Best JavaScript code snippet using qawolf
Source: index.js
1'use strict';var _slicedToArray = function () {function sliceIterator(arr, i) {var _arr = [];var _n = true;var _d = false;var _e = undefined;try {for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) {_arr.push(_s.value);if (i && _arr.length === i) break;}} catch (err) {_d = true;_e = err;} finally {try {if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"]();} finally {if (_d) throw _e;}}return _arr;}return function (arr, i) {if (Array.isArray(arr)) {return arr;} else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) {return sliceIterator(arr, i);} else {throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");}};}();2const path = require('path'); /**3 * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.4 *5 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the6 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant7 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.8 *9 * 10 */const HasteMap = require('jest-haste-map');const Resolver = require('jest-resolve');var _require = require('jest-util');const createDirectory = _require.createDirectory;var _require2 = require('jest-regex-util');const escapePathForRegex = _require2.escapePathForRegex;const fs = require('graceful-fs');const stripBOM = require('strip-bom');const ScriptTransformer = require('./ScriptTransformer');11const shouldInstrument = require('./shouldInstrument');12const NODE_MODULES = path.sep + 'node_modules' + path.sep;13const SNAPSHOT_EXTENSION = 'snap';14const getModuleNameMapper = config => {15 if (16 Array.isArray(config.moduleNameMapper) &&17 config.moduleNameMapper.length)18 {19 return => {var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2);let regex = _ref2[0],moduleName = _ref2[1];20 return { moduleName, regex: new RegExp(regex) };21 });22 }23 return null;24};25const mockParentModule = {26 exports: {},27 filename: 'mock.js',28 id: 'mockParent' };29const unmockRegExpCache = new WeakMap();30class Runtime {31 constructor(32 config,33 environment,34 resolver,35 cacheFS,36 coverageOptions)37 {38 this._cacheFS = cacheFS || Object.create(null);39 this._config = config;40 this._coverageOptions = coverageOptions || {41 collectCoverage: false,42 collectCoverageFrom: [],43 collectCoverageOnlyFrom: null,44 mapCoverage: false };45 this._currentlyExecutingModulePath = '';46 this._environment = environment;47 this._explicitShouldMock = Object.create(null);48 this._internalModuleRegistry = Object.create(null);49 this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock = null;50 this._mockFactories = Object.create(null);51 this._mockRegistry = Object.create(null);52 this._moduleMocker = this._environment.moduleMocker;53 this._moduleRegistry = Object.create(null);54 this._resolver = resolver;55 this._scriptTransformer = new ScriptTransformer(config);56 this._shouldAutoMock = config.automock;57 this._sourceMapRegistry = Object.create(null);58 this._virtualMocks = Object.create(null);59 this._mockMetaDataCache = Object.create(null);60 this._shouldMockModuleCache = Object.create(null);61 this._shouldUnmockTransitiveDependenciesCache = Object.create(null);62 this._transitiveShouldMock = Object.create(null);63 this._unmockList = unmockRegExpCache.get(config);64 if (!this._unmockList && config.unmockedModulePathPatterns) {65 this._unmockList = new RegExp(66 config.unmockedModulePathPatterns.join('|'));67 unmockRegExpCache.set(config, this._unmockList);68 }69 if (config.automock) {70 config.setupFiles.forEach(filePath => {71 if (filePath && filePath.includes(NODE_MODULES)) {72 const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(73 this._virtualMocks,74 filePath);75 this._transitiveShouldMock[moduleID] = false;76 }77 });78 }79 this.resetModules();80 if (config.setupFiles.length) {81 for (let i = 0; i < config.setupFiles.length; i++) {82 this.requireModule(config.setupFiles[i]);83 }84 }85 }86 static shouldInstrument(87 filename,88 options,89 config)90 {91 return shouldInstrument(92 filename,93 {94 collectCoverage: options.collectCoverage,95 collectCoverageFrom: options.collectCoverageFrom,96 collectCoverageOnlyFrom: options.collectCoverageOnlyFrom,97 mapCoverage: options.mapCoverage },98 config);99 }100 static createContext(101 config,102 options)103 {104 createDirectory(config.cacheDirectory);105 const instance = Runtime.createHasteMap(config, {106 console: options.console,107 maxWorkers: options.maxWorkers,108 