35 Best Bootstrap Carousel Examples for 2024

Alex Anie

Posted On: December 28, 2023

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Read time28 Min Read

Organizing web content can be overwhelming, especially when the types of content you want to add to your web page are in groups and contain text, images, or videos.

Think of a scenario where you want to buy a product online, and every product on the web page is stacked on top of one another (vertically), making you keep scrolling just to find the one you want to buy or having to navigate between multiple pages to search for related items you wish to purchase. This can be a tedious and unpleasant user experience for the users.

To fix these, we can implement or design each element on the web page as a carousel, where all elements can be categorized based on their similarities. This will enable users to select items and navigate between relative items with ease on the web page.

However, carousels can be time-consuming when implemented from scratch on the web. This is due to the endless cross browser testing required for elements to be browser-compatible and the need for each carousel component, such as button controls, picker controls, and sliders, to function across different screen sizes correctly.

Additionally, responsiveness must be achieved across different screen resolutions for a better user experience on different platforms such as TV, desktop, tablets, and mobile. This is where the Bootstrap carousel can be implemented.

In this blog post, we will explore 35 Bootstrap carousel examples for 2024.

These Bootstrap carousel examples will be from various websites and mobile applications so you can get inspiration for your project. We’ll also provide code snippets so that you can easily incorporate them into your projects.

By the end of the blog on Bootstrap carousel examples, you should be able to create and customize your own Bootstrap carousel from scratch and implement it on your website.

What are Bootstrap Carousels?

Bootstrap carousels are ways web developers and designers can create beautiful and eye-catching carousel components using Bootstrap CSS template.

They provide out-of-the-box functionality such as auto-rotating slides, slider controls, picker controls, CSS breakpoints, random transition effects, animations, and responsive layouts on different screen resolutions. They can be highly customizable with other Bootstrap template components such as accordions, alerts, badges, breadcrumbs, cards, buttons, navbars, pagination, and models.

In the next section of this blog on Bootstrap carousel examples, we will discuss some factors to consider when designing carousels.

Keys Areas to Consider Before Designing Bootstrap Carousels

Bootstrap comes with advanced carousel features that can improve how users interact with carousels on the web page. From beautiful fancy animations and transition effects to responsive components and browser-compatible properties, the list of what we can do is endless. However, there are important things to consider before designing a Bootstrap carousel, which are:

  • Auto-rotation: This will enable carousel sliders to repeat their sequence after completion continuously.
  • Manual-rotation: This is when the carousel control buttons are used as a way to navigate the slides.
  • Draggable sliders: This feature lets each slider element function as a draggable control for navigating the carousel elements left and right.
  • Breakpoints: By default, Bootstrap components are responsive. However, at every breakpoint (different screen sizes), we can determine or realign components of the carousel for better responsiveness.
  • Single or multiple carousel view: Carousels can either be single view (only one element showing at a time) or multiple view (more than one element showing at a time).

These are some key areas you can consider before designing a carousel, as this can improve performance and user experience. In the section below, we will discuss the best Bootstrap carousel examples.

Best Bootstrap Carousels Examples

We’ve seen some key areas that need to be considered before designing a carousel. However, some Bootstrap carousel examples are worth noting due to their high usage across multiple websites and mobile applications.

Let’s look at the best Bootstrap carousel examples!

Background Carousel

Background carousel sliders are one of the popular Bootstrap carousel examples designed to run automatically as background-image sliders. This enables other elements to be positioned around it while the sliders navigate smoothly on the background as a slideshow. The background carousel sliders can be found majorly on eCommerce and movie listing websites such as Amazon and Netflix.

The above Bootstrap carousel example is a background carousel slider made with a Bootstrap 5.3 template. In this Bootstrap carousel example, we positioned a three-column card display over a Bootstrap background carousel. This enabled the carousel to function as a slideshow below the card items. So, users can easily navigate across different carousel slides while interacting with the card components at the same time.



See the Pen
Bootstrap background carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Bootstrap 5 Banner Sliders Carousel

Banner carousels are very common types of carousels found mainly on eCommerce websites. This banner carousel displays ads and is usually placed directly below the navbar. This allows visitors to view the carousel ads as soon as they log into the web page.

A typical Bootstrap carousel example of a slider banner can be found on websites like Walmart, Amazon, eBay, Best Buy, and others. When a banner carousel is well implemented, it can send a good message to the user about the brand.


