All posts by Arnab Roy Chowdhury
What is Verification and Validation in Software Testing?
Verification and Validation, both are important testing activities that collectively define all the mandatory testing activities a tester along with the entire team needs to perform when you are developing a website for either your organization or for the client.
May 6, 2019
15 Min Read
• Automation • Web Development
9 Best PHP Frameworks In 2023 For Test Automation
PHP is one of the most popular scripting languages used for server-side web development. It is used by multiple organizations, especially for content management sites like WordPress. If you are thinking about developing a web application using PHP,
April 9, 2019
19 Min Read
What I Learned While Moving From Waterfall To Agile Testing?
I still remember the day when our delivery manager announced that from the next phase, the project is going to be Agile. After attending some training and doing some online research, I realized that as a traditional tester
March 22, 2019
13 Min Read
Top 5 Java Testing Frameworks For Automation In 2019
For decades, Java has been the most preferred programming language for developing the server side layer of an application. Although JUnit has been there with the developers for helping them in automated unit testing, with time and the evolution of testing,
March 18, 2019
14 Min Read
• Automation • Manual Testing • Testing Strategies
24 Things You Might Be Doing Wrong In Website Testing!
Website testing sounds simple, yet is complex, based on the nature of the website. Testing a single webpage is simple and can be done manually. But with the nature of web applications becoming complex day by day
February 14, 2019
18 Min Read
Metrics & Challenges For Testing Streaming Applications In 2019
Streaming rich media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From watching tutorials on YouTube, Udemy etc. to playing RPGs(Role-Playing Games) on the internet, a major percentage of internet traffic nowadays
February 6, 2019
3 Min Read
Why Information Architecture In UX Process Is A Necessity?
Conveying information through your website is a sensitive and critical task. Your web application may have a lot to convey but if you don’t structure the content well enough, then the information is going to lash back at you with
February 4, 2019
21 Min Read
• DevOps • Manual Testing • Miscellaneous • Testing Strategies
How Code Reviewing Can Help With Quality Assurance?
Being in the software industry you may have often heard the term code review. However, the concept of code reviewing is often misunderstood. Often it is overlooked in the software development life cycle as people feel
January 28, 2019
15 Min Read
• Automation • Cross Browser Testing
Why Selenium WebDriver Should Be Your First Choice for Automation Testing
Developed in 2004 by Thoughtworks for internal usage, Selenium is a widely used tool for automated testing of web applications. Initially, Selenium IDE(Integrated Development Environment) was being used by
January 24, 2019
10 Min Read
Why Understanding Regression Defects Is Important For Your Next Release
‘Regression’ a word that is thought of with a lot of pain by software testers around the globe. We are aware of how mentally taxing yet indispensable Regression testing can be for a release window. Sometimes, we even
January 21, 2019
10 Min Read