All posts by Roselyne Makena
How To Use Waits In Selenium Ruby
The wait command in Selenium Ruby is a powerful tool that allows for a high level of control over the test execution.
January 16, 2023
20 Min Read
How To Maximize Browser In Selenium Ruby
As testers, we’ve probably all encountered bugs that occur when a browser is resized. Although many browsers nowadays have improved the quality of their resizable windows, I am sure every tester should know how to create a resizable window on purpose while performing automation testing.
July 25, 2022
14 Min Read
How To Implement Data Tables In Cucumber Using Selenium Ruby
Data tables can be used when you have data in a range of cells and want to iterate over the cells in order.
July 6, 2022
25 Min Read
• Selenium Ruby • Automation • Tutorial
Getting Started With Automation Testing Using Selenium Ruby
Ruby is a programming language which is well suitable for web automation. Ruby makes an excellent choice because of its clean syntax, focus on built-in library integrations, and an active community.
June 8, 2022
19 Min Read