See the Pen
Bootstrap 5 Banner Carousel Sliders
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Product Review Carousel

Product review carousel is one of the best Bootstrap carousel examples that can be used to review different sections, angles, use cases of a particular item. Depending on the item or items being reviewed, a product review carousel can be implemented across multiple websites for different reasons.

For example, an eCommerce website will display a mobile phone for review with other snapshots of the same products. This allows users to click through every image to see the phone from a different angle.



See the Pen
Bootstrap 5 Product review carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Flicker Image Carousel

Flicker image carousel is a type of carousel that adds quick fade in and fade out transition effects between two images as the user clicks through the carousel control buttons. This is very useful in cases where a series of images is made as a post, forming a carousel. The flicker effects can trigger smooth transitions as users navigate between image sliders.

Here, we used Bootstrap to create a flicker image carousel that fades in and out as users navigate the carousel sliders.



See the Pen
Bootstrap Flicker image Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Team Profile Dark Mode Carousel

Team profile carousels is yet another best Bootstrap carousel example that enables organizations to display the names, roles and sometimes social handles of their teams. This makes it easy for users or potential employees to know who to contact when seeking assistance in an organization.

Team profiles showcase the name and title of each team member, making them a great way to interact with other team members in the same role.



See the Pen
Bootstrap Team Profile Dark Mode
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Team Profile Light Mode Carousel

Another latest Bootstrap carousel example is light mode carousel. For making a simplistic UI, this can be very useful in cases where we need to offer an alternative design outlook to dark mode.

Here is a simple and minimal light-mode team profile carousel effect with Bootstrap.



See the Pen
Bootstrap Team Profile Light Mode
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Bootstrap Multi-Columns Carousel Products

At times, we might require carousels to be grouped into sections to help display similar projects, images, products, or members of a similar role in a single group. For this, we have another popular Bootstrap carousel example – a multi-column carousel.

This will help distinguish carousel sliders from other sliders, as each group will be in the same section and swipe together.

Here, we create a Bootstrap multi-column carousel slider. The first slider is a group of shoes, the second slider is a group of iPhone products, and the third section is a group of headsets. This makes it easy for users to navigate based on interest to decide what to buy from a website.

Bootstrap Multi-Columns Carousel Products



See the Pen
Bootstrap 5 Multi-Column Carousel Products
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Bootstrap Multi-Columns Team Carousel

Multi-columns carousel is not only limited to product items. We can also separate team members based on their roles. This makes it easy for other team members to know who they share similar roles with.

Here, we create a Bootstrap multi-columns carousel that group team members based on their roles. In this Bootstrap carousel example, the first slide shows team members with marketing roles, while the second shows team members with engineering roles.



See the Pen
Bootstrap Multi-Columns Carousel Teams
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Side Nav Testimonial Carousel

Testimonials are a great way to showcase product reviews from existing users. This helps to instill confidence and trust in new users. With a side nav carousel, we can display users testimonials alongside a product caption. This latest Bootstrap carousel example will help users get a feel of what the products are about and at the same time read testimonials from existing users.

We use Bootstrap 5 to create a side nav carousel that displays the product caption and testimonial from existing users, as shown from the screenshot above.




See the Pen
Bootstrap 5 Side Nav Testimonial
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

About Me Carousel

Creative platforms such as Dribble, Behance, and LinkedIn have a card feature of carousel that lets creative professionals write short descriptive bio about what they do to potential customers. You can create a similar experience on your website using the Bootstrap carousel example- About Me.

This will enable visitors to know what you offer when they visit your site. Here, we created a minimal about me card carousel with Bootstrap to display the bio of creative professionals to help attract new customers.




See the Pen
Bootstrap 5 about me carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Bootstrap Newsletter Carousel

Next Bootstrap carousel example in our list is the newsletters carousel.

Newsletters are everywhere serving as a means to get users to subscribe to blogs and stay up to date with what is happening around web development. Designing a beautiful and interactive newsletter component can improve and get more readers to read the published content.

Here, we created a carousel newsletter with text slide effects. To navigate, click the control buttons.



See the Pen
Bootstrap Newsletter carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Bootstrap Image Gallery Carousel

Social media platforms get lots of posts, most especially images in the form of carousels. Users interact with these images on their feed and swipe left to right. This is very useful for social media or image gallery applications.

For this, another latest Bootstrap carousel example shows the implementation of a simple image gallery carousel slider.



