All posts by Mirza Sisictester

About Mirza Sisictester

Mirza has always been a technology geek, helping friends and family with computer-related issues. Started in tech support and moved to software testing. Mirza worked as a freelance web developer for a while as well. When he’s not sharing memes online Mirza is usually learning new things, writing posts for his blog, and being an active member of the testing community. His site:

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Blogs: 4

Thought Leadership

Test Execution Time – why is it important and how can we speed it up?

As the complexity of our system under test increases, it will likely mean the number of our tests will keep growing exponentially. Large test suites mean longer test execution times.

April 27, 2023

view count17325 Views

Read time11 Min Read

Let's Explore how Agile Architecture Spikes are used in Shift-Left BDD

Thought Leadership

Let’s Explore how Agile Architecture Spikes are used in Shift-Left BDD

An Architecture Spike in Agile methodologies usually implies a software development method, which originates in the Extreme Programming offshoot of Agile. It boils down to determining how much effort is needed to solve a particular problem or to discover a workaround for an existing software issue

October 10, 2022

view count9930 Views

Read time6 Min Read

Make e2e Testing Easier With the right tools

Thought Leadership

Make e2e Testing Easier With the Right Tools

End-to-end (e2e further in the text) testing is immensely important since there are issues that can only be discovered while testing the system as a whole, testing it from one end to another.

August 18, 2022

view count12338 Views

Read time12 Min Read

Understanding test automation for junior testers

Thought Leadership

Understanding what is required to start with test automation for junior testers

Software releases have become faster than ever before. They are adding new features, quicker response to defects, especially those found in production, and what not!

June 8, 2022

view count15225 Views

Read time4 Min Read