All posts by Hamid Akhtar
• Cross Browser Testing • Selenium Tutorial • Testing Strategies
How To Implement A QA Pipeline Within CI/CD Framework
The obsolete conventional methods of software developments were not taking over the escalated market trends, and those methods lacked solutions for the increased demand of quick software release that introduced the “Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD)”.
June 24, 2019
25 Min Read
• Cross Browser Testing • Manual Testing • Web Development
The Why & How To Create A Front-End Website Testing Plan
This article is a part of our Content Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on Cross Browser Testing Tutorial. Undoubtedly, weak testing phase is going to impact SDLC — and clients may change the perception and place lesser importance in future services. With all the constraints, you need to worry about … Continue reading The Why & How To Create A Front-End Website Testing Plan
May 23, 2019
24 Min Read
Importance of HTML Semantic Tags In Modern Web Development
When your HTML code starts interacting with the browser, the tags which have specific information on what to do and how to do are called HTML semantic tags. As a developer, you are an advocate of the code you plan to write.
May 13, 2019
18 Min Read