Category Archives: LambdaTest Updates
• LambdaTest Updates • Miscellaneous
Meet Apple’s New OS !! macOS Mojave
Just a few hours ago, Apple announced the latest addition to its macOS arsenal as the world glimpsed at Mojave for the first time. The dark mode offers a certain sense of serenity and it would seem that Mojave has more
June 4, 2018
3 Min Read
LambdaTest One Click Integration With Bitbucket and GitLab
The DevOps cycle is always evolving with the latest trends and tech. SaaS success demands flexibility as you learn and deploy thousand ideas, in an effort to keep up with the modern tricks we are always looking out for ways
June 1, 2018
3 Min Read
Test For Cross Browser Compatibility on Chrome 67
All aboard the Chrome express, next station version 68. Just day before yesterday, Google released the latest stable version of Chrome 67. And now we are live with Chrome 67 browsers at LambdaTest platform.
May 31, 2018
6 Min Read
LambdaTest Live With Chrome 67 Beta And Chrome 68 Dev Browsers
Synchronization with latest technologies is what makes you remain visible in the market. For SaaS companies, playing with cut edge tech is the main source of their growth.
May 5, 2018
2 Min Read
All New Updated Dashboard Fpr LambdaTest Users
‘Cross Browser Testing should be regular regime of your testing activity’ and having said that most of the customers we speak to agree to this. However most of the organizations look at cross browser testing
April 23, 2018
3 Min Read
Test On iOS 11.3 Simulators With LambdaTest
With the release of iOS 11.3 on March 30th, 2018, apple introduced many major features for its users. The latest features introduced were AR(augmented reality) experiences, Animojis for iPhone X users, updates
April 21, 2018
1 Min Read
Change The Configuration On The Go With LambdaTest’s New Switch Feature
We believe that innovation is a never ending process so we, at LambdaTest are continuously innovating to ease the life of our users. In response to the feedback of one of our users, Eva Tallaksen we have introduced
April 4, 2018
2 Min Read
LambdaTest Releases SSH Tunnel To Let You Test Your Locally Hosted Applications
LambdaTest has released its Secure Shell (SSH) tunnel feature which will allow you to test your private server URLs or locally hosted web apps or websites through LambdaTest’s cloud servers.
April 3, 2018
2 Min Read
Test on Chrome 66 Beta and Firefox 60 Beta at LambdaTest
Testing in latest environment decreases the risk of unexpected errors for users in the latest tech that they are using. So, today we have released latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Opera for you to test on.
April 3, 2018
2 Min Read
Clear Cache On iOS Browsers With A Single Click In LambdaTest
Serving customers is our utmost priority and we take our users’ feedback above all as we hold them as our product ambassadors who help us to make the product better!
April 2, 2018
2 Min Read