All posts by Ashok Kumar
Improving Software Testing Efficiency: How Test Analytics and Prioritization Work Together for Better Quality
Introduction Test Analytics and Test Prioritization are integral components of modern software testing methodologies. They enable organizations to streamline their testing processes, allocate resources efficiently, and deliver higher-quality software products.
October 5, 2023
9 Min Read
Maximizing Testing Efficiency with the Right Tools: A Business Leader’s Guide
Introduction To achieve successful testing outcomes, organizations rely on a wide array of tools that automate and streamline the testing process. However, with a plethora of continuous testing tools available in the market, selecting the right testing tool and UI automated testing tool for your unique business requirements can be a daunting task.
August 1, 2023
7 Min Read
What critical technical skills must CXOs drive in their organizations to successfully implement continuous quality testing?
Continuous Testing is the process of executing testing as part of the software delivery pipeline to obtain feedback on the business risks associated with a software release. From a CXO perspective, continuous testing is simply about ensuring the product can provide a delightful customer experience.
May 30, 2023
12 Min Read