Category Archives: Manual Testing


Manual Testing

16 Major Challenges Faced By Testers While Testing a Web Application

Testing a web application can be a very hectic task. With the number of devices and browsers increasing day by day, apart from testing the functionality and performance

September 19, 2018

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Usability Testing

Manual TestingUsability Testing

How To Perform Usability Testing For Website

When you visit a website, like Amazon, eBay, etc., what is the one thing that makes you stay there? Is it the design, offers, or the fact that you can use it easily and find relevant information or product effortlessly?

September 18, 2018

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Manual TestingUsability Testing

13 Common Mistakes That Happen During Usability Testing

The aim of usability testing is very simple, ask participants to test the application, collect quantitative data from the test results and figure out how the application can be improved.

September 14, 2018

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Manual TestingPerformance

13 Reasons Why Staging Environment Is Failing For Your Organization

The staging environment is something that is suggested as best practice but considered as a burden. Many of us feel pounded with the thought of extra investment and effort involved to upkeep it.

September 13, 2018

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Manual Testing

Why Your QA Team Needs A Dedicated Environment For Testing

Ever since the adoption of Agile methodology we have witnessed a debate over the topic of having a dedicated Staging environment for QA practices. In this age of rapid web-app development, creating a staging environment and maintaining is often considered to be a wasteful and strenuous task.

September 12, 2018

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Manual vs automation testing

AutomationManual Testing

Manual Testing vs Automation Testing: Check Out The Differences

The most arduously debated topic in software testing industry is What is better, Manual testing or Automation testing. Although Automation testing is most talked about buzzword, and is slowly dominating the testing

September 10, 2018

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Manual TestingMiscellaneous

Facts About Testing That A Beginner Should Know About

At one time, testing was probably the most ignored career choice in the IT industry. However, with advanced project methodologies like Agile and DevOps and organizations focusing more on maintaining and improving the

September 7, 2018

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Android Testing

Manual TestingMobile Testing

Why Android Application Testing Is Important?

The age of the mobile has already started and it’s still going to rule until any advanced device replace the means of performing our day to day activities. Mobile apps are becoming more matured, efficient and app development

September 5, 2018

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Manual Testing

What Is Holding A Software Tester From Finding Bugs?

Every major product on the internet is trying to expand their reach to full potential by accomplishing the goal of Web Interoperability. According to which various Web technologies on the World Wide Web should be

September 4, 2018

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Manual Testing

Triaging Bugs: Prioritizing & Organizing Testing Issues

Triaging is a well-known but not-well-understood term related to testing. The term is said to have been derived from the medical world, where it refers to the process of prioritizing patients based on how severe or mild

August 29, 2018

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