See the Pen
Bootstrap Random Image Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Draggable Carousel

Draggable carousel enables the user to swipe the slider items with mouse or touch events. This is very useful as it makes the carousel more interactive and easy for users to navigate.

Platforms like eCommerce, and social media implement draggable carousels to make navigation easier for users across multiple devices. Draggable carousels function very well on both desktop and mobile.

Here is a Bootstrap carousel example that shows a simple Bootstrap draggable carousel to navigate, click, and drag with the mouse.





See the Pen
Bootstrap Random Image Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Endless Scrolling Testimonial Carousel

Endless scrolling testimonial carousel is a way to add a functionality that mimics the behavior of endless scrolling. Users can swipe the carousel sliders left to right or right to left without reaching the end. The last item usually repeats as the first item, making it repeat continuously in an endless manner.

Here is a Bootstrap carousel example where we have implemented an endless scrolling functionality using Bootstrap 5 and Owl Carousel 2 library.





See the Pen
Bootstrap Endless Scrolling Testimonial
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

YouTube Carousel

Embedding YouTube videos on websites is a common practice among content creators. In cases of embedding multiple videos, implementing a carousel feature that enables seamless navigation between embedded YouTube videos can improve the overall UI of your website.

The Bootstrap carousel example below is a Bootstrap 5 YouTube carousel template. This shows how to create a YouTube carousel using Bootstrap 5 and Owl Carousel 2.





See the Pen
YouTube Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

News Carousel

News carousels can improve how visitors interact with content on your website. With a single-view carousel, multiple news card components can be implemented as carousels, making it easy for users to interact with multiple content on a single view.

In this Bootstrap carousel example, we created a news carousel component with Bootstrap 5. To toggle, we have used control buttons and control indicators.



See the Pen
Bootstrap News Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Logo Carousel

Logo carousel allows organizations or creative professionals to use logos they are affiliated with or that have used their product/services. Logo carousels are a great way to instill trust to potential users or clients about your product/services.

Here, we create a logo carousel with Bootstrap 5. The logo is set to animate right to the left, while on hover, the animation-play-state is set to paused.

Logo Carousel




See the Pen
Bootstrap 5 Logo Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Landing Page Carousel

A landing page can have an animated carousel slider that enables users to swipe the background image. This can help create a visually appealing UI and improve website user interaction.

These types of landing pages are good for business websites, portfolio websites, and OTT websites. In this Bootstrap carousel example, we have created a landing page carousel slider with Bootstrap 5.



See the Pen
Bootstrap Landing page carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Landing Page With Text Carousel

With most landing pages having image carousels, we can also implement text carousels on the landing page of a website. This can reduce the amount of text review at a given time.

Users can swipe the text using the control buttons to learn more. This provides a more interactive way for users to interact with the website.

In this Bootstrap carousel example, we have built a simple Bootstrap text carousel on the landing page. Here, each slider text is swiped by the control buttons.

Landing Page With Text Carousel



See the Pen
Bootstrap Landing Page with Text Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Animated Testimonial Carousel

Animated testimonial carousel is a type of carousel that requires all testimonial card items to be positioned side by side horizontally then animated infinitely. This makes the carousel play continuously; it is mostly used to display users feedback on a product or service.

The animated testimonial carousel has a play and pause state, and it’s usually set to pause when a user hovers over it.

In this Bootstrap carousel example, we have a Bootstrap animated testimonial carousel with a user’s feedback about the product.



See the Pen
Bootstrap Animated Testimonial Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Logo With Control State Carousel

Control buttons are implemented on carousels to enable users to navigate between different slides. The logo carousel or any other animated carousel typically has a control button for playing and pausing the animation. This button is useful as it lets users play and pause the animation.

As you can see in the below Bootstrap carousel example, a play/pause control button exists to trigger the animation-play-state, to play and pause the animation for the user to read the content of the animated element.

Logo With Control State Carousel



See the Pen
Logo Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Minimal Landing Page Carousel

You can create minimal designs such as a carousel using Material Design for Bootstrap; It includes customs transitions and animation in CSS that brings life to the webpage.

Below is a carousel built with Material Design for Bootstrap. From the Bootstrap carousel example below, we implemented the material design for Bootstrap custom transition on the heading and paragraph text; click on the control button to see it in animation.




See the Pen
Bootstrap Minimal Landing page carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Animated Carousel

Custom animations contribute to a more polished and professional look for various websites such as portfolios, studio projects, or landing pages. With good use of animations and transitions, web pages can have a lasting impression on visitors.