resetCache: !config.cache,109 watch:,110 watchman: options.watchman });111 return hasteMap => ({113 config,114 hasteFS: hasteMap.hasteFS,115 moduleMap: hasteMap.moduleMap,116 resolver: Runtime.createResolver(config, hasteMap.moduleMap) }),117 error => {118 throw error;119 });120 }121 static createHasteMap(122 config,123 options)124 {125 const ignorePattern = new RegExp(126 [config.cacheDirectory].concat(config.modulePathIgnorePatterns).join('|'));127 return new HasteMap({128 cacheDirectory: config.cacheDirectory,129 console: options && options.console,130 extensions: [SNAPSHOT_EXTENSION].concat(config.moduleFileExtensions),131 hasteImplModulePath: config.haste.hasteImplModulePath,132 ignorePattern,133 maxWorkers: options && options.maxWorkers || 1,134 mocksPattern: escapePathForRegex(path.sep + '__mocks__' + path.sep),135 name:,136 platforms: config.haste.platforms || ['ios', 'android'],137 providesModuleNodeModules: config.haste.providesModuleNodeModules,138 resetCache: options && options.resetCache,139 retainAllFiles: false,140 roots: config.roots,141 useWatchman: options && options.watchman,142 watch: options && });143 }144 static createResolver(config, moduleMap) {145 return new Resolver(moduleMap, {146 browser: config.browser,147 defaultPlatform: config.haste.defaultPlatform,148 extensions: => '.' + extension),149 hasCoreModules: true,150 moduleDirectories: config.moduleDirectories,151 moduleNameMapper: getModuleNameMapper(config),152 modulePaths: config.modulePaths,153 platforms: config.haste.platforms,154 resolver: config.resolver });155 }156 static runCLI(args, info) {157 return require('./cli').run(args, info);158 }159 static getCLIOptions() {160 return require('./cli/args').options;161 }162 requireModule(163 from,164 moduleName,165 options)166 {167 const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(168 this._virtualMocks,169 from,170 moduleName);171 let modulePath;172 const moduleRegistry = !options || !options.isInternalModule ?173 this._moduleRegistry :174 this._internalModuleRegistry;175 // Some old tests rely on this mocking behavior. Ideally we'll change this176 // to be more explicit.177 const moduleResource = moduleName && this._resolver.getModule(moduleName);178 const manualMock =179 moduleName && this._resolver.getMockModule(from, moduleName);180 if (181 (!options || !options.isInternalModule) &&182 !moduleResource &&183 manualMock &&184 manualMock !== this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock &&185 this._explicitShouldMock[moduleID] !== false)186 {187 modulePath = manualMock;188 }189 if (moduleName && this._resolver.isCoreModule(moduleName)) {190 // $FlowFixMe191 return require(moduleName);192 }193 if (!modulePath) {194 modulePath = this._resolveModule(from, moduleName);195 }196 if (!moduleRegistry[modulePath]) {197 // We must register the pre-allocated module object first so that any198 // circular dependencies that may arise while evaluating the module can199 // be satisfied.200 const localModule = {201 exports: {},202 filename: modulePath,203 id: modulePath };204 moduleRegistry[modulePath] = localModule;205 if (path.extname(modulePath) === '.json') {206 localModule.exports = stripBOM(fs.readFileSync(modulePath, 'utf8')));208 } else if (path.extname(modulePath) === '.node') {209 // $FlowFixMe210 localModule.exports = require(modulePath);211 } else {212 this._execModule(localModule, options);213 }214 }215 return moduleRegistry[modulePath].exports;216 }217 requireInternalModule(from, to) {218 return this.requireModule(from, to, { isInternalModule: true });219 }220 requireMock(from, moduleName) {221 const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(222 this._virtualMocks,223 from,224 moduleName);225 if (this._mockRegistry[moduleID]) {226 return this._mockRegistry[moduleID];227 }228 if (moduleID in this._mockFactories) {229 return this._mockRegistry[moduleID] = this._mockFactories[moduleID]();230 }231 let manualMock = this._resolver.getMockModule(from, moduleName);232 let modulePath;233 if (manualMock) {234 modulePath = this._resolveModule(from, manualMock);235 } else {236 modulePath = this._resolveModule(from, moduleName);237 // If the actual module file has a __mocks__ dir sitting immediately next238 // to it, look to see if there is a manual mock for this file.239 //240 // subDir1/MyModule.js241 // subDir1/__mocks__/MyModule.js242 // subDir2/MyModule.js243 // subDir2/__mocks__/MyModule.js244 //245 // Where some other module does a relative require into each of the246 // respective subDir{1,2} directories and expects a manual mock247 // corresponding to that particular MyModule.js file.248 const moduleDir = path.dirname(modulePath);249 const moduleFileName = path.basename(modulePath);250 const potentialManualMock = path.join(251 moduleDir,252 '__mocks__',253 moduleFileName);254 if (fs.existsSync(potentialManualMock)) {255 manualMock = true;256 modulePath = potentialManualMock;257 }258 }259 if (manualMock) {260 const localModule = {261 exports: {},262 filename: modulePath,263 id: modulePath };264 this._execModule(localModule);265 this._mockRegistry[moduleID] = localModule.exports;266 } else {267 // Look for a real module to generate an automock from268 this._mockRegistry[moduleID] = this._generateMock(from, moduleName);269 }270 return this._mockRegistry[moduleID];271 }272 requireModuleOrMock(from, moduleName) {273 if (this._shouldMock(from, moduleName)) {274 return this.requireMock(from, moduleName);275 } else {276 return this.requireModule(from, moduleName);277 }278 }279 resetModules() {280 this._mockRegistry = Object.create(null);281 this._moduleRegistry = Object.create(null);282 if (this._environment && {283 const envGlobal =;284 Object.keys(envGlobal).forEach(key => {285 const globalMock = envGlobal[key];286 if (287 typeof globalMock === 'object' && globalMock !== null ||288 typeof globalMock === 'function')289 {290 globalMock._isMockFunction && globalMock.mockClear();291 }292 });293 if (envGlobal.mockClearTimers) {294 envGlobal.mockClearTimers();295 }296 }297 }298 getAllCoverageInfo() {299 return;300 }301 getSourceMapInfo() {302 return Object.keys(this._sourceMapRegistry).reduce((result, sourcePath) => {303 if (fs.existsSync(this._sourceMapRegistry[sourcePath])) {304 result[sourcePath] = this._sourceMapRegistry[sourcePath];305 }306 return result;307 }, {});308 }309 setMock(310 from,311 moduleName,312 mockFactory,313 options)314 {315 if (options && options.virtual) {316 const mockPath = this._resolver.getModulePath(from, moduleName);317 this._virtualMocks[mockPath] = true;318 }319 const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(320 this._virtualMocks,321 from,322 moduleName);323 this._explicitShouldMock[moduleID] = true;324 this._mockFactories[moduleID] = mockFactory;325 }326 resetAllMocks() {327 this._moduleMocker.resetAllMocks();328 }329 clearAllMocks() {330 this._moduleMocker.clearAllMocks();331 }332 _resolveModule(from, to) {333 return to ? this._resolver.resolveModule(from, to) : from;334 }335 _execModule(localModule, options) {336 // If the environment was disposed, prevent this module from being executed.337 if (! {338 return;339 }340 const isInternalModule = !!(options && options.isInternalModule);341 const filename = localModule.filename;342 const lastExecutingModulePath = this._currentlyExecutingModulePath;343 this._currentlyExecutingModulePath = filename;344 const origCurrExecutingManualMock = this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock;345 this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock = filename;346 const dirname = path.dirname(filename);347 localModule.children = [];348 localModule.parent = mockParentModule;349 localModule.paths = this._resolver.getModulePaths(dirname);350 localModule.require = this._createRequireImplementation(filename, options);351 const transformedFile = this._scriptTransformer.transform(352 filename,353 {354 collectCoverage: this._coverageOptions.collectCoverage,355 collectCoverageFrom: this._coverageOptions.collectCoverageFrom,356 collectCoverageOnlyFrom: this._coverageOptions.collectCoverageOnlyFrom,357 isInternalModule,358 mapCoverage: this._coverageOptions.mapCoverage },359 this._cacheFS[filename]);360 if (transformedFile.sourceMapPath) {361 this._sourceMapRegistry[filename] = transformedFile.sourceMapPath;362 }363 const wrapper = this._environment.runScript(transformedFile.script)[364 ScriptTransformer.EVAL_RESULT_VARIABLE];365 localModule.exports, // module context367 localModule, // module object368 localModule.exports, // module exports369 localModule.require, // require implementation370 dirname, // __dirname371 filename, // __filename372, // global object373 this._createRuntimeFor(filename));374 this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock = origCurrExecutingManualMock;375 this._currentlyExecutingModulePath = lastExecutingModulePath;376 }377 _generateMock(from, moduleName) {378 const modulePath = this._resolveModule(from, moduleName);379 if (!