Debug on LambdaTest Mobile Devices with Developer Tools and Enjoy Easy Integrations


Posted On: August 2, 2018

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Read time2 Min Read

When you launch a website on a real mobile device and encounter a bug, it becomes impossible to debug it. So, to help you LambdaTest has launched mobile developer tools to make debugging on mobile devices easier for you.

You can simply open the mobile device for the mobile device that you want to test your website/ web application for and then debug your website using the icon for LambdaTest’s mobile debugging tools.

As of now, you can find the mobile dev tools on android emulators supporting chrome browsers (i.e. Android 7.0 and above), and all iOS simulators however, soon you’ll be able to test on all leftover devices too.

LambdaTest Dev Tools

Mobile Devices supporting Dev Tools:

  • Galaxy S9 Plus
  • Galaxy Note 9
  • Galaxy Tab S4 10.5
  • Galaxy S9
  • Test on Google Pixel 3 XL
  • Google Pixel 3
  • Google Pixel 2 XL
  • Google Pixel 2
  • One Plus 6T
  • Sony Xperia xz2
  • Xiaomi MI 8
  • Galaxy S8+
  • Galaxy S8
  • Galaxy J7 max
  • Google Pixel XL
  • Google Pixel
  • Nexus 6p
  • Nexus 5x
  • LG V20
  • Huawei Honor 6x
  • Oppo R9

All iPhones and iPads

How to use mobile developer tools on Mobile Devices?

Step 1:. Go to the real time console by selecting real time tests from the menu bar.

Step 2: After launching real time, switch to mobile devices by clicking on the following icon

LambdaTest Functionality

Step 3: Select the android emulator online or iOS simulator you want to test upon from the list above and enter the URL before clicking on launch.

Step 4: Once you click on launch, a mobile device will open up with the desired configuration that you’ve selected.

Test on Cloud

Step 5: You’ll see a developer tools option on the menu bar on the left hand side, click on it to open the dev tools.

Browser Testing on Cloud

Step 6: Once you click on it, the dev tools will open and you can then start debugging your website/ web app.

In addition to dev tools we also have some brand new amazing integrations in house for you. Now you can move your bugs directly to GitHub, Slack, and JIRA from your LambdaTest account and that too in the middle of a LambdaTest test session.

Integrate with GitHub


Integrate with Slack


Integrate with JIRA


Integrate with Trello


Integrate with Gitlab

Integrate with Gitlab

Integrate with Bitbucket

Integrate with Bitbucket

Integrate with VSTS

Integrate with Visual Studio

Integrate with Paymo

Integrate with paymo

Integrate with TeamWork

Integrate with teamwork

Integrate with BugHerd

Integrate with BugHerd


Integrate with ClubHouse

Integrate with clubhouse

Integrate with Mantis

Integrate with Mantis

All you need to do is to install that integration, authorize it, and start logging bugs. If you use any other bug management tool like Asana, Trello, GitLab, Bitbucket then don’t worry, you can use them with LambdaTest too 😉 !

Just simple steps and integrate your LambdaTest account with JIRA, Asana, Slack, Trello, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket. If you use some other tool, don’t hesitate to tell us and we’ll bring it right here on our platform for you!

Hope you like our devtools and new integrations. In case you have any feedback or input for us, just leave us a message at or could simply give a shout to our 24×7 chat support .

You can watch the video here

100+ Free Online Tools From LambdaTest!

LambdaTest has come up with an index of 100+ free online tools for developers and testers. From HTML, XML, and JSON formatters to robust data generators, and hash calculators. LambdaTest’s free online tools are built to help engineering teams accelerate and be more productive with their daily activities.

Code Tidy

Data Format

Random Data

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LambdaTest is a continuous quality testing cloud platform that helps developers and testers ship code faster.

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