The animation can get the user’s attention. In the below Bootstrap carousel example, the animated carousel, the Fade In Left and Fade In Right effects can draw attention to the sequential appearance of content, making it more engaging and easier to follow as users click on the carousel controls.




See the Pen
Bootstrap Transitional Test Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Single Page Carousel

Single page carousel can be implemented in situations where we only want to display items of the same categories or style. This makes navigating easy for users as all items are placed in a single page view.

Here is the Bootstrap carousel example that shows a single page carousel in action.




See the Pen
Bootstrap Single page Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Food List Carousel

Food list carousels are types of carousels found majorly in restaurant websites. They help categorize food types into carousel displays.

In the below Bootstrap carousel example, we have different types of food implemented as a carousel with a draggable navigation function. The control buttons and control indicator can also be used to navigate the carousel.




See the Pen
Bootstrap Food list Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Active State Carousel

With an active state carousel, the slider with current active class can be set to take a different look. This will enable the users to know which class is currently active. This is a handy method to make multi-column carousels more interactive.

From the below Bootstrap carousel example, all sliders have an opacity value, and the active slider is set to no opacity. This helps improve the carousel’s visual appeal and makes the active slider easy to identify.





See the Pen
Bootstrap Active State Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Animated Showcase Carousel

This type of carousel showcases a list of speakers for an event or list of activities performed from an event. You can include this in a section on your website landing page.

Shown below is the Bootstrap carousel example that shows an animated carousel.





See the Pen
Bootstrap Animated showcase Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Auto-Rotate Carousel

Auto-rotate carousels are types of carousels that are set to auto-rotate as soon as the page loads. These types of carousels are mostly found on eCommerce, restaurant, and sports websites. The latest or most recent information is usually displayed automatically to get users’ attention so they can click the slide that interests them.

Shown below is the implementation of this type of Bootstrap carousel example.




See the Pen
Bootstrap Auto-rotate Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Grow Carousel

Grow carousel is mainly to add a growing effect on hover when a user hover on the carousel slider. It can also be used to hide content and review them on hover. The growing width effects help create a virtually engaging experience for the user.

It also highlights the carousel in focus and helps to draw attention to the carousel being hovered compared to others. This helps the user focus on the content on the carousel and highlight important messages within the carousel.

In the below Bootstrap carousel example, this carousel type can add value to team profiles or testimonials.




See the Pen
Bootstrap grow Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Quote Carousel

Quote carousels are types of carousels for displaying quotes. Implementing quotes carousels is a way to capture visitors’ attention with motivational content that boosts site engagement. Relevant quotes can set the tone that resonates with individuals, creating a good user experience and engagement.

Shown below is the implementation of this type of Bootstrap carousel example.




See the Pen
Bootstrap Quote Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Transform Text Carousel

The transform property can be used to transform text and add effects to carousel text; this is very useful and can make web pages more interactive. With transitions, you can improve the flow of how each carousel slides, as each carousel transitions sequentially without lagging. This can improve the overall user experience and create a smooth flow of slides within the carousel container.

In this Bootstrap carousel example, we have created a transform text carousel.




See the Pen
Bootstrap Quote Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Gallery Carousel

Gallery carousels is yet another one of the latest Bootstrap carousel examples and are widely used. It is common to visit a website and see groups of images in a carousel about the company or organization of the website. Gallery carousels can serve a good purpose here for displaying key information or activities about an organization.

This is very useful as it helps visitors learn more about events and activities associated with the organization. For example, you can have a series of meetups or webinars about ongoing industry challenges. Each story can be implemented as a carousel slider on your website for visitors to learn more about the webinars or meetups, as shown in the Bootstrap carousel example below.




See the Pen
Bootstrap gallery Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Transition Gallery Carousel

Continuing from the above Bootstrap carousel example for the gallery, we can add transitions to the active slides to improve the user’s experience.

The active slide or carousel is a result of the active class present in the carousel; with this class, we can specify what should happen when a particular carousel comes into focus, in this case active.

This will help create a visual separation between the active carousel and other carousel items within the container.




See the Pen
Bootstrap Transition Gallery Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

Click to Fill Carousel

Click to fill is a popular Bootstrap carousel example that you can implement on your website; most especially the hero section.

This carousel type can contribute to a more balanced web design, especially when the carousel sliders function as card components with background images, transitional text, and buttons.

This can be very helpful and improve users’ experience on the web page.