(modulePath in this._mockMetaDataCache)) {380 // This allows us to handle circular dependencies while generating an381 // automock382 this._mockMetaDataCache[modulePath] = this._moduleMocker.getMetadata(383 {});384 // In order to avoid it being possible for automocking to potentially385 // cause side-effects within the module environment, we need to execute386 // the module in isolation. This could cause issues if the module being387 // mocked has calls into side-effectful APIs on another module.388 const origMockRegistry = this._mockRegistry;389 const origModuleRegistry = this._moduleRegistry;390 this._mockRegistry = Object.create(null);391 this._moduleRegistry = Object.create(null);392 const moduleExports = this.requireModule(from, moduleName);393 // Restore the "real" module/mock registries394 this._mockRegistry = origMockRegistry;395 this._moduleRegistry = origModuleRegistry;396 const mockMetadata = this._moduleMocker.getMetadata(moduleExports);397 if (mockMetadata == null) {398 throw new Error(399 `Failed to get mock metadata: ${modulePath}\n\n` +400 `See:`);401 }402 this._mockMetaDataCache[modulePath] = mockMetadata;403 }404 return this._moduleMocker.generateFromMetadata(405 this._mockMetaDataCache[modulePath]);406 }407 _shouldMock(from, moduleName) {408 const mockPath = this._resolver.getModulePath(from, moduleName);409 if (mockPath in this._virtualMocks) {410 return true;411 }412 const explicitShouldMock = this._explicitShouldMock;413 const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(414 this._virtualMocks,415 from,416 moduleName);417 const key = from + path.delimiter + moduleID;418 if (moduleID in explicitShouldMock) {419 return explicitShouldMock[moduleID];420 }421 if (422 !this._shouldAutoMock ||423 this._resolver.isCoreModule(moduleName) ||424 this._shouldUnmockTransitiveDependenciesCache[key])425 {426 return false;427 }428 if (moduleID in this._shouldMockModuleCache) {429 return this._shouldMockModuleCache[moduleID];430 }431 let modulePath;432 try {433 modulePath = this._resolveModule(from, moduleName);434 } catch (e) {435 const manualMock = this._resolver.getMockModule(from, moduleName);436 if (manualMock) {437 this._shouldMockModuleCache[moduleID] = true;438 return true;439 }440 throw e;441 }442 if (this._unmockList && this._unmockList.test(modulePath)) {443 this._shouldMockModuleCache[moduleID] = false;444 return false;445 }446 // transitive unmocking for package managers that store flat packages (npm3)447 const currentModuleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(448 this._virtualMocks,449 from);450 if (451 this._transitiveShouldMock[currentModuleID] === false ||452 from.includes(NODE_MODULES) &&453 modulePath.includes(NODE_MODULES) && (454 this._unmockList && this._unmockList.test(from) ||455 explicitShouldMock[currentModuleID] === false))456 {457 this._transitiveShouldMock[moduleID] = false;458 this._shouldUnmockTransitiveDependenciesCache[key] = true;459 return false;460 }461 return this._shouldMockModuleCache[moduleID] = true;462 }463 _createRequireImplementation(from, options) {464 const moduleRequire = options && options.isInternalModule ?465 moduleName => this.requireInternalModule(from, moduleName) :466 this.requireModuleOrMock.bind(this, from);467 moduleRequire.cache = Object.create(null);468 moduleRequire.extensions = Object.create(null);469 moduleRequire.requireActual = this.requireModule.bind(this, from);470 moduleRequire.requireMock = this.requireMock.bind(this, from);471 moduleRequire.resolve = moduleName => this._resolveModule(from, moduleName);472 return moduleRequire;473 }474 _createRuntimeFor(from) {475 const disableAutomock = () => {476 this._shouldAutoMock = false;477 return runtime;478 };479 const enableAutomock = () => {480 this._shouldAutoMock = true;481 return runtime;482 };483 const unmock = moduleName => {484 const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(485 this._virtualMocks,486 from,487 moduleName);488 this._explicitShouldMock[moduleID] = false;489 return runtime;490 };491 const deepUnmock = moduleName => {492 const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(493 this._virtualMocks,494 from,495 moduleName);496 this._explicitShouldMock[moduleID] = false;497 this._transitiveShouldMock[moduleID] = false;498 return runtime;499 };500 const mock = (501 moduleName,502 mockFactory,503 options) =>504 {505 if (mockFactory !