All posts by David Tzemach
Agile Development Best Practices for Determining What to Automate
Agile teams will not prosper if they don’t use frameworks to automate various development processes, including tests, builds, test environments, etc. Understanding that the primary goal of all agile teams is to successfully deliver real value to the customer
March 4, 2024
8 Min Read
Common Challenges in Continuous Testing and How to Overcome Them
Today’s software industry is much more complicated than it was in the past. It is evident in almost every aspect of customer demands, fierce corporate rivalry, and, of course, global changes that directly affect this market.
March 21, 2023
10 Min Read
How Continuous Testing Can Improve DevOps Efficiency
What is DevOps? The best way for businesses to accelerate the pace, efficiency, and quality of their development pipeline is through DevOps.
March 15, 2023
9 Min Read
Making the Switch to Agile Testing
Sometimes test teams may be perplexed about how to switch to agile. If you work on such a team, you almost certainly have manual regression tests, both because you’ve never had the time to automate them or because you test from the UI, and it does not make logical sense to automate them.
January 17, 2023
7 Min Read
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Testers
Stephen R. Covey’s book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, which was first published in 1989, has helped countless people create positive habits that would enable them to achieve interdependent effectiveness in their personal and professional lives.
January 16, 2023
6 Min Read
Test managers, start managing now!
Some things in life are immutable. For example, we will only live to reach 120 years old. It is possible but extremely unlikely. Another guarantee is that testing will be squeezed into the schedule.
January 11, 2023
6 Min Read
Making the Most of Your Testing Resources
Even successful businesses are cutting back in today’s global recession. Some companies are slowing their expansion, while others are cutting their employment. Testing firms will almost certainly be targeted as firms consider ways to save costs.
January 11, 2023
6 Min Read
Why Agile Teams Have to Understand How to Analyze and Make adjustments
How do we acquire knowledge? This is one of the seemingly basic but critical questions you and your team members must ask and consider. We are experts; therefore, we understand why we study and what we should learn. However, many of us do not give enough thought to how we learn.
December 28, 2022
6 Min Read
Getting Rid of Technical Debt in Agile Projects
Technical debt was originally defined as code restructuring, but in today’s fast-paced software delivery environment, it has evolved. Technical debt may be anything that the software development team puts off for later, such as ineffective code, unfixed defects,
December 27, 2022
8 Min Read
Why Agile Is Great for Your Business
Agile project management is a great alternative to traditional methods, to address the customer’s needs and the delivery of business value from the beginning of the project. This blog describes the main benefits of Agile for both the customer and the business.
December 22, 2022
5 Min Read