See the Pen
Bootstrap Click to fill Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

One Side View Carousel

One side view carousel is a type of carousel mainly used for hardware product reviews. You can simply position the carousel to one side of the page or container while the other side of the container is used to position the description or details of what the carousel is about.

In the below Bootstrap carousel example, the one side view carousel enables users to read what the carousel is about while navigating it.



See the Pen
Bootstrap One Side View Carousel
by Ocxigin (@ocxigin)
on CodePen.

In the next section of this blog on Bootstrap carousel examples, we will discuss why it is important to test your carousels.

Why Are Testing Bootstrap Carousels Important?

In this blog, we discussed some of the best Bootstrap carousel examples you can try in 2024. However, while creating Bootstrap carousels, it’s important to ensure a seamless user experience across diverse devices and browsers. This requires testing the browser compatibility and accessibility of Bootstrap carousels.

At the same time, testing the carousel for responsiveness is essential to ensure consistent functionality and visual appeal. By developing a responsive design, you can ensure that the carousel adapts to various screen sizes, providing optimal usability on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Additionally, it is important to test touch and swipe support to ensure that mobile users can effortlessly navigate through the carousel using touch gestures.

To test all these aspects (compatibility, accessibility, responsiveness) in one go could be daunting and expensive. However, to eliminate the hassle of investing in setting up an in-house infrastructure, a cost-effective solution is to opt for cloud-based testing platforms like LambdaTest.

LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform that lets you test cross browser compatibility of your Bootstrap carousels on an online browser farm of 3000+ real desktop and mobile environments. In addition, you can also perform accessibility testing of your carousels using screen readers on Windows and macOS platforms and make sure your carousels adhere to the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Furthermore, LambdaTest lets you test touch gestures and swipes on a real device cloud to give you the experience of a real user.

When it comes to responsive testing, LambdaTest offers LT Browser – a Chromium-based desktop application to test your Bootstrap carousels across 53+ pre-installed device viewports for mobile, tablet, desktop, and laptops.

Check out this all-in-one LambdaTest tutorial to start your Bootstrap testing journey.

Subscribe to the LambdaTest YouTube Channel for tutorials around mobile app testing, Appium automation, and more.


In this blog, we listed 35 Bootstrap carousel examples for 2024 that you can implement on your website.

Using the Bootstrap template, you can create beautiful and visually appealing websites that are very responsive and interactive, giving users the ability to navigate through multiple content from a single carousel component.

Each listed carousel component is highly customizable, which allows you to add or remove elements that are not required for your web project.

Furthermore, you can elevate your web development skills with our Bootstrap tutorial series, wherein you can learn how to interact with elements using Bootstrap buttons and badges, master responsive design in Bootstrap display and visibility, and discover the versatility of Bootstrap dropdowns and collapse.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to create a carousel in Bootstrap 5.3?

To create a carousel in 5.3, you can include Bootstrap’s production-ready CSS and JavaScript via CDN without the need for any bold steps. With npm packages such as Vite, Parcel, and Webpack, you can install Bootstrap 5.3 as a dependency. Once you have done these steps, you can copy the carousel template from the component panel and customize it.

How can I make Bootstrap 5.3 carousel responsive?

Bootstrap 5.3 carousel template is built for responsive, mobile-first sites. By default, Bootstrap has breakpoints. Each breakpoint represents different screen sizes, such as mobile phones, tablets, desktops, and larger screens. These breakpoints can be applied to carousels to make them responsive as they load on a mobile device and other larger-scale devices like tablets and desktops.

Can I customize Bootstrap 5.3 carousels?

Bootstrap carousel components such as control buttons, control indicators, sliders, and play/pause buttons can be customized. Custom font icons, images, videos, and third-party libraries can be used to customize carousels in Bootstrap. You can change font sizes, colors, and how elements respond on different screen sizes. This helps create consistency across the UI elements on the website.

Does Bootstrap 5.3 carousel support older browsers?

Bootstrap 5.3 removed support for older browsers in favor of modern browsers. That means some new features in your carousel components might not function well in older browsers. However, Bootstrap provided guidelines on fixing these using polyfills and vendor prefixes for better browser compatibility.

Author Profile Author Profile Author Profile

Author’s Profile

Alex Anie

A Front End Technical Writer. I write blogs on Front End Technologies, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript. When I am not coding, I enjoy watching tutorials and listening to twitter spaces. I live in Lagos, Nigeria

Blogs: 16