== undefined) {506 return setMockFactory(moduleName, mockFactory, options);507 }508 const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(509 this._virtualMocks,510 from,511 moduleName);512 this._explicitShouldMock[moduleID] = true;513 return runtime;514 };515 const setMockFactory = (moduleName, mockFactory, options) => {516 this.setMock(from, moduleName, mockFactory, options);517 return runtime;518 };519 const clearAllMocks = () => {520 this.clearAllMocks();521 return runtime;522 };523 const resetAllMocks = () => {524 this.resetAllMocks();525 return runtime;526 };527 const useFakeTimers = () => {528 this._environment.fakeTimers.useFakeTimers();529 return runtime;530 };531 const useRealTimers = () => {532 this._environment.fakeTimers.useRealTimers();533 return runtime;534 };535 const resetModules = () => {536 this.resetModules();537 return runtime;538 };539 const fn = this._moduleMocker.fn.bind(this._moduleMocker);540 const spyOn = this._moduleMocker.spyOn.bind(this._moduleMocker);541 const runtime = {542 addMatchers: matchers =>543,544 autoMockOff: disableAutomock,545 autoMockOn: enableAutomock,546 clearAllMocks,547 clearAllTimers: () => this._environment.fakeTimers.clearAllTimers(),548 deepUnmock,549 disableAutomock,550 doMock: mock,551 dontMock: unmock,552 enableAutomock,553 fn,554 genMockFn: fn,555 genMockFromModule: moduleName =>556 this._generateMock(from, moduleName),557 genMockFunction: fn,558 isMockFunction: this._moduleMocker.isMockFunction,559 mock,560 resetAllMocks,561 resetModuleRegistry: resetModules,562 resetModules,563 runAllImmediates: () => this._environment.fakeTimers.runAllImmediates(),564 runAllTicks: () => this._environment.fakeTimers.runAllTicks(),565 runAllTimers: () => this._environment.fakeTimers.runAllTimers(),566 runOnlyPendingTimers: () =>567 this._environment.fakeTimers.runOnlyPendingTimers(),568 runTimersToTime: msToRun =>569 this._environment.fakeTimers.runTimersToTime(msToRun),570 setMock: (moduleName, mock) =>571 setMockFactory(moduleName, () => mock),572 spyOn,573 unmock,574 useFakeTimers,575 useRealTimers };576 return runtime;577 }}578Runtime.ScriptTransformer = ScriptTransformer;...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { _environment } = require('qawolf');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await, async () => {8 await'input[name="q"]');9 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Hello world');10 await'text=Google Search');11 await page.waitForSelector('text=Hello world');12 });13 await browser.close();14})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { run } = require("qawolf");2const { chromium } = require("playwright");3const browser = await chromium.launch();4const context = await browser.newContext();5const page = await context.newPage();6});7await browser.close();
Using AI Code Generation
1const qawolf = require("qawolf");2const browser = await qawolf.launch();3const context = await browser.newContext();4const page = await context.newPage();5await qawolf.register(page);6const { _environment } = require("qawolf");7const { getBase } = require("@qawolf/web");8const { launch, register } = require("qawolf");9const { _environment } = require("qawolf");10const { getBase } = require("@qawolf/web");11const { launch, register } = require("qawolf");12const qawolf = require("qawolf");13const browser = await qawolf.launch();14const context = await browser.newContext();15const page = await context.newPage();16await qawolf.register(page);17const { _environment } = require("qawolf");18const { getBase } = require("@qawolf/web");19const { launch, register } = require("qawolf");20const { _environment } = require("qawolf");21const { getBase } = require("@qawolf/web");22const { launch, register } = require("qawolf");23const qawolf = require("qawolf");24const browser = await qawolf.launch();25const context = await browser.newContext();26const page = await context.newPage();27await qawolf.register(page);28const { _environment } = require("qawolf");29const { getBase } = require("@qawolf/web");30const { launch, register } = require("qawolf");31const qawolf = require("qawolf");32const browser = await qawolf.launch();33const context = await browser.newContext();34const page = await context.newPage();35await qawolf.register(page);36const { _environment } = require("qawolf");37const { getBase } = require("@qawolf/web");38const { launch, register } = require("qawolf");39const qawolf = require("qawolf");40const browser = await qawolf.launch();41const context = await browser.newContext();
