All posts by Idowu (Paul) Omisola
• Selenium Python • Automation • Tutorial
How to Generate pytest Code Coverage Report
Code coverage is a metric to describe the degree to which the source code of an application is tested by a particular test suite. In the context of test automation, you can use different programming languages to measure code coverage, such as Python.
July 2, 2024
16 Min Read
• Selenium Python • Automation • Tutorial
How To Execute JavaScript In Selenium Python
Directly accessing the DOM through JavaScript gives you the upper hand in testing dynamic websites. As an automation testing engineer, you are automating the testing of a dynamic web application, and you encounter a scenario where Selenium’s standard methods fall short.
December 12, 2023
29 Min Read
• Selenium Python • Automation • Tutorial
How To Check If An Element Exists In Python Selenium
The content of a dynamic web page is changeable, which can change with each request or session as the database is updated. This can lead to automation test failures when using tools like Selenium.
October 27, 2023
22 Min Read
How To Press Enter Without WebElement In Selenium Python
The Selenium WebDriver is an indispensable testing framework with many interactive features for automating web actions. However, the standard WebDriver methods of interacting with a web page may sometimes need to be revised to test specific features.
July 21, 2023
25 Min Read
Pytest Django Tutorial: Testing Your Django Apps With Selenium Pytest
Django reduces the development complexities of large-scale websites. But when developing a website with Django, UI automation testing is as essential as unit testing.
April 5, 2023
28 Min Read
• Playwright Testing • Tutorial
Playwright Python Tutorial: Getting Started With Python End To End Testing
It’s essential to test all components of your website to see if they work as expected. Playwright’s end to end testing capability helps you achieve this easily. However, if you’re comfortable using Python, you can pair it with the Playwright testing framework to run Python end to end testing on your website.
September 6, 2022
31 Min Read