scenario.

Before we begin, look at the test case below.

Test Case:

  1. This test uses JavaScript to enable a disabled Submit button.
  2. It then changes the button’s background color to confirm it has been enabled.

As a best practice, let us first inspect the target web page.

 inspect the target web page

The code below demonstrates how to tweak the CSS property of an element using JavaScript execution with Selenium in Python.

After importing the Setting class from the setup module and creating an instance of the Setting class as setting, the test starts with the setup method as expected.

 Setting class from the setup module

Once we obtain the target URL and the disabled button class name, we write the script in Python’s multiline string. The code below activates and enables the disabled login button, making it clickable.

we obtain the target URL

You can further the test by entering your credentials and clicking the enabled button.

Next, we execute the script using the exexute_script method.

 test by entering your credentials

Finally, we call the tearDown function to quit the driver and end the test.

 tearDown function to quit

CD into your project root folder via the command, and type the pytest command to execute JavaScript in Selenium Python.

The test runs in the command line, as shown.

test runs in the command line

Here is the execution demo in the automated browser instance:

execution demo in the automated browser

Changing element attribute using execute_script

Changing the element attribute is a common action in JavaScript. You can simulate the same during test automation. This can be helpful while testing different edge cases like tweaking functionalities or updating content without a page refresh.

Let us use the LambdaTest eCommerce Playground to demonstrate this use case.

Test Case:

  1. We will obtain the initial element attribute of a product on the eCommerce playground page.
  2. Then, change the class name of the obtained products

Let us inspect the product element first.

Let us inspect the product element first

The element’s original class name is lazy-load. Before proceeding to the test script, let us change this directly by writing JavaScript in the console.

writing JavaScript in the console

We’ve used the querySelector to get the element’s alt attribute. Logging the selector before attribute modification displays the original element.

attribute modification displays

Once the attribute changes in the final script, it shows the target element with its modified attribute.

 attribute changes in the final script

Now, let us replicate this in the test script.

Code Walkthrough

After importing the necessary modules, we instantiate the Setting class with a string representing the test name. We also specified the driver variable by calling its attribute from the Setting instance.

specified the driver variable

Next, we visit the e-commerce website by obtaining the url parameter.

obtaining the url parameter

Then, we print the original class attribute to see what it was before changing it.

print the original class attribute

The script below changes the document attribute. The element variable in the script obtains the image element using its alt attribute. We used the querySelector, not the class name because many elements share a similar class name (lazy-load). Next, we remove the original class name using the classList.remove property of JavaScript. Then, we set a new one using classList.add.

 new one using classList.add

We must execute the script before printing the new attribute.

 execute the script before printing

To confirm that the attribute has changed successfully, we obtain the new element (element_new) and print it as shown.

obtain the new element

Executing the test locally via the console displays the following output, including the original class name and the new one:

console displays the following output

Since all test files are in the same folder, you can execute JavaScript in Selenium Python in a queue using pytest. To do this, open the command line to your project root folder and run the following command.

The test runs via the command line, as shown.

The test runs via the command line

Each test demo runs successfully on the cloud grid, as shown below.

 runs successfully on the cloud grid

As seen in the execution screenshot above, each test in the queue has a unique name, which is set by instantiating the Setting class with a desired name in each test file.


In this Selenium Python testing tutorial, you’ve witnessed various ways to execute JavaScript in Selenium Python. Although executing JavaScript in Selenium Python is not the preferred test automation method, it is beneficial in specific situations. JavaScript becomes essential for intricate scenarios like gesture and animation simulations, asynchronous interactions, responsive scrolling, and more. However, exercise caution not to rely on JavaScript if the desired action can be achieved through standard WebDriver methods.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you execute a JavaScript script?

Selenium utilizes the execute_script method to run JavaScript commands, passing them as arguments. Certain actions, such as scrolling down a page, may not be directly achievable through Selenium methods but are made possible with the assistance of the Javascript Executor.

Can Selenium code execute JavaScript directly?

Yes, Selenium can execute JavaScript code directly using the executeScript method provided by the JavascriptExecutor interface. This allows Selenium scripts to interact with and manipulate a web page’s Document Object Model (DOM) using JavaScript commands. The executeScript method takes a JavaScript code snippet as a string and executes it within the context of the current browser window. This capability is particularly useful for handling dynamic elements, asynchronous operations, and other scenarios that may not be easily achievable with standard Selenium commands.

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Author’s Profile

Idowu (Paul) Omisola

Idowu is a self-taught programmer, coding YouTuber, and technical writer with a penchant for teaching. He started his coding career in 2018 but combined it with technical writing a year later and has never looked back. He has worked for a couple of websites over the years, and you'll find some of his coding guides on popular websites like MUO. He loves discussing software structure and coding topics in Python, JavaScript, Golang, and TypeScript. And when it comes to software testing, he's a fan of Playwright and Selenium.

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