Using AI Code Generation
1const qawolf = require("qawolf");2const { chromium } = require("playwright");3const options = {4 launchOptions: {5 },6};7(async () => {8 const browser = await chromium.launch(options.launchOptions);9 const context = await browser.newContext();10 const environment = await qawolf.create({11 });12 await () => {13 const page = await context.newPage();14 await page.fill("input[type=text]", "hello");15 });16 await browser.close();17})();18const qawolf = require("qawolf");19const options = {20 launchOptions: {21 },22};23(async () => {24 const { browser, context } = await qawolf.launch(options);25 await () => {26 const page = await context.newPage();27 await page.fill("input[type=text]", "hello");28 });29 await browser.close();30})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { launch } = require("qawolf");2await context.type("#tsf > div:nth-child(2) > div > div.RNNXgb > div > div.a4bIc > input", "hello world");3await context.close();4const { launch } = require("qawolf");5await context.type("#tsf > div:nth-child(2) > div > div.RNNXgb > div > div.a4bIc > input", "hello world");6await context.close();7const { launch } = require("qawolf");8await context.type("#tsf > div:nth-child(2) > div > div.RNNXgb > div > div.a4bIc > input", "hello world");9await context.close();10const { launch } = require("qawolf");11await context.type("#tsf > div:nth-child(2) > div > div.RNNXgb > div > div.a4bIc > input", "hello world");12await context.close();13const { launch } = require("qawolf");14await context.type("#tsf > div:nth-child(2) > div > div.RNNXgb > div > div.a4bIc > input", "hello world");15await context.close();16const { launch } = require("qawolf");17await context.type("#tsf > div:nth-child(2) > div > div.RNNXgb > div > div.a4
Using AI Code Generation
1const { createBrowser } = require('qawolf');2const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');3test.describe('test', () => {4 test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {5 this._browser = await createBrowser();6 this._context = await this._browser.newContext();7 this._page = await this._context.newPage();8 });9 test.afterEach(async () => {10 await this._browser.close();11 });12 test('test', async () => {13 const context = await this._environment.context();14 const page = await context.newPage();15 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'hola');16 await'input[name="q"]', 'Enter');17 await page.waitForSelector('text="Hola - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre"');18 await'text="Hola - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre"');19 await page.waitForSelector('text="Hola (saludo)"');20 await'text="Hola (s
Using AI Code Generation
1const { launch } = require('qawolf');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test.describe('Test', function () {4 let browser;5 let page;6 test.beforeAll(async () => {7 page = await browser.newPage();8 });9 test.afterAll(async () => {10 await browser.close();11 });12 test('test', async () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { run } = require('qawolf');2const selectors = require('../selectors/test');3describe('test', () => {4 let browser;5 beforeAll(async () => {6 browser = await run();7 });8 afterAll(async () => {9 await browser.close();10 });11 it('test', async () => {12 const page = await browser.newPage();13 await;14 await page.type(selectors.searchBox, 'test');15 await;16 await page.waitForSelector(selectors.searchResult);17 });18});19module.exports = {20};
Using AI Code Generation
1const { test } = require('qawolf');2const selectors = require('../selectors/test');3test('Test', async (test) => {4 await test.step('Step 1', async () => {5 await () => {6 await;7 });8 });9});10module.exports = {11};12module.exports = {13};14const { test } = require('qawolf');15const selectors = require('../selectors/test');16test('Test', async (test) => {17 await test.step('Step 1', async () => {18 await () => {19 await;20 });21 });22});23module.exports = {24};25module.exports = {26};27const { test } = require('qawolf');28const selectors = require('../selectors/test');29test('Test', async (test) => {30 await test.step('Step 1', async () => {31 await () => {32 await;33 });34 